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Благословенный шлем - Предмет - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от SteeveOfKalecgos
Drops off the Headless Horsemen who is summoned with the use of a quest. The quest starts after finishing the Hallow's End event in Goldshire, Kharanos, and Azure Watch (for Alliance). For horde it starts at Silvermoon, Brill, and Razor Hill. It is a level 70 5 Man boss in the Graveyard of Scarlet Monestary.There is no duration on the helmet and it looks exactly the same as Weighted Jack-o'-Lantern.
Комментарий от m3th
Anyone know what the quest is like? can it be solo'd by a 70 ?
Комментарий от NoobHunter
U cant solo it. its 70lvl 5 man Q in scarlet graveyard. Dam i want do that q ^^.
Комментарий от Blixd
can anyone report wheteher this has a duration
Комментарий от shiftykthx
There is no duration on this item :) just got it.
Комментарий от xenjuarn
does this or anyother blue drop from boss (not icnluding brooms) are addition to 1 epic ring or are they taking rings place?Комментарий от Veok
Since there is no level requirement on this item, if you can 4-man the boss, I'd say that it's a pretty cool helmet for a twink. There are better helm options, but this one would probably give the most "wow" factor. (no pun intended)Then again, 4-manning him can't be easy, and the item has a low drop chance. *shrug*
Комментарий от Rising69
This is a horrible item for a twink, Lucky Fishing Hat and Green Tinted Goggles are so much better.Комментарий от nightshard
This is a fun drop off the Headless Horseman (Lvl 70) Hallow's End quest for the seasonal event.Item has no limited duration and IS BOP.
Ran the event probably approximately 15 times today. There is a good write up on the basics on the fight on wowwiki, so I will not repeat it here, will wait for Wowhead to have the boss up to comment on. I will say however that DPS is a good thing, a healer is probably a must, and let the tank care of the adds! It's not a hard fight but there is a definite rhythm to the fight.
However, from what I observed, ONE of the 4 brooms drops every time. In addition to that, at least one of the 'elite' items will drop (we occassionally had two) including several rings (healy, spell damage, dps, etc) , a plate helm, a non-combat pet, and this hat. It's a FUN fight, really and easily repeated over and over again.
Комментарий от Celem
I ran this event last night and can confirm that he can drop multiple items in addition to the rings. We got epic broom, epic caster ring, epic plate helm and the hallowed helm all in 1 drop
Комментарий от Xeldar
Successfully tanked as a Holy paladin in +1800 healing 32% holy crit gear, also it was 3man with a warlock and a resto druid. Did it 9x.
Комментарий от kcmoore
thottbot ses this has a 8% drop from HH (headless horseman) iv seen this drop 4 times with my rogue well looking for the pet first 1 that droped i won lol. oh 1 more thing wowwiki ses that HH can be raided in a max grp of 25 ppl but iv only bin in 3 10-man raids lol.
Комментарий от XxAvalanchexX
Комментарий от thor24
maay box may
Комментарий от Nubrius
Basically a Permanent version of Weighted Jack-o-Lantern
Комментарий от Yuka2
Looks wicked on tauren
Комментарий от Rossogia
Did this as a Warrior/Rogue/Mage/Hunter 4 man team (we had a priest but she had to leave). Basicly if you have a solid Tank you can easily 4 man it, we lost like 2 people out of 5 kills (bad luck with DoT)And in response to what someone said earlier, the brooms are NOT guaranteed. We had several kills with just 1 Epic ring. I'd say about 50% for a broom.Комментарий от Hippert
This item is no longer just for fun, it now also has a use.http://www.wowhead.com/?achievement=292
It is part of an achievement.
Комментарий от Flapalapagus
Hell, I'm a destro lock with 9.5k hp and I tanked him throughout the entire fight. The tank just couldn't handle my 6k crits. That's how much of a pansy Thomas Thomson (the real name of the Headless Horseman) really is. I'm sure 4 manning him can't be any harder than trying to kill a rat naked with a pitchfork.
Комментарий от Runeskull
I'd say achievements were pretty fun too...
Комментарий от psychowax
5-manned this easy with a tank, healer, and 3 dps. everyone was level 70 except for me. I was lv 68. This boss is really easy if you know the fight, kill him then nuke his head.Hope that helps.Комментарий от Zulathar
This achievement is going to screw a lot of people in the long run. Both of the items required are dropping very to rarely. I suggest Blizzard should remove this achievement and replace it with something easier.This way a greater number of people can unlock the title "The Hollowed". A small percentage of players will do all the required achievements anyways. I can't see a lot of casual players visiting ever trick or treat spot in Azeroth and the Outlands...
I have slayed the headless horseman 40+ times (I "trick" people : /). I have seen the minion drop once and the cloth helm drop twice, lost all three rolls.
Voruk The Hollowed... sounds sexy doesn't it. :D
Комментарий от edenj
Agreed. Way too random to be tied to an achievement. It just doesn't make much sense to me. I've seen 2 drops in about 14 kills. Unless you run with the same group of 5 all the time your odds of seeing a drop *and* winning a roll are pretty flippin' slim.Комментарий от Complete
Update: 70 Runs on Headless Horseman4 - Sinister Squashling3 - Hallowed Helm1 - Horeseman's Reins
Комментарий от Caelir
As far as my results go, in about 64 runs, give or take 2 runs, I have seen these drop:5 Sinister Squashling,1 Hallowed Helm2 The Horseman's Blade0 MountsКомментарий от Queggy
"There's a hole for your head..."
Possibly a reference to the Babylon 5 saying: "There is a hole in your mind." ?
Комментарий от dinkinflicka
Even more possibly still, a reference to the fact that it's simply a giant pumpkin with a hole for your head....
Комментарий от kuruya
I just got this from the Trick or Treat innkeeper. Shame I already had it from HH himself
Комментарий от Loria
I also have just got the Hallowed Helm from treat bag. Only the 20masks achievement for me to go now :D
Комментарий от violetta
both the Hallowed Helm and Sinister Squashling can now be looted from trick or treating innkeepers. I believe this is a hotfix from 22/10 (or 10/21 for US I guess)
Комментарий от violetta
or even because Hallowed means "holy" and it has a hole
Комментарий от aleeg91
Violetta is right, i can confirm this, just check the screenshots of the item, i putted one myself. This item drops from Trick or Treat to any Innkeeper, and probably the Sinister Squashling may also drop.
Комментарий от Scorix
I just got the Hallowed Helm out of a Treat Bag after doing Trick or treat at an Innkeeper. It's not listed as a source here at Wowhead, but I have Wowhead Looter, so hopefully it will be soon.Комментарий от Voliand
I just got it from "Smash the Pumpkin" which is the followup of "Stop the Fires!" Opened my "Crudely Wrapped Gift" And the helm was the only content.
Комментарий от Gharr
It could be also contained in treat bag from inkeepers, my friend just got it... Dunno how low drop rate is, but...
Комментарий от udai
I'll just wanna say that I got this as loot in my treatbag from an innkeeper just 5 min ago, I was a little bit suprised when my Sinister Calling achivement flashed before my eyes. I'm so happy heheheКомментарий от dahajack
I earlier today (22/10/2008) got this sweet helmet from a Treat Bag on my bank-character :o
Комментарий от Kurasu
This can also be gained from Trick Or Treat bags, rather like the Squashling. A Guildmate just picked one up from basic trick or treating today.Комментарий от aksel97
I got it from the trick or treat on my Mailsender And NOT in my main serverIf u dont believe me check the armory Moonglade:Mailman
Комментарий от exploid
Just got this helm from a bag. To bad i have both the pet and the head
Комментарий от keroro15
Confirmed. Got it today 10/22 from ToT bagI had one already =(
Комментарий от raistt
Yea i got it off my lvl 63 alt from the innkeeper in org, so i cant even summon the horseman but i got a hallowed helm lol.
Комментарий от Kalx
Now my bank alt looks awesome using this + Tuxedo set =D
Комментарий от nimrodel
I just wanted to confirm that I got one of these from a Trick or Treat bag today much to my suprise. Roll on getting the pet the same way.!
Комментарий от Arzach
just found one in a "trick or treat" bag from SW innkeeper...
Комментарий от DoctorZ
trick or treat now offers this item too... finally
Комментарий от fsngnshiekfan
Wow I feel sorry for you, I've had it drop about 4 times and the pet drop about 5 in 20 kills and one of the rolls for the pet I won ^_^Комментарий от DrCuddles
Confirmed you can get both Helm and Pet off Trick or Treating :)Go me :D
Комментарий от dontbehatin45
in response to loria, you only need one mask, the 20 mask achievement is being taken out next patch
Комментарий от timROGERS
Confirmed. Had both on different characters. Drop rate seems reasonably high.Комментарий от Blakey
this has, in fact, recently been changed - the hallowed helm is now also on the loot table for trick-or-treating per the blue post here.
Комментарий от tarunloko
Just got it from a bagtoo bad i already have itgoing to try to get it on my bank char now
Комментарий от flare89
The sinister squashling cannot be obtained through the Trick or Treating. Can anyone confirm?Комментарий от bFusion
This seems to have a higher drop rate than the squashling. I ran it 5 times last night and got these drops:1) DPS Ring + Helm2) DPS Ring3) DPS Ring4) DPS Ring + Helm5) Caster Ring
Maybe we just had some bad luck.
Комментарий от bFusion
People have confirmed receiving a squashling through trick or treating at inns, check out the end of the comments thread on the item:http://wotlk.wowhead.com/?item=33154#comments
Комментарий от jackoroses
I can confirm the pet also will drop from the trick or treat bag as of this morning.One alt received the helm and another the pet.
Комментарий от flare89
Hoping to snag this in a bag or off the HH. Its all i need left for the title. But i have had no luck so far.
Комментарий от dragondeathgirl
MUST READ THIS! I got this helm with my lvl 40 out of a treat bag i was very lucky so goodluck trying to get it out of a treat bag :D
Комментарий от devvvour
Got it from the Treat Bag. Awesome!
Комментарий от mrroboto180
I just got this from a treat bag on my rogue
Комментарий от ghunt10
HH or the Inn keepers won't give me one. I've managed to get 1 squashling from HH and another 2 from Inn keepers. I'm ready to punch someone in the face.
Комментарий от ahhahh
Beleive it or not. This year you can actually obtain this item, in a "Treat Bag". Its not in the database for some reason. But i just got it on a level 7 warlock.
Комментарий от boulter94
Wicked helm! i got it in a Treat Bag that i got from the inn keeper in Undercity :D love it 20/20 Duro though gets damaged real easy! 3 armor :P
Комментарий от Crystina
Got this from a treat bag on my lvl 42 paladin.Would be fun roleplaying as an pumpkinhead! :P
Комментарий от kleppy57
sooo i utterly hated this helm because my lvl1 bank got 3 of the helms and my other toons didn't get one
Комментарий от Thakor
I think it's pretty terrible that this item is part of the title achievement. I trick or treated at least a hundred times, and downed the horseman numerous times, never saw it drop even once.Комментарий от LatiDoo
A guy on my server named Tomar, puts this on every night and runs around with this and the Picolo of Flaming Fire.http://www.wowhead.com/?item=13379 he wears nothing but a Loin cloth and these Items. http://www.wowhead.com/?item=27992 http://www.wowhead.com/?item=34486 http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44703ive yet to find out why, but it proves that alot of people use this item even when not in Season.it is a very fun helm, and i cannot wait to obtain it when Hallows End comes around!
Комментарий от Lousha
what's the point of this helm when we have the jack'o'lanterns? :Poh, i know what's the point. this helm lasts forever, and the lanterns dont :]Комментарий от Snowie
I know everyone thinks the achievment Sinister Calling is hard - but as of October 2nd 09 i just checkedthis helm is 1% from a Treat bag and the same with the petThis helm is now 7% from mr. Horse man and 5% for the pet from mr. Horseman
Edit: Typos and Mistakes
Комментарий от zephyranthes
For this event, everybody is going to farm my favorite Helm, and it won't be a rarity anymore :(Комментарий от Gandazar
Why would it be "safe to assume" that an item has exactly the same droprate from two completely different sources? Just look at things like the Orb of Deception, Black Tabby, Oozing Bag, etc., etc..They may very well turn out to have the same (or very similar) drop rates, but it's certainly not "safe to assume" that without solid data.
Комментарий от Rikketik
Too bad that it looks almost (if not completely) the same as those Weighted Jack-o'-Lanterns that get thrown at you thousand times a minute while standing in Dalaran. Or while LFG at SM, for that matter.
Комментарий от Imgamed
I got this on the first day of the event, i was gunna destroy it thinking it was a treat instead...but before i did i notice the blue title and kept it. I got it from one of the inn keepers, you can also get this as a rare drop after you kill the Headless Horesman (the lvl 60-70 quest) not when he is starting fires in the villages.
Комментарий от norscanhordes
And just for the record.... You do not get the achievement 'Sinister Calling' from trading this item from a party member. The correct description should read "Loot sinister squashling and hallowed helm"Комментарий от Porris
The text "There's a hole for your head..." could refer to Babylon 5.Embassador Kosh says to Commander Sinclair: "There is a hole in your mind..."
Комментарий от Sauze
I can confirm. You need to win the roll on the helm to get the achievement. We tried to trade it and the other people don't recieve the achievement.
Комментарий от Jasen
Why purge this? I laughed my head off when I remembered back. omg how can some1 possibly remember Babylon 5...
Комментарий от Dinkyy
Not everything in WoW is a reference. It also just seems...highly unlikely.Комментарий от fieryneko
I cannot confirm the running out and then back in trick yet, BUT, assuming you don't use that glitch:1) Whoever LEARNS (not receives) the Sinister Squashling gets credit for the achievement.2) Whoever FIRST LOOTS the Hallowed Helm gets credit for the achievement.
Edit: I just did the running out and back in trick with the Squashling, and it did NOT work. I do not know about the helm yet, but the pet is a bust.
Second Edit: My group just got the helm, and tried all of the suggestions currently listed on WoWhead (put it on, put it on and run outside and back in, put it on and log out, etc.), and I can now confirm that none of them work for this year. The winner of the roll gets the credit for that pumpkin, and once that occurs, nobody can get any credit for that pumpkin again, simple as that.
Комментарий от fulmetalmage
Sorry to lecture you but "hallow's End" comes from the proper pagan festival called "old hallows eve" which became comercialised and called "halloween" so nothing to do with being holy and what not.Комментарий от slashflex
well i've tried the trading part. Guildie won the roll, traded me the helm, i exited and re-entered, got sinister calling + hallowed be thy name meta-achievement, traded helm back to the guy, entered SM again and it said in yellow system message "You have lost the title "the Hallowed." - lolThe achievements are still completed but the title is gone from the list.. haha
edit: ugh, after a relog the achievements are no longer completed.. guess you need to loot the helm yourself after all :)
Комментарий от Gemily
It does in fact work for the helm! For me it was the last item for both the Sinister Achievement and "The Hallowed" but it didn't announce either in guild chat. But the achievement was there none-the-less.
Комментарий от CamperCarl00
unless there's some glitch you're finding yourself in, you cannot trade the hallowed helm and get the credit. I just tried it yesterday on an alt (one wasn't doing the achievement for and 3 squashlings and a helm dropped, talk about irony), and even put it on, but there was no indication of the achievement requirement being earned. So in reality, I think the helm may just be worse than the squashling since if someone fudges up and accidentally needs on it even though he has the achievement, there is no going back.Комментарий от Contagion21
"Furthermore, when you consider that when the items had 1 week out of four to be found, and they dropped enough times to create a droprate of about 1.5%, their droprate comes out to be roughly 5-6% when multiplied by four weeks, just like the rate from the Headless Horseman."
Somebody doesn't have a firm grasp of "drop rates", "percentages" and uh.. basic math.
Комментарий от MilknessDalvengy
Crudley wrapped gift can also contain Sinister Squashling. My brother got one. Too bad RIGHT BEFORE he got one from a Treat Bag. And I still need mine for my title. FML.
Комментарий от Snowie
This Information that i typed above is correct =)Комментарий от Arrei
Somebody doesn't have a firm grasp of "drop rates", "percentages" and uh.. basic math.
So what do you suppose the drop rate is? It's established that the droprate of roughly 1.5% is lower than the real droprate, as it was only hotfixed in mid-event last year. In the ONE week after it was hotfixed in, enough samples that yielded a Squashling/Helm appeared to make it about 1.5% when counted together with all the drops gathered for FOUR weeks.
Suppose each week yields 10000 loots. Four weeks comes to a total of 40000 loots, and to have the data show 1.5% out of 40000 the item would need to be found 600 times.
Now put those 600 successful loots with only the week in which they were hotfixed in. 600 out of 10000 loots is, why, what have we here, SIX PERCENT! Which does fall into "roughly 5-6%".
I am aware my math does not account for some variables. Most importantly, having varying numbers of loots per week. However, that's why I stated the droprate should be "roughly" 5-6%, as even if it's not totally accurate, it should be quite close to the actual number, and certainly more accurate than the 1.3-1.7% displayed as the Treat Bags' drop rates.
And Snowie, your info is in fact not correct. Whether or not my math is precise, you took the drop rates in your comment from WoWHead's loot data on the Hallowed Helm and Squashling, and as I stated the Treat Bag and Crudely Wrapped Gift contain loot info from before they were given a chance to yield a helm or squashling. They are lower than the actual drop rate based on the fact that they contain many loots from when it was not possible to receive the helm and squashling from them.
Комментарий от Jerran
Trading the helm with your group no longer works to get achievement credit. I just tried this about 1/2 hour ago and I did not get credit after putting the helm on and zoning in and out several times. It must have been hot fixed recently.Комментарий от Celestrious
You do NOT need to win the roll, you can trade it to everyone in your group. In order to get credit for it you need to exit the insance and enter back.
This is NOT correct. I just tried this, about 2 minutes ago, and it did NOT work.You do need to win the roll.Although, it's probably a good idea to ask first, who wants it for the achievement, and who wants it to have a pumpkin on their head. I've seen it like... 4 times (in seperate runs), and haven't won it ONCE.
: After about 15 kills, we've seen it 3 times. Along with 1 Squashling pet. Thankfully, both my alts got the helm, earning them both the "Hallowed Be Thy Name" title, and getting angry glares from my room mate. (Also cleared up some hazy text and fixed typos).
~ Cheers! (and good luck)
Комментарий от dle0105
Confirmed, you CANNOT trade this item and receive credit. Re-zoning will not work either. Good luck!
Комментарий от applecat2
Pretty lame you need to rely on RNG to get the achievement done as none of the other holidays have really worked that way for the meta. I've had no luck getting the helm; I've lost 2 rolls now and haven't been able to get it from a bag or the crudely wrapped gift. I wasn't able to get it last year- gonna be really annoyed if I have to wait another year to get this one completed!Комментарий от Nyteyes
This has to have one of the worst drop rates I have seen, right up there with the HHM's mount. So far this year I have seen this helm and the mount drop once. I never saw the mount drop at all last year.This helm is the only thing I need to complete my achievement and if I don't get it this year (2nd year in a row) I'm going to be severely ticked off. This is ridiculous...
Комментарий от GoonerW
Pretty lame you need to rely on RNG to get the achievement done as none of the other holidays have really worked that way for the meta.
You must be new to WoW.
Be Mine! comes to mind.
Комментарий от Ulfredin
We just tried this, and it didn't work.Tried trading it outside and re-entering, tried leaving re-entering and trading, tried leaving resetting re-entering and trading.
Or did you mean to trade it, leave and then re-enter?
Комментарий от Twista
Yes all I need is the Helm also and this idea of just luck to win something is terrible.
Комментарий от Tropix
The drop rate is horrible and that people who already has the item can roll on it is even worse. This should not be able to get looted from someone who has it in his inventory or bank. I also need this to finish the meta, but so far I haven't seen it in any treat bag nor won the roll.
Комментарий от steken
Holy &*!@ ! It's the Horseless Headman !
Комментарий от Miranger
This is horrible the helm has dropped 2 times in 40+ runs ived been in and only 1 pet...ived been doing trick'otreat ever hour on the hour and ived gotten nothing... tif i dont get my meta because of this broken blizzard bull%^&* im done with this game... this is retarded.
Комментарий от dragontooth
This must have been hotfixed, because this did not work when i tried it 2 days ago.
Комментарий от Killsomethin
Now I'm confused about trading it to everyone in said grp. Now to trade it an get it you have to leave the instance then come back in?
Комментарий от Fingulfin
Why the hell was this downrated? If it works, it should be uprated if anything!Комментарий от Crispyvb
Share some of that luck please xDI trick or treated about every time i could since Hallows end started an I still don't have the sinister squashling or the hallowed helm.
Комментарий от mrallenpw
After a week of runs, I haven't even seen the damned thing drop, let alone win a roll on it. Today, I had the broom drop four times in a row, but God forbid I even get to see the helm.I tell you... if I don't have the helm by Wednesday, I'm going to start paying for summons. I WANT THIS TITLE!
Комментарий от Zeophex
If this dropped nearly as many times as the broom, everyone on my server could have one. I have been ToTing and running HH as much as possible and have only seen the helm 2x; losing the roll both times.I think any achievement based on pure chance is silly. What does it prove? You are lucky, you are unlucky, what?I aleady know I'm unlucky; my dice are capped at 35. I don't need to "NOT" get an achievement to remind me of this.
Комментарий от Zeophex
If this dropped nearly as many times as the broom, everyone on my server could have one. I have been ToTing and running HH as much as possible and have only seen the helm 2x; losing the roll both times.I think any achievement based on pure chance is silly. What does it prove? You are lucky, you are unlucky, what?I aleady know I'm unlucky; my dice are capped at 35. So now there as an achievement that proves how unlucky you are?
Комментарий от Zeophex
If this dropped nearly as many times as the broom, everyone on my server could have one. I have been ToTing and running HH as much as possible and have only seen the helm 2x; losing the roll both times.I think any achievement based on pure chance is silly. What does it prove? You are lucky, you are unlucky, what?I aleady know I'm unlucky; my dice are capped at 35. So now there is an achievement that proves how unlucky I am?
*If there was an achievement for losing 10 rolls in a row, I would have it with clusters.
Комментарий от Amaltheia
Alas, I totally agree with you. Being only a level 73, it makes farming for a drop at the HH difficult, since I can't do the daily summon.Sinister Calling is an achievement based entirely on luck. Which I appear to have plenty of, but of the wrong sort. I got the Sinister Squashling last year out of a treat bag (only level 20 something at the time). I was the only one out of my husband's characters and his brother's who got one. This year I have managed to get THREE MORE Squashlings out of treat bags, none of which could I trade. This has amazed me.
Why oh why couldn't one of them have been the helm? It's the only thing I have left for my favorite title...
Комментарий от WowheadPoster
I'm in a similar boat.My rogue has been waiting on the helm since *last* Halloween. Still hasn't gotten it. Everything else completed for over a year.
In contrast, my shaman got the title within two days this year. Barely even focused on it and boom.
And, a final mix, my paladin (aka main who i really really want the title for) can't get either the helm or the pet to drop; also been waiting a whole year with everything else completed.
The whole point of the Blizz meta achs for these holidays was supposed to "show a player's dedication to the event". Ok, I get that. What I am also trying to point out is those of us who have literally been after one RNG item for *two years* now have shown the devotion. To have this whole deal dictated by RNG is not only ridiculous, it's grossly unfair.
We'll see what happens post event this year- I remember they took out the "Mask Task" or whatever from the ach since the RNG was too ridiculous- maybe if enough people are left hanging they'll take it out of the meta; one can hope anyway.
Комментарий от Syre
You can trade the Squashling, but apparently not the Helm. I had both traded to me inside the instance. I have credit for the pet but not the helm. This needs to be changed imo.
Комментарий от Seersha
It hasn't dropped off of the horsemen in 5 days... I'm getting anxious.Комментарий от faceplantkitty
"There's a hole for your head...and other things too."Fixed
Комментарий от JKremis23
Last year on my, Undead Warrior, I had 11 (yes ELEVEN) of these helms (between ToT, fires, and drops) and was desperately trying to get the pet for my title.... I saw it drop I think 3 times, and always lost the roll.This year, on my Human Pally, I've seen the pet drop 6 times, and gotten two from ToT, but am desperately trying to get the same helm, that I got more than 10 of last year, for my title... Talk about RNG... or is it conspiracy?
Seriously tho, it's ridiculous how random it is for this ach. to happen. Granted there ARE tons of people with it, it doesn't mean everyone who CAN do it will get it. It's not a cool idea to base a whooooole holiday title on what COULD happen, but only a 5% chance. If it was like a 15-30% rate, I'd be fine with it knowing I just am having BAD luck. But the way they have it you either have great luck, or no luck at all.
Комментарий от wilcox1232
im getting worried been trying for this for 2 years do the dailies every day trick or treat at least 13 times a day and do HH at least 4 times a day and i havent even seen this or the mount only 3 days left if i dont get it in 2 years there is gonna be a complaint.
Комментарий от Elbi
It's not only the holiday title you need that helm for, but - since the title is necessary - the purple proto drake as well...(Trick or Treat every day, 10+ hours, ~8 Horsemen each day - dropped not a SINGLE Helm. I'm the only one who needs it.)Комментарий от Syllk74
I have been trying to get either one of these for my main 80 char from last year and this year. Just before the event the sum total of drops was the squashling that I got from a trick or treat last year as the event was winding down on one of my lvl 37's who is really only used as a bank char.On the first day I was both lucky and annoyed that I got the squashling from a trick or treat, this was on my 76 Warrior who has not done any of the other world events for the proto-drake, so it was kind of a waste. I then got a helm on another alt that is only lvl 50 and with which I have no real intention of seriously levelling. I am now scared to do the trick or treating with any other chars than my main one.
As I had done in the last year on my main char (who has done most if not all of the other achieves for the proto-drake) I did the daily HH 5 times a day, everyday and trick or treating for more than 12 hours a day.So with today (Friday) and Saturday left, I got the squashling as a drop from the HH last night, did a trick or treat when I got back to Brill, guess what it was. Yes, the squashling. I now have an extra squashling that I can do nothing with, 2 days left in which to beat the odds and get lucky.
So Blizzard how can you call this an achievement? Either make it an either/or, improve the drop rate or take it out of the loop for a YEAR LONG ACHIEVEMENT. I have certainly put my time into this event and will have to wait another year for a well earned proto-drake like many others if this situation is not rectified. And by the way, the mask task achievement still isnt done on my list aswell and if I`m not mistaken they took that out last year, come on Blizz show some love for once.
Комментарий от vipers992
I need this item for my violet Proto Drake, i have ran HH everyday since the first day of Hallows End, if i don't get this item there is some serious complaining to do, i haven't even seen this thing drop yet never mind win it.Its pathetic a years worth of hard work and resisting having a break from WoW because a holiday event is soon totals down to this #$%^ty item drop.
Last day to get it, wish me luck...
Комментарий от Roxinius
ok so its the last day of hallows end and im not happy with the fact that i've pulled 6 god damn pets out of trick or treat bags this year since i've had the pet since last and since the halloed helm is the last thin i need and seems like i wont get getting a violet proto this year because of $%^&ty drop rates bs achievement gg blizzso just did hh and no hallowed hell so $%^& off blizz now i get to wait another year for my proto yay
Комментарий от Gettothachoppa
This Helm is the bane of existence for many WoW players.....It only strengthen's my belief that there is a masochist of significant influence working among the blizzard quest/achievment programmers.
I recommend they be weeded out and proclaimed a heretic and be burned at the stake.
Комментарий от rider8
This loot is a pain to get. I didn't get it this year so now I have to wait another year for a title.:( Only saw it dropped once and I didn't win the roll.Edit:Added forgotten words
Комментарий от eskildsen
Seems that as of the 3.3.0 patch, they have now removed the Hallowed Helm, both in inventory and in the achievement, even if you had gotten it, if you never got the sinister squashling, so, now the sinister calling achievement has been reset.Комментарий от Rinkajiku
Hallowed helm is locking good with Haliscan Jacket and Haliscan Pantaloons:http://www.wowhead.com/?item=38277http://www.wowhead.com/?item=38278
I'm have uploaded a screenshot with this "set". Hope it's apper here in short time:
Комментарий от Sparkiller
Possibly a reference to the pilot of "Babylon 5":"There's a hole in your mind..."
Комментарий от thetwink13
when i was level 12 i got this helm... i did'nt realise how good it was... and i sold it =(
Комментарий от arowsmitt
Actualy, now that lich king is out, it is a lv 80 boss. ( like all of the holiday bosses. )
Комментарий от NotaBene
Armor has gone from 3 to 12, after the infamous patch 4.0.
Комментарий от Prelatur
This no longer drops off the Headless Horsemen.Instead it can be found inКомментарий от Rach4l
(Posting as a reply to the first comment to increase visibility for patch 4.0/2010 version)Just like the change to ahune and other holiday events, you can loot one bag from the horseman per day. Subsequent runs in the same day are pointless to obtain either the helm, the mount, or the pet. But they are good if you want the epic rings, pumpkins to put on the heads of other races (for У вас что-то с головой), or more tricky treats (for Сыт по горло).
Комментарий от stevindir
You now have a chance to loot the helm from the item that you receive upon your first kill of the horseman everyday during the Hallows event.
Комментарий от Aslan
Is this a chance in addition to the HH dropping it, or does he still drop it?
Комментарий от bowwarrenw
Does it still drop from the horseman though? and same question with Sinister's Squashling?
Комментарий от RyokoLam
Sinister Squashling does drop from Headless horseman, from the loot bag once per day via random dungeon finder....I got mine on the first day, not to rub it into anyone not receiving it yet!
Комментарий от Adam540
As far as I can tell it only drops from the bag, not from the horseman.
Комментарий от Fairycharmed
So now the helm drops the same as the mounts from Direbrew or anything from Ahune...Once per dayI'm glad for the dungeon finder being able to run this faster, but lots of chances vs 1 chance a day for 14 days isn't exactly a good thing imo.
Комментарий от shinazueli
Reposting this comment on all available forums : Die in fire, Blizzard. And then remove this f*cking achievement from the meta. Alternatively, die screaming and alone, and then make it a daily quest available to do for the items we need. Your call.
Комментарий от d00m3sT0s
Well at least I know that the sinister squashling is dropable from the "Threat bag" which you can get nearly every hour(depends of luck - you might become transformed,hexed or get the bag :D from the inceaper).After several trys i've get it on one of my characters (but not on my main ;s ).So i have to still collect them ,he he :DI wish ya all luck with getting it (its much more easier then w8ing till the restart of the Headless Horseman daily run)it is only 1.3% drop chance but you can try to get it about 20-24times a day :P
Комментарий от snekadid
it can also drop from trick or treating at a inn
Комментарий от Kailhun
The typo is apt. For if I don't get a Hallowed Helm this year, I'm going to start threatening the innkeeper with those cursed bags!
Комментарий от Kannas
Seems it has a nice healthy drop rate this year. 7% is pretty high compared to some holiday items.Комментарий от shipwrecksos
For every other World Event so far this year, Blizzard has taken these "rare drop" pets and items and made them obtainable through some kind of seasonal specific currency through a vendor, or removed the item from the meta-achievement requirements, or BOTH. So, why they decided not to make some kind of "Hallow's End" currency/vendors for this stuff is beyond me. It would have saved SOOOO much frustration for so many players!Комментарий от Sairisha
Ya it's pretty dumb. Even trading in candy for it would be fine. That's the last item I need for the Violet Proto Drake too. I have a strong feeling that it's just not going to drop at all for me.Edit: I just got the helm on my next trick or treat XD
Комментарий от Anjalena
Gratzola, Sairisha!I'm in the same boat that you were. All I needed this holiday was the helm and I still haven't gotten it. If I get through this entire holiday without getting it, I'm going to be VERY angry. Not that it'll do any good to be angry. UGH. I actually got the mount yesterday and I never wanted it. I woulda given anything to be able to give it to someone who actually wanted it in exchange for that damn helm! *sigh*
Комментарий от museerouge
Sinister Squashling does drop from Headless horseman, from the loot bag once per day via random dungeon finder....I got mine on the first day, not to rub it into anyone not receiving it yet! --RyokoLam
The Hallowed Helm and Sinister Squashling now only drop from the Treat Bag you get from Trick-or-Treating at an innkeeper, the Crudely Wrapped Gift from putting out the fires in the starting cities, or the "Loot-Filled Pumpkin" which you receive directly in your inventory on your first Headless Horseman kill of the day. That's not the same thing as dropping from the Headless Horseman; the only items that still drop from the Headless Horseman himself and can be farmed every time you kill him are Ring of Ghoulish Glee, The Horseman's Seal, Wicked Witch's Band, and Weighted Jack-o'-Lantern. While they don't technically drop from the Headless Horseman himself, every time you kill the Headless Horseman you will recieve a stack of 20x Tricky Treats directly in your inventory.Комментарий от museerouge
The Hallowed Helm and Sinister Squashling now only drop from the Treat Bag you get from Trick-or-Treating at an innkeeper, the Crudely Wrapped Gift from putting out the fires in the starting cities, or the "Loot-Filled Pumpkin" which you receive directly in your inventory on your first Headless Horseman kill of the day. That's not the same thing as dropping from the Headless Horseman; the only items that still drop from the Headless Horseman himself and can be farmed every time you kill him are Ring of Ghoulish Glee, The Horseman's Seal, Wicked Witch's Band, and Weighted Jack-o'-Lantern. While they don't technically drop from the Headless Horseman himself, every time you kill the Headless Horseman you will recieve a stack of 20x Tricky Treats directly in your inventory.Комментарий от Arzen
I'm also in the same boat. Just need this darn helm to get my meta-meta-achievement and save the $5k for Master Riding.Cannot for the life of me understand why they left THIS in when they removed all the other RNG stuff from the seasonal meta-achievements.
Комментарий от PipC
This is now, and suddenly, a unique item.
Комментарий от Bulten
This is incorrect, the item is not Unique...
Комментарий от Mairin
Yep just got one today and despite getting multiple before, all of a sudden it has the unique tag on so couldn't empty my HH loot bag.
Комментарий от Egel
Sorry to burst your bubble m8 but the violet proto is only 280 % now, if you got it earlier it was 310% but now its 280% and u gotta buy the 5k riding anyway.Комментарий от Revixter
Since I've put them off long enough, in the summer of 2009 I decided to finally start all the holiday achievements. I started with the Midsummer Fire Festival and completed them all until, the following October, there was hiccup. After clearing the horseman countless times, doing the Goldshire daily everyday, and trick or treating a minimum of 10 times per day, I finished Hallow's End without my Sinister Squashling. Okay, not too bad, I thought. I'm only a couple months behind goal.Now, it's October 2010 and all the other achievements are complete. On my second trick or treat a miracle happens and I receive the Sinister Squashling! Hallelujah! But alas, even though I have the Hallowed Helm in my bank from last year credit was denied to me. Apparently you need to receive them both in the same season.
So here I am, again, trick or treating a minimum of 10 times per day, completing the headless horseman, and completing the stop the fires daily every day as well. I sit in the inn waiting for the last minute to drop off my debuff and see countless level 9-12 characters walk right in and receive a Hallowed Helm with ease.
Why the hell did they make this so frustrating? Not only are three achievements and a mount hanging on the line, but also 4000g in savings with the mastery training.
Комментарий от proxxie
The Hallowed Helm cosmetic head-slot item is part of the achievement for Sinister Calling and can be obtained from three different sources during the Hallow's End event, as of 2010:- Rare drop from Loot-Filled Pumpkin, a reward from killing the Headless Horseman through the dungeon finder for the first time that day.
- Rare drop from Crudely Wrapped Gift, a reward from completing the daily quest Smashing the Pumpkin
- Rare drop from Treat Bag, obtainable by Trick or Treating an innkeeper. This can be done hourly.
The drop-rate, while still somewhat low, is considerably higher from the Loot-Filled Pumpkin. This is to compensate for the reduced number of loot chances available with the Dungeon Finder system, compared to the old "one summon per player, per day" system.
There is currently no other way to complete the achievement other than you yourself looting the item from one of the aforementioned containers. There is no seasonal vendor, like for the other seasons, selling the item.
Good luck, and don't lose your head!
Комментарий от fidfid
I got this helm from last year, but I don't get credit for Sinister Calling this year.Should I delete it?Btw I just get it from the Treat Bag on another toon.Edit: I get the helm again and need to delete the helm from last year to get credit.
Комментарий от whitehusky
It seems as though a lot of Hallow's End achievements reset. I could've sworn I did some of these on my main character last year, but... they're not done this year. What happened?
Комментарий от Gatekus
I have been playing 5 alts and only been able to obtain this on my main, a level 80, directly from the Scarlet Monastery/HHM instance. That toon has gathered it three times. I have yet to obtain the helm from any of my alts, although I have had 4 Sinister Squashling drops in Treat Bags or Crudely Wrapped Gifts. So can anyone else confirm that for 4.0.1 or 4.0.3 patches only the HHM drops the Hallowed Helm? I'd love to get it on my 73 paladin, but i dont think that's gonna happen this year.Комментарий от Viriya
The chance that you end up with both this and the Hallowed Helm if you do the Headless Horseman and Smash the Pumpkin dailies everyday, and Trick or Treat 7 times a day (using probabilities from wowhead):13 days of Hallow's End, dailies:For the Sinister Squashling:From HH: 7% drop chance. 13 attempts = (1-(1-0.07)^13) = 61.1%From StP: 1.7% drop chance. 13 attempts = (1-(1-0.017)^13) = 20%From ToT: 1.3% drop chance. 50% treat chance. 7x13 attempts = (1-(1-0.013)^44) = 43.8%
Overall chance of getting Sinister Squashling = (1-(1-0.611)x(1-0.2)x(1-0.438)) = 82.5%
For the Hallowed Helm:From HH: 7% drop chance. 13 attempts = (1-(1-0.07)^13) = 61.1%From StP: 1.9% drop chance. 13 attempts = (1-(1-0.017)^13) = 22.1%From ToT: 1.3% drop chance. 50% treat chance. 7x13 attempts = (1-(1-0.013)^44) = 43.8%
Overall chance of getting Hallowed Helm = (1-(1-0.611)x(1-0.221)x(1-0.438)) = 82.9%
Overall chance of getting both items (required for achievement) = 0.825 x 0.829 = 68.4%
This chance can be increased by trick or treating more, with a maximum of 24 attempts a day, the overall chance can be increased to 92.2%, but that would assume no sleeping, eating, working, etc. A more reasonable high estimate is probably 15 ToTs a day, which increases the overall probability to 83%.
Sucks that there's a decent chance you won't get this.
Good luck!
Комментарий от Foereaper
It does drop off of the treat bags and the gift in 4.0.1, however its extremely rare.
Комментарий от Golgathoth
I've been trying to get the helm on my 80 since the first day of the holiday this year, and nothing so far. It's the last thing I need to get the title. So frustrating!
Комментарий от Ennwynn
I know your feeling, this is also the last item I need for the Hallowed achievement, and for the "What a long, strange trip it's been". I've been doing the trick or treat every hour and the HH every day as well as the repeatable quest. I think they should remove this achievement from the meta if it depends only on pure luck to get the items.Комментарий от museerouge
I keep seeing this RNG term used. What's it stand for? *feels like a retard* --Anjalena
Don't downrank this, it's a legitimate question; it directly impacts her ability to understand the information given in the posts she was replying to. She even admitted that she felt bad for not knowing the answer. As the great American philosopher once Will Rogers once said: "Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects." The next time you want to punish somebody for asking questions, think of all the things that you still don't know and wonder how much of it you'd ever learn if someone punished you every time you tried to ask a question.Комментарий от WorgenPrince
I've been trying to get the helm on my 80 since the first day of the holiday this year, and nothing so far. It's the last thing I need to get the title. So frustrating!
same here and ive been killing horseman every day along with looting the crudely wrapped gift and at least 3 or 4 treat bags a day with no luck, yet i have a friend who cant get it to STOP dropping....Комментарий от EcoGNOMEics
Last... thing... I need... before... I... get... Hallowed title...QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ!
Комментарий от xavs
Is this drop rate true? Cause it sure as hell doesn't feel like 29%. I've done it everyday and have yet for the helm to drop. ge
Комментарий от Morrighanna
I am in the same boat as you! I trick or treat every hour. As my husband's on nights and I work days, we even cover more ground. I either keep getting turned into crap or I get the squashling. I bet I have had 12-18 of them! My rogue is the one I REALLY wanted this achievement on and my mage got it no problem b/c last year she got the helm and the yr b4 she got the squashling. This is all I lack for the achievement and it doesn't look like it's going to happen for yet ANOTHER year. I'm beginning to think Blizz pre-determines who gets what. My husband and my friends get the helm drop EVERYDAY from the dungeon and/or treat bags. Just very frustrated at this point.Комментарий от ChiTehUber
this is a reference to a youtube video i believe, not quite sure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_IU86I_L9k
Комментарий от Dalinth
I've thus far found 5 of these across my 2 characters.
Комментарий от Grasthard
can't wait for transmogrification for this baby! say hello to my new raiding helm :D
Комментарий от D00m259
NEED for transmog!
Комментарий от Neutralis
I don't think this item will be able to be transmoged.
Комментарий от wertten
Can be purchased with 150 Tricky Treat.Комментарий от Isiwien
This helm can now be bought with 2011 year's Hallowed End's currency Тыквовинские сладости. The price is 150 treats.
Комментарий от RebelKobal
Just looted this from a 'Handful of Treats'. Nice that it doesn't just drop from the Halloween dungeon daily.Комментарий от mekikya
This pet is now available by vendor, for 150 tricky treats from Dorothy in Stormwind or Chub in the courtyard of Undercity(where the portal to SMC is), which you will now only get by candy buckets and dailies. No more hourly innkeepers.Edit: You can also get it out of the "handful of treats" that you receive 1 per candy buckets in the inns.
Комментарий от PityTheLoveFool
EXTREMELY SUPER COMMON in trick-or-treating in Candy Basket things. PLEASEEEE be reasonable and don't purchase it for the 150 currency unless for some reason you honestly cannot get rng to work with you.Doing Cata-Northerend candy baskets alone, I swear, I deleted atleast 10.
Комментарий от OTfor2
Got 5 of these while looting every bucket in the game (and 6 squatchlings). The achievement is way easier now than then.On a side note, does wearing this protect me from endermen?
Комментарий от Neutralis
It's not a pet. It's a cloth helmet. lol
Комментарий от VindicoSolus
Must Transmogrify!
Комментарий от pnkflffytutu
I have about 40 of these (1 one each of 10 toons then about 4 in the bags that won't disappear unless I delete them) I wish blizz would make it stop dropping (same as pet) after you already have it on that toon.
Комментарий от lolurface
Look you dont have to buy it or get it dropped from the scarlet monestary you can just keep going to the Jack-o-Lanterns in the inns around the place and just keep trying to get it. thats how my characters have got it
Комментарий от PumpkinGuy13
I have it, and i LOVE IT
Комментарий от shadowhack
just got off the phone with Blizzard and this item was stopping me from having my race change finalize. Not even joking on this one.
Комментарий от Deathloc
This item can't be used for transmogrification. I've tried it today and I it did not work, unfortunately...
Комментарий от Fosken
can u transmog this head?
Комментарий от Solarscar
is it xmoggable
Комментарий от Mathrotthill
This helm needs to become transmogrifiable. Blizzard, hear my plea !Комментарий от Scoobydeux
In 2014, ignore the drop rate from Заполненная добычей тыква, the Заполненная добычей тыква replaced it. You have a very good chance the Hallowed Helm will drop for you during the event if you are either doing the Headless Horseman event every day or farming many Тыквовинские сладостиs.Комментарий от Graysmith
Blizzard shouldn't make this transmoggable, they should turn it into a toy that gives you a 1 hour buff like the Утяжеленный фонарь из тыквы instead, like a permanent toy version that doesn't take up bag space.
Комментарий от D34thsEyEs
This item would have been more awesome if it was truly transmoggable... I mean, come on! The helmet of the horseman can be transmogged, why can't this?Комментарий от Anarakin
@ 20-29 bracket (Ilvl 34) scales to 8 Armor.@ 10-19 bracket (Ilvl 24) scaling is not known. Please comment. Thanks to Hashbrowns @Twinkinfo (20-29 Gear Scaling Index) for the 20-29 scaling.Комментарий от Celellach
On the 7.2.5 PTR this item can now be used for transmog and is added to your collection.However, this can only be used:- By Cloth classes only
- During the Feast of Winter Veil.
Комментарий от Menjina
It is "Cosmetic" now and can be transmogrified by anyone.Just got it on my monk and was able to transmogrify it.
Комментарий от Healer4Hire
So today is 10/19/2017 and the hallows end event is going on, but im able to tmog this helm. Idk if thats a temporary thing or if its finally tmoggable, thought id contribute and see if anyone else knows anything about thisru.wowhead.com
Зловещий призыв - Достижение - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от tmptfate
This will be one of the most difficult achievements (if not the most) for the Halloween holiday event. The drop rate of the squashling pet drop rate has been horrible in the past and then if it does manage to drop you have to win the roll.The cloth helm has a much better drop rate and will not be so much of a problem.
Комментарий от Nariya
If this stays in we'll have what....3 Violet-Proto Drakes per server per year? If they did everything else for the meta achievement? The Sinister Squashling is like the rarest dropped pet in the game. I don't want people rolling on my precious Pumpkin just to get this achievement to (eventually) get a faster mount T-T
Комментарий от Squirldude
They should replace that "and" with "or"... after the craziness of the Brewfest mounts (I started offering gold because my rolls were so unlucky), I don't want to have to grind for a silly pet that I'll never use just for the violet drake... although, I guess that's the point... but getting ONE rare drop should be enough IMO.
Комментарий от Aerius
I was lucky enough to get one of the Brewfest mounts, but I also know a lot of people who didn't. If the Proto-Drake wasn't a 310% mount the luck element might be bearable, but it's the sort of thing that very few people will pass up the chance to get. As it is there's little more to do than hope you get it; the only consolation is that the Proto-Drake won't be attainable until Brewfest next year anyway, which means that even having to wait for next year wouldn't be so bad.Комментарий от Malgeras
Definitely. Wowhead lists the squashling as being a 2% drop, which means that someone who does all five summons every day of the event will likely only see the pet drop once.My advice is offer people insane amounts of gold to pass on the pet for you. This is what I did for the brewfest items, and it seemed to work pretty well. Good luck everyone!
Комментарий от brionl
I managed to get a Squashling last year, but I think I only ever saw the helm drop once.Комментарий от Nummytaterz
In reply to this please dont give us personal experiences it's a random chance to drop if it happened to you congratz but that doesnt really affect us. ThanksThat didn't Mean vote mine down guys : / lol
Комментарий от JobR
today both the helm and pet dropped on the first kill one person was lucky enough to win the roll on both :(Комментарий от Zulathar
This achievement is going to screw a lot of people in the long run. Both of the items required are dropping very to rarely. I suggest Blizzard should remove this achievement and replace it with something easier.This way a greater number of people can unlock the title "The Hollowed". A small percentage of players will do all the required achievements anyways. I can't see a lot of casual players visiting ever trick or treat spot in Azeroth and the Outlands...
I have slayed the headless horseman 40+ times (I "trick" people : /). I have seen the minion drop once and the cloth helm drop twice, lost all three rolls.
Voruk The Hollowed... sounds sexy doesn't it. :D
Комментарий от ASilentO
This is a game of luck as much as it is of skill in the PvE world. I'm sure you've had your bad loot-runs of instances; I know I've had mine, running Shadow Labs 30+ times and leveling off it twice just to get my final piece of Assasination (Which, by the way, never droped once.). Just because you have had bad luck, doesn't mean everyone is.Please, be more rational before you demand Blizz to do anything with any aspect of their game. They know what they're doing, and they do it well.
Комментарий от targresh
Either i have really good luck, or the game just likes me, both the hat and pet dropped on the first kill i did, and i have seen one or the other every time i went afterwardsКомментарий от Cyradis
I would agree, if not for the limited time frame to get these items. Something like Mr. Pinchy, that's a fine one for a low drop rate. Something like Baron Rivendare's mount, that's a fine one. This is not. This sort of achievement is made for every type of player, and yet it is possible that even someone who spends the entire hallows eve event farming Headless Horseman, they will not get it. That is not good planning.This quest would be OK if:a) It required either the hallowed helm, or sinister squashling. Orb) The hat and squashling had a MUCH higher drop rate. Orc) This was an achievement, but not linked to the title.
Combining low drop rates and limited time is not a good plan - it should be one or the other, not both.
Комментарий от Boshea
The problem with this being removed from the meta-achievement is that when everybody has their Violet proto-drake we'll then all complain about how they're not cool because they're too easy to get. People will argue whether or not anything with a low drop rate should be part of an achievement because they don't want to put the time into farming it (Pintchy is the best example for this).I don't know if the drop-rate has been buffed or not, but I've seen at least the helm or pet drop once every time I've gone. I've only seen the plate helm drop once, and the reins haven't dropped yet (and considering it's a feat to get the reins we probably won't see many drop). I don't understand why everybody needs to get their World event achievements done this year, you're looking at least a year of play time for to get the Proto-Drake. I also beleive people don't understand what the word "achievement" means.
So are we gonna ahve the same arguement for Peddlyfeet and Noble Garden in a few months?
Комментарий от merujo
Im Multiboxing 5 shamans (let the bash begin) and i was able to farm a pet and the head in 10 summons.That's the beauty of multiboxing, if it drops, u decide what to do with it, and no one complains :POn a sidenote, i also farmed Coren Direbrew for the Kodo, and in 80 try's, the best was one Ram.
I just hope i can get the HH mount, and one already dropped while doing the boss with friends of mine on my solo chars.
Tbh, i dont think the mini pet and the head are that hard to get, but as u all may know, some drops won't drop even if u farm forever :P
Be glad that the 20 mask achievement was removed, that one was the true pita.
Комментарий от merujo
Im Multiboxing 5 shamans (let the bash begin) and i was able to farm a pet and the head in 10 summons.That's the beauty of multiboxing, if it drops, u decide what to do with it, and no one complains :PThe mini pet must have like a ~10% droprate, but the head must be ~5%.On a sidenote, i also farmed Coren Direbrew for the Kodo, and in 80 try's, the best was one Ram. So i guess this time, luck was on my side!
I just hope i can get the HH mount, and one already dropped while doing the boss with friends of mine on my solo chars.
Tbh, i dont think the mini pet and the head are that hard to get, but as u all may know, some drops won't drop even if u farm forever :P
Be glad that the 20 mask achievement was removed, that one was the true pita.
Комментарий от Kalx
That achievement should be to get ONE of the Horseman's rare drops (Pet, Hollow Helm, Horseman Helm and Horseman Sword)That would make a better situation for everyone.
Комментарий от Gobi
Well, Blizz says they're not going to change the requirement for this achievement, they're happy with it the way it is.Post here
We have no plans to change this achievement or remove it from the meta achievement. The drop rates were adjusted from last year to be more forgiving, so third-party data concerning the drop rate isn't accurate. A Mask For All Occasions was far, far less likely to complete within Hallow's End than Sinister Calling; the latter is reasonable enough to remain within Hallowed Be Thy Name.
Комментарий от daltonj
Zulathar, You edited 3 times and you couldn't spell it Hallowed?
Комментарий от veryhollowlegs
I just gained this achievement without even knowing that it was an achievement. I am happy though. Proto drake her I come.!Комментарий от Ladanian
If you really can't seem to get both by just killing him daily you can farm him:1. Aquire a group with a tank, healer, warlock and another dps.
2. Open up "Who" and search 65-69 (Yes, they can pick up the daily to summon him too). Whisper them telling them "Want to kill the Headless Horseman? Free epic rings, you just cannot roll on the helm/squashling". (They'll accept these terms because they will be happy with just the rings).
3. Summon them and kill the horseman with Master Looter.
4. Give them their ring then boot them and summon the next person in line. The warlock should get another soul shard each time you kill him so that should not be a problem.
I have successfully done this over 100 times. With any luck you won't have to do it that many times...Happy Farming!
Комментарий от Malgeras
While this achievement is still difficult, please note that the 2% drop rate currently listed by wowhead is incorrect. Blues have confirmed that the drop rate has been increased, and the Armory currently lists the drop rate as being 3-14%.Комментарий от Benke
2 days ago, we did HH with 7 summons.First the Hallowed Helm drop.
Then the last kill the pet drops. Both won by the same person. He got really lucky there.
Комментарий от Idanian
I've run this 20 times before today. I've seen 3 pets and 2 helms... Which to me is an increase on the pet drop rate. However, the helm seems to have dropped less based on last year's experiences... Still no mount though.I'm just down to this and the Toothpick achievement for the title. (An average of 30 possible packages and nothing. Meanwhile my lv. 1 shaman has over 60 toothpicks and a flawless grin.)
When in doubt, though, get some guildies and "buy out" their roll for the stuff...
Комментарий от cfeuer1
in the first 3 kills 2 helms dropped.40-50 kills total now, no horse, no more helms, no pet, and only 4 brooms, nor the plate helmet.
Комментарий от cfeuer1
I wish the game would be smart and NOT drop a ring EVERYbody already has. tired of seeingyou have automaticly passed on person 1 has auctomacitly passed on because they already have itperson 2 " "person 3 " "person 4 " "Everybody has passed on
Комментарий от Nambilus
At least make the rings Disenchantable I have all 3 now and hate to see a purple just sit on the ground cause everyone has it
Комментарий от Starkie
I just got finished with a run, and the 2nd to last summon, the pet dropped, which I was lucky enough to win the roll on, the last summon, the helm dropped, which I was un-lucky enough to not win, but oh well, still two weeks to go. I think its honestly just a case of getting really, really lucky.Комментарий от Jorkor
Is it absolutely sure that the drake is a 310% mount? Because here it says otherwise:http://www.wowwiki.com/Proto-dragon
Комментарий от Wolfly
I got the Hallowed Helm from the Horseman, and today to my utter surprise I got the Squashling from a Treat Bag. Unfortunately it didn't trigger the achievement, still waiting for a GM.Комментарий от Ellesar1
just got the helm from an inkeeper instead of a sack containing candy.So, this provides additional drop chances.
don't know if the pet can also be obtained this way
Комментарий от thycondrius
u can obatain the mini pet in the trick or threat bag. Today i have found it and i complete all the hallowed end fest achievementКомментарий от will5639
I have some guildies who have been helping me get extra summons by us swapping out alts. Average 10-20 summons a night. Tonight will be our 4th night.I've seen the mount 1. plate helm 6. hallowed helm 3. And the sword enough times that even a priest has it. But not yet to see the pet.
The best rule we've came up with is "These are no longer luxery items, they are quest items. If your not going for it, you cannot roll for it."
Blizzard honestly goofed on this one regardless of what they think, if average of 3/5 people wanted the pet and assuming a 2.5% drop rate. In theory that would be 120 summons by the same 5 people for everyone to acquire it. Or 24 days worth of 5 summons if that was all you were allowed. Last I checked there's only 16 days of hollows end.
Комментарий от lelorufus
agreee with everyone else dumbest thing ever. i especially hate when ppl who arnt gonna do the rest of the ahcievements get it, when ppl like me wasted time doing them :D:D:D:D::D:D::D
Комментарий от Lanternman
A fantastic method of completing the achievement. Me and 3 friends went in this afternoon and rotated random 65's in for their summons. In three hours we had Sinister Squashling X4, Hallowed Helm X1 and 3 swords. Oh and all the 65's got their epic rings as promised.
Комментарий от Squirralfire
The Sinister Squashling and Hallowed Helm now drop from trick or treat bags given by innkeepers. High drop rate supposedly.Комментарий от 2OfDiamonds
This might cheer you up! I just pulled my sinister squashling out of a treat bag I got handed by an inn keeper for trick or treating.FLEX!
And a blue response: Q u o t e:I'll go ahead and put the speculation to rest by confirming that this change is indeed legitimate. ;)
Have fun you guys, this brought a smile to my face at least.
Комментарий от glowbox
i just got mine from the squash the pumpkin
Комментарий от bone123
both the Hallowed Helm and Sinister Squashling can now be looted from trick or treating innkeepers. I believe this is a hotfix from 22/10 (or 10/21 for US I guess)
Комментарий от DoctorZ
i just got my full achievment in 2 hours :/ 2 times trick or treat and i got both items :) seems to be pretty high droprate from trick or treat
Комментарий от yaxom
The helm dropped 3times the same day for me. n the pet has sofar dropped twice for me. tho on different toons so i don´t have the quest completed yet :(.With that said i think the droprate is better then u´d think.
Комментарий от TheShaman
Just verifying that they do actually come out of treat bags as well. I saw a level 5 yesterday with one . I was rather aggravated...
Комментарий от kuonji
I have been trick-or-treating as often as I can since the hotfix. I'd say at least 15 times. Neither have dropped for me yet. At this rate, I believe I'll complete the masks achievement before the sinister calling achievement.Комментарий от doodle43
Step 1 Invite a buddy to a groupStep 2 Set it to Master Loot
Step 3 Invite random people who hopefully will not see it on master loot
Step 4 ?
Step 5 PROFIT!
Using these steps I managed to ninja the mount, the sword, and the broom all in the same run.
They spammed trade for hours and we aren't likely to get a group for some time, but who cares? I got what I wanted and my friend got what he wanted.
Комментарий от chilichump
I have done atleast 9 HH's per day, 5-6 trick or treats per day, and the "put out the fires" daily every day... I've seen maybe 5 squashling drop in all of that time.9x9 = 81 attempts on HH (at least, probably closer to 100 total attempts)
so we're looking at a maximum of a 5% drop chance. The helm, I've seen 8-10 of since I got one from a trick or treat bag.
I've got 5 days left to get this done, and I don't like my chances. This shouldn't be such a hard thing to do, the drop rate should be closer to 25%, so that you've got at least a 1 in 5 chance of getting 1 every day.
Комментарий от Starkie
Alright, I have to share this experience with all of you, because it has to be by far the funniest thing I've ever had happen to me.One of the first runs of this year, I happened to get the pet, and my best friend, on his own run, but near the beginning of the event, got the hallowed helm.
Now, since that time, we've both been trying our damnedest to get the other one, each day running and failing, on our own. But today, we finally decided, that maybe we'd have better luck running it together, so we did.
The first 3 kills, no luck, whatever, whats new. But on the 4th kill, low and behold, the hallowed helm drops! I am so stoked, I need, and everyone else passes! Bam, its mine, and so is the achievement, and so is the title (Once they remove the mask one). Excited, I proceed to summon the 5th and final fight, we kill him, and what do our eyes see? but the pet! So, my friend nearly @#$%ing his pants, needs, and everyone else PASSES.
I can not believe that just happened.
Thought you might all enjoy that story.
Комментарий от hoenselman
Well it's defenitly do-able. i got mine pet today. i were lucky got the helm + broom on the very first day. But i killed the headlesshorseman like 40 times. Today i saw the pet drop for the very first time. i needed , it was an group with all friends so they gave it to me for the tittle.So guys you have to work for it. it may be an hard achievment. if you guys want an easy tittle go get the "jenkins" tittle
Комментарий от shohanu
people are saying this is gonna be one of the most difficult achievements to get cuz of low drop rate and stuff. but considering hallows end is like 2 weeks long u can trick or treat once an hour and u can get both these items from the bag (however small the chance is) it shouldnt be too difficult. 3 loots a day should get u it but some people might get lucky.I just started again after losing my 70 and happened to get the helm 2nd trick or treat and the squashling 3rd but my friend got helm 2nd squashling like 30th so its all luck just keep trying youll get it
Комментарий от Yttrium
Is it possible for me to delete my Hallowed Helm after I have the achievement? I have a severe lack of bag and bankspace as it is and I don't want an item that I will never wear.
Комментарий от Arikara
I hate the squashling... two and a half years bck i wanted it, killed HH nearly everyday for the time of the world event. Didnt get! one and a half year bck... i still wanted it, but this time badder due to achievement. did i get it? nope. did every achievement but this (i got the helm, ofc) except A mask for Every Occasion.a half year out the future: i stand in SM at 00:01 shouting GIVE ME MY SQUASHLING, HORSEMAN!
Комментарий от Thakor
This is the most idiotic achievement in history, and should not be part of the meta. You are required to get 2 items that have impossibly low drop rates, and not only that, if they do drop, you have to win the roll against 4 other people, meaning that however low the drop rate is, your chance realistically of getting it is going to be 20% of that. Ridiculous. Even if they drop from treat bags, myself and my friends who participated in the halloween event this past year were unable to get both drops no matter how hard we tried. One of my friends ran the horseman 5+ times a day the entire event and never even saw the pet drop and he also trick or treated nearly every time his cd was up. This is by far the most unforgiving and impossible achievement for the meta.
Комментарий от Haxan
This achivement gives me nightmares. I have done Hallows End for two years, killed Headless Horseman almost every day and never got the Sinister Squashling. And the droprate for it seems awfully low. Because of this I didnt complete this achivement last year. Blizzard must increse the droprate, both from the boss or from the bags or this will be as terrible as the "Be Mine" - achivement during Love is in the air.Комментарий от Stryker666
This is going to be the only achievement stopping me from getting my Violet Proto-Drake.Last year i missed out on both the helm and the pet several times.During merrymaker i missed out the cooking achievement because i didn't having cooking then. Now its 450 so it won't be a problem.
Brewfest shouldn't be a problem, they all seem pretty easy.I'm also missing three from christmas but two are easy (and i have the required items) and one is pvp. now i have read up on it i know they will be completed the first day.
So it seems all my hopes lie on getting two random drops =(
Good Luck everybody!
*Edit* 18/10/2009Got my Helm first run! Just waiting on the pet now ^_^
*Edit 2* 18/10/2009Got my Pet from a Trick or Treat Bag. Shame it was on the wrong character =(
*Edit 3* 18/10/2009This is taking the Michael. I just got a second pet two treat bags in a row on my alt!
*Edit 4* 18/10/2009HURRAH! 29 Kills and I finally got the Pet.
Комментарий от nattylife
so with the item trade w/in 2 hours change and the fact the achievement doesnt say you need to learn the pet, you think you could trade the pet/helm around to ding the achievement for all in yer group?
Комментарий от Haxan
I really do hope so.Or that Blizzard increase the droprate in the vandybags so you can get them that way also.
Комментарий от palikuca
FFS! i just killed horseman 1st time this year and ofc both pet and head droped...some tard dk won both after he traded me head i didnt get credit for my sinister calling achievement..so guess blizzard !@#$ed up this achievement abit.. :(
Комментарий от palikuca
Trading head to some other person after you get it doesnt work for achievement,friend traded me hallowed head and i didnt get credit for my achievement,so you need to loot it or to win in on roll if it drops from headless horseman!Good luck with drops,but it seems that blizzard has inscreased chance since we saw 2 pets and 1 head droped from our very first run this year :)Drop chance on pet seems to be very very high,2 runs 5 pet dropsКомментарий от Haxan
First run, 5 summons and no head or pet dropped. =(This is gonna be hard. =(
Комментарий от Iesu
Just did about 7 runs, two pets dropped, and I got one! No hats though.
Комментарий от cyceros
10 runs and 2 brooms , 1sword , 1 pet and a loot of rings but no helmsКомментарий от starbucks09
yes there are 3 ways for you to get the helm and pet.• Killing Headless Horseman• From a Treat Bag• From a Crudely Wrapped Gift
Комментарий от zmurcht
its either me beeing lucky or you dont even need the bags to drop it any more.saw 3 squashlings and 2 helms drop in one run (5 kills)
even if that was lucky RNG drops, lots of people seem to have it already from last year, so I looted both from 1 kill
Комментарий от coyote72
You won't get credit through Trading.Комментарий от Shihli
You CAN get credit through trading. I was traded the helm earlier tonite by someone who already had credit but mistakenly won the helm.Initially I did not get credit towards the achievement. However, after going through a loading screen, I was given credit - the helm is not soulbound to me yet so I could conceivably trade it to someone else as well.
IT DOES WORK. Just go through a loading screen to do it.
Комментарий от WoWarn1991
Both dropped in same run, bought them of those who won them for 1,5k gold each.Just to make sure i would get the achivment
Комментарий от thelaks
Rumor has it you need to go out and back in to SM or log out and in again to get the credit. Confirm?Комментарий от Rahizzle
NOTE:I had an idea that if you traded around the hat in the party, you'll get the sub-achievement, like you can do with the EPIC acheivement, however this does not work.You need to physically win the item for the achievement to register it.
Have fun, good luck!
Комментарий от larslinde
10 runs (edit: 2 runs, 10 kills ofc ) for me so far, 1 pet drop, 1 helmet drop, and one mount drop.Luckily I won helmet and mount :-)
Комментарий от Narrow
Either you've been insanely lucky palikuca or I've been insanely unlucky, because I killed him 10 times so far, and I've only had 10 rings drop - no pets and no helmets.- I guess it's all about luck afterall, the droprate seems horrible for me and it seems wonderful for others.
Комментарий от rasimpson
What do you mean it won't be attainable until Brewfest next year? They removed the achievement that required you to drink 12 brews from the meta.Комментарий от Fyuu
Contrary to the aforementioned unfortunate luck of many of you, I managed to have the Helm drop within my first day's set of runs. Only needing this as I had the pet from last year, I rolled and I won.I can understand why so many you are frustrated at having to fight the dreaded RNG to finish this achievement and earn the Violet Proto; been there, done that (and I suffer from Anxiety too, ouch). That said, you don't want to trivialize something you work so hard for, no matter how desperately you want it, otherwise it loses it's special nature.
Take it from someone who's completed the grand meta, it's so worth earning this the right way. Give it your all and you will get it.
Good luck!
Комментарий от kcz421
I honestly thought I was going to have the hardest time with this one because my luck with meta achievements is notoriously bad, in my guild. Kind of a running joke. haha.Anyway, the helm dropped with Horseman and the Squashling dropped with the smashed-pumpkin deal in Brill. All in the space of 25 minutes.
Now if I can just carry that luck over with the mount....
Комментарий от Cirayne
I just got both the Sinister Squashing and Hallowed Helm from a Crudely Wrapped Gift.You get that from doing the daily put out the fire at the starting towns, IE Goldshire, Kharanos, and Azure Watch (For Alliance), and smash the pumpkin from the Headless Horseman.
Hope this helps.
Комментарий от bigloadabs
Pretty freakin lame blizz is making this achievement required for the title. Considering it is based on luck and we have no control over acquiring the items. They should increase the drop rates or make them purchasable items with the otherwise useless pumpkin treats. Ive alrdy got 95% of the achievs for title, but im concerned about this last one....Комментарий от rkaycom
If you have the item traded to you and keep it, will the other person lose the achievement when they relog?Edit: Its just that the way I see it, the person that keeps the item gets the achievement, not the one that wins the roll, what if it was on master loot? There wouldn't be a roll...
Комментарий от Wyrdassil
Just got one out of a treat bag - was extremely excited when I saw this. Just keep trying any way you can - you'll eventually get it.Комментарий от elvispresley
Last night we looted the helm and traded it to all 5 people in the group.Went out the instance and back in, on the achievement tab it turned Green.But when i logged in this morning it was gone again.I dont know if we should have relogged while having the helm equipped (didnt try that).And I also dont know what happens when y already have the pet.
Комментарий от Sithicus
So I've lost the roll on the Squashling 3 times and can't seem to get it out of a Treat Bag. Granted it's still very early in the event and there's plenty of time to try and get one...problem is when my entire meta is riding on the luck of getting it (literally ....everything is done except Sinister Calling), it's making the event stressful and not fun at all. Didn't Blizz say at one point that they wanted to remove any random drops from the meta completely? I'm pretty sure that's why they removed Perma Peddle...I know I'm just being qq here but it still sucks...seriously ..an entire years worth of work riding on dumb luck. :\
Комментарий от Scourqe
Blahalbalbab it seems is doesnt work.... i thought it would as that dude bought it from me for 300g but nvm then lol
Комментарий от Hairband
Is there any objective way to tell how often both items, Sinister Squashling pet and Hallowed Helm drop from their respective sources (pumpkin smash daily, trick or treat hourly treat bags, or daily Headless Horseman summon)? Thanks.Комментарий от highwind123
Is this "hallowed helm" really in game ?I killed the hhm ~50 times last year and ~10 times this year.I got TWO hhm mounts out of him.I used the trick or treat option at the inkeeper probably about 100 times last year and this year.I got probably about 20 pets.
And guess what... the hallowed helm achievment is the ONLY thing which stands between my warrior alt and my 310% mount. nice rng blizzard, really nice rng.
Комментарий от Wratherax
I don't know what the hell everyone else is talking about when they said trading it works. This is what happened to me.Some stupid ******* rolled on the helm by mistake (didn't need it and didn't mean to roll on it) and won it, auto looted it, then traded it to me.
I don't get credit because I didn't loot it. All I need is that ****ing Hallowed Helm. I got screwed because of someone else's mistake and Blizzards ****ing flawed system....
Комментарий от lorebain1
Wow, your friend must have NO life
Комментарий от UserRemoved
i lold3 days into a holiday and it's already time to panic!Комментарий от UserRemoved
i lold3 days into a holiday and it's time to panic!
Комментарий от Ooglepants
This seems to be the hardest (or most luck intensive) part of the achievement. I have been doing the daily and have NEVER seen the helm drop. 2 characters, 10 times a day (almost every day thus far) and trick or treated 10-15 times. I'm hoping that since I've gotten everything BUT the helm, the gods of blizzard will somehow increase my chances of getting it. The pet seems to be a much higher drop rate - to the point that I have gotten two by accident on my characters. Best of luck, but certainly I am getting slightly anxious at this point on seeing it drop.Комментарий от Rijen
In case you havent seen this blue postWe wanted to take a moment to clarify how the Sinister Calling achievement works for Hallow’s End. The text says that both a Hallowed Helm and a Sinister Squashling pet need to be “obtained” for the achievement to be complete. More specifically, the pet needs to be learned and become part of your pet spell book for that part to be complete. The Hallowed Helm on the other hand needs to be looted by the character to fulfill that aspect of the achievement.We apologize for any confusion in this matter and hope you enjoy the rest of Hallow’s End!
The trading techinc work like a charm for me. Another person looted the helm (won the roll) and he traded it back to me. At first i didnt got the achivement BUT after getting out of SM it popped green. (havent got the pet yet from sinister calling).
Strange thing is a guildie tried to do the same yesterday but didnt earned credit for the achivement. (maybe he did something wrong dunno).
Anyway hoping for the pet to drop for me real soon :)
Комментарий от Llethalas
Just a heads up for those who didn't find it clear in the above posts. YOU CANNOT GET ACHIEVEMENT CREDIT FOR THIS IF YOU TRADE FOR EITHER ITEM. YOU MUST LOOT BOTH PERSONALLY FROM EITHER TREAT BAGS OR Mr. HORSEMAN. Ok sorry for caps, but I wanted to clear this up since I saw conflicting posts about this above. I tried trading a party member for it and zoned back to Dalaran and still no achievement credit. Hope this helps.
Комментарий от dimos47ki7
i must be extremely lucky. i got my sinister squashling at my very first run at headless horsman!still i miss the helm lolКомментарий от davidwh3
you know the truth is that im not afraid to work for an achievement, the feeling of accomplishment is a great one. i still have to agree though this drop rate is sad.my wife and i have killed the horsemen everyday, we are at 30 - 35 kills and ive only seen the Helm drop 2 times (i dont even care if i get the mount right now). fortunately for us we have only gone with guild members and that has given us a better chance, if we were in random groups who knows if we both would ever get the pet and helm. (she finally finished her Meta last night when the pet dropped). im still waiting, while im at work she is trick or treating for me every waking hour on the hour. still nothing...
if blizzard is so determined to make this apart of the Meta why not change it to obtain the pet OR the helm, and if you happen to get both drops then have an achievement for that just not a requirement to finish the Meta. agree?
it sucks to know that like most others, i finished all the achievements in the first couple of days. (with the exception of some glitch candy buckets) there is a chance that i wont get this title this year.
Комментарий от JKraft29
I've had a guildie who has gotten the pet eight times. Blizzard should make the pet b.o.e. I even tried writing a ticket to see if they could move the pet I got on a toon last year that I never use now to my main.
Комментарий от Laujoe
I dont know about the everyone else but i am getting sick and tired of blizz makeing achivments only realy close to doableif you are a high level, the laugth is it seems complete random even if you can get trick or treat.Ofcouse this would be a good opatunity for blizz to reward good manners if are youare polite and friendly to the inn keeperby rewarding with a treat punching them with a trick for bad manners.Then maybe they might try it with the healer class and find more of us willing to help, as I am defently sick comentswhen in a party like priest come :(
Комментарий от cmerriam
Countless hours, toons, dings, achievements, guilds and good times..... and after it all, it's going to be this ridiculous Squashling that turns me off this game for good. lol/sigh
Комментарий от Animalistic
heck, i think they musta fixed it... just got the pet and learnt it, and a party-mate got the helm and traded it to me.. no achievement. Relogged and didn't get it either. Have been moving about through different zones, no achievement.
Комментарий от Pizzapi
On my level 30 Warlock, every hour I would hearth, get trick/treat, vendor items and get repairs. Doing that, I got both the helm and the pet within a week of the event beginning. Last year I got 2 helms and one pet. This is available for any level.Комментарий от lufebr
Guys,The Sinister Calling achievement is totally unfair to be considered mandatory for the meta achievement. The probability of getting the items are very very low. Even if you play 24 hours per day, every day during the 2 weeks of event, you still have a chance of not getting the achievement at all.
Im my case: I play wow every day, and i'm doing everything that i can to get the achievement: Since the first day, I'm getting a bag from the innerkeper every hour i play, i'm doing the daily every day, and i'm also killing the boss every day.
To improve my chances, I begged for help, and my friends are now doing everything they can to help me too. So, i'm killing the boss about 8 times a day (with no competition for the helm, if it drops, its mine), and I'm also getting 1 bag every hour even when i'm working.
The result: After 12 days doing all that, I got dozens of Sinister Squashlings, and 16 different masks. Still, no single Hallowed Helm yet.
Of course I've been unlucky.... but.. should all that effort be worth nothing? Should this achievement be so impossible? In 2 days the event will end, and my chances are getting shorter...
One year acomplishing every world event.. and I may have to wait for one more year to get the 310% mount, just because one of the achievements is lucky based, with a really low drop rate.
In my oppinion, Blizzard should consider the drop rate a bug, and make this achievement, and all other lucky based ones, not required for the mount.
Blizzard, please fix the Sinister Calling.
Комментарий от Krahe01
Well, there's always next halloween... right?*begins a mad little giggle as left eyelid begins to twitch*RIGHT!damn you, squashling.damn you.
Комментарий от Thundurstar
It was the only thing I needed last year.... now it is also the only thing I need next year. Saw it drop 2 times, lost both rolls. Never got it from trick-or-treating. So upsetting.
Комментарий от Thundurstar
Take this out blizzard! As soon as it's out. Send me my drake because im officially done. :(
Комментарий от Samphis
After an extremely frustrating experience of attempting every day for the summon, and every hour for the trick or treat, and not getting the pet, but having gotten (and gotten credit for) the helm, I just noticed both in-game and on the armory no longer having credit for the helm, yet I still have it in my bank. I hope this means that the achievement is being retuned into a vendor-style holiday item like Noblegarden was. I really don't want to be one random piece of loot away from my proto drake AGAIN.
Комментарий от Lutenantj
i am saying from experience that if you do not get both the pet and the helm in the same year, it resets the achievement (i was like WTF?) i got the helm, not the petthe pet did drop multiple times for me, but i had bad luckhave fun!
Комментарий от PhantomsDesire
Oh joy, It's taken me 3 years come Hallow's End to finally earn the meta achievement (because I missed random holidays throughout the years.) and now after reading all these comments, I am REALLY nervous about getting my final title "The Hallowed". Cripes, I hope they have adjusted the drop rates, because when I go for these holiday titles, I definitely put forth the effort, just like everyone's mentioned. I'm bustin' out my Sam doll from the movie "Trick r' Treat" for luck! Merry Samhain everyone..........
Комментарий от PhantomsDesire
Oh joy, It's taken me 3 years come Hallow's End to finally earn the meta achievement (because I missed random holidays throughout the years.) and now after reading all these comments, I am REALLY nervous about getting my final title "The Hallowed". Cripes, I hope they have adjusted the drop rates, because when I go for these holiday titles, I definitely put forth the effort, just like everyone's mentioned. I'm bustin' out my Sam doll from the movie "Trick r' Treat" for luck! Merry Samhain everyone..........Комментарий от MingtheMerciless
This achievement was a real pain in the arse for me. I kept doing the fire and horseman dailies and trick-or-treating whenever i could, and the f-ing pet didn't drop! I got the hallowed helm 3 or 4 times though -.- My increasingly desperate search for it came to an end on the second last day when i looted it from the Headless Horseman, i need rolled on it and won it! I then smacked it upside the head for not coming to me earlier, stupid pumpkin! >:( Blizz should really remove this from being part of the meta-achievement.Комментарий от johankj
You will now get that items in Loot-Filled PumpkinYou can only get "one" every day until hallows's end ends.You will get this:
when you have open your Loot-Filled PumpkinGood luck with Hallow's End =)
Комментарий от Grigor12
This got to be taken out of the meta since the latest update with server-wide parties, atleast in my opinion since now, it won't even drop off the boss anymore but instead it will be like brewfest and be lootable from your bag you get..! Silly updates since you can't farm them anymore!I mean come on... just having luck to try and get an achievment ONCE a year is absurd!
I mean for example, the "We had it all along! *cough*" achievement may require a whole bag of luck, but then again that achievement is available 365 days a year! Instead of this achievement that is only available 14 days a year!
Shape up Blizz! :/
Комментарий от Eluzai
agreeit was bad last year, on another char I never managed to get the pet, and I farmed the boss several times
Now we have only 1 chance a day? That's just retarded..i need only the hallowed title to get my violet drake but I'll never get it, it seems
Since lfg came out I've never been able to get a mount or pet from a seasonal boss..ahune? no luck with the petbrewfest? people running around with two mounts, sometimes even dropping em twice and I was lucky enough to get a mace and vendor it
c'mon blizz, remove this from the meta
Комментарий от Load
Well to be honest you have two (2) chances a day by killing the Headless Horseman and doing the daily. Besides that, you also have an (abysmally small) chance of getting the items from a Treat Bag that you can pick up have a chance of picking up each hour.That said however, I still find this achievement VERY inane and thoughtless (I can see that blizzards crusade against RNG doesn't apply to stuff like this huh?). And the amount of people I hear claiming to ONLY be missing this single achievement for What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been is just disheartening.
Well, now my Trick or Treat cooldown is soon up and I'm going to do what I can to maximize my chances to get this achievement, even when that will require me to be excessively logged in to WoW for the coming two weeks.
Комментарий от jodicker
I have only needed this achieve for the past six months to get my purple drake. I was unlucky last year and could not get a Sinister Squashling to drop. Although, I did get the Hallowed Helm last year. So on the first day of Hallow's End this year, BAM, I get a Sinister Squashling from the Cuddle-Wrapped gift. But, no achievement pops up so I check it out and it shows the Hallowed Helm part as incomplete even though I have it equipped from last year? Should I open a ticket?
Комментарий от DollPrincess
same here, I've been lucky to get the Brewfest Kodo to drop for me but for this to be a part of a meta achivement is just crazy. I got most of my other achives by effort now I have to depend on luck which I don't have much off bcuz RNG doesn't favour me. Having run for Deathcharger and Hawkstrider and they haven't drop for me
Комментарий от farlstow
loocks like a hard one its almost like redoing world explorer :(
Комментарий от Tinytanky
You can get them from trick or treating once per hour in the treat bags... now we can stop QQing about low drop rates from HH
Комментарий от shinazueli
Die in a fire, blizzard. THREE YEARS I've been waiting for you to remove this from the meta. THREE F&*&*(ING YEARS. DIE IN FIRE!Комментарий от gni3w
All i can say, THIS IS JUST NUTS, I've been doing every Achv, holiday since this year, because i wanna get proto drake! SO FAR SO GOOD, only missing this holiday and xmas one, and i can get it so i was looking through stuff i need to do AND NO WAY IN HELL I will be able to get 2 items! I HAVE THE WORST LUCK in my life ever! I will try!.This is just plain stupid. FML.
btw we should post this crap on blizz web site and tell 'em. I Will file a ticket to GM asking to remove this crap from HH and do for daily or something, or better drop rate, anything to get it easier since ppl been trying, hard
Комментарий от RoguewolfSC
This is the 3rd year waiting for the damn helm and pet to drop. Achievements should not have to rely on pure luck, just hard work. If I don't get it this year Blizz can kiss my ass goodbye, not that they give a sh%t! They think by making us wait yet another year we will keep paying, nice scam!
Комментарий от Kaliene
All I really have to say is that if and item is called a "Loot-Filled Pumpkin" it should be filled with loot. Even if it is only the flying broom when it isn't one of the other items. I like many others have been waiting on this singular achievement for my proto-drake, and to receive nothing other than the justice points from the boss is more than a bit frustrating.
Комментарий от Chigyy
my Sinister Squashling dropped today in treat bag....i thought that it drops only once in Horseman daily..but it also drops in a treat bag...so im waitin for the helm...and good luck all with the title...Комментарий от Thedalius82
To get this achievement, i cranked some numbers, which may or may not be right, i'm no statistician but i've seen it done :PNumbers here are done Using Drop data information from wowhead here. which may be out of date.
For a Level 80 character:
There are a total of 336 attempts (14*24) to Trick or Treat from an innkeeper.-16 of those attempts can be tossed out due to tuesday maintenance (sometimes more, sometimes less)-50% of those remaining are automatic Failures, due to Trick.-That leaves 160 Treat Bags to open to try to get the Pet and Hat.-So, the chance at NOT getting each item is 98.7% (1.3% droprate for both)
0.987 ^ 160 = 12.3% chance at the end of it all still not walking away with each one from Treat Bags.
Now for the 'fuzzy math' of people needing to Sleep, Work/School, do something other than sit and watch that hour count down. I sleep about 8 hours a day, have class four hours a day and have a wedding trip to attend for a full weekend w/o WoW during the event (not my own though~).
-8*11 (sleep) + 24*3 (wedding) + 8*4 (classes). = 192 total chances gone, I'll trim those right off the top.-I have about 120 Chances to get a bag or 60 Bags over the course of this holiday.-0.987 ^ 60 = 45% chance for me to NOT get each of the two items from the Trick or Treat Bags.
"There's the daily for putting out fires!"
0.982 ^ 14 = 77% of not getting it. (81% for me!) At an average of the 1.7% &1.9% droprates
"But wait, there's still the headless horseman event!"
7% chance at getting either drop from him.0.93 ^ 14 = 36 % chance at NOT getting it. (I have about a 45% chance at not getting either this method too, due to missing a few days)
Working the figures for my personal case now we get 0.45*0.45*0.91 = 0.164 or 16.4% chance at not seeing each item.
Now since i need both items, that means 0.836*0.836=0.6988 or 69.9% chance at getting both this entire holiday for a 'normal' person.
TLDR version - I have only a 70% chance at getting this, mathematically... with no skill involved... this doesn't sit well with me.
This is the Last achievement i need for Hallow's End so... i begin my wait...
Комментарий от DELr0cki
I see im not alone with this... I'm just missing this one for the whole Meta... Sigh if i can't make it this year, wich will be most likely...Good luck to everyone else... :)
6 Helms so far... WTB mount please? :)
Комментарий от Scotia
SUPER LAME. I've done it twice so far (since you can only do it once per day) and I've gotten "no loot" both times. I don't want your measly 24 justice points. I don't NEED THEM. What I do need is another helm since I got mine the year before, and the stupid squashling.
Комментарий от Kannas
After the mount failure that was my Brewfest, the RNG gods are looking out for me. Can I get the odds of getting the Helm from my first trick or treat, and the pet from my first HH kill ever?
Комментарий от andoring
Two years ago I got the sinister squashling on my Auction wench. Went to the bucket... did the trick or treat and got it... first and only try. I did a little dance. Now, I struggle to get it on my main where I'm actually trying to do the achievement. Karma?Комментарий от shipwrecksos
For every other World Event so far this year, Blizzard has taken these "rare drop" pets and items and made them obtainable through some kind of seasonal specific currency through a vendor, or removed the item from the meta-achievement requirements, or BOTH. So, why they decided not to make some kind of "Hallow's End" currency/vendors for this stuff is beyond me. It would have saved SO much frustration for so many players!
Комментарий от Mitear
no it won't give you master riding if you accomplish it now, after the implementation of 4.0. you had to have a 310% speed mount pre-4.0 to get it for free. not even gladiators this season gets 310% for free. it's pretty unfair imo, since they earned it before the patch :/Комментарий от Mymloch
I'll agree that this is ridiculous. I don't feel good about not being able to get the violet proto achievement just because of a small, seemingly insignificant non-combat pet.I would think Blizzard would have made the achievement require you to get either one or the other, but to have 2 RNG items required for a single achievement is a little much. I mean, they might as well have left the Flimsy Masks achievement on the block, as well.
I am trick or treating every hour, and have my wife doing it for me while I am at work. I am running HH and Fire daily as well. If doing that, one still has a good chance of NOT getting a single achievement item, then that's simply bad form.
Комментарий от Senaru
Has anyone made a petition from the players to Blizzard about dropping this achievement from the Hallowed be Thy Name requirements? I see so many high ratings on people suggesting it be event currency/vender items, and other suggestions o'course. I'd sign the petition if there is one currently out there for this, it's just ridiculous. even with the increased drops just from the horseman, most people spend their days parked in front of an innkeeper, TrT'ing on the hour, praying they don't get a trick, and hoping the helm or pet drops this time. I for one, got eight penny pouches in a row after a days worth of tricks.I think almost all the achievs' within each separate yearly event for What a long, strange trip it's been' (if not all, I'm not sure) require some skill and determination to do- and somehow gaining a pet with a low drop rate, (even if raised a lot from previous years, there are still tons of people who never see it for them) just...doesn't feel more than pure, gut-wrenching woe and anger when its been a year, and another...and another. While Blizzard assuradly wants us to keep paying to play all those years of failure, I'd think they might want their players actually sticking around for more reasons than this. We may never see this change, but hey, they DID change the brew-fest achievement because we complained about it enough, perhaps if we shake the walls a little more we can get this one changed, dropped from the meta, or venderized.
Комментарий от Graznok
I keep getting both the helm and the squashling, but ONLY on those that already got it. To get both of them is disasterous difficult.This is due to the Random Number Generator they use in WoW. Due to the seeding in this RNG, often the same result (or lack of result) repeats itself over and over for a period of time.
And we all feel it very well for the most awful meta achievement ever. I rather do something sure that takes 2 hours, than have to gamble day out and in for those 2 items.
Комментарий от VertigoRising
According to mmo as of about 3 or 4 days ago, master riding WILL in fact be given for long strange trip. I understand there was some confusion because of debate but blizz released it was so fairly recently.Комментарий от wolfie614
This is becoming beyond a joke.I have one toon who has been trying to get this for the last three years. Still not got either.
I just watched a quildie of mine get both the Helm and the pet in the same run. And he normally does not go for any of the achievements.
My missus also now has 3 pets on one toon, and no helm.
I understand that random is random, but PLEASE, what do we have to do to get this!
HH runs every morning, Put out the fire and loot the pumpkin head, Trick or Treat every hour (about 13 per day), on every toon, and not one has both the pet and helm yet.
Комментарий от spineli
OMG!i've tried again and again to do this with my main! i'm doing the daily dungeon everyday for the past few days and i also do it many times a day so i'll have a chance to drop it from boss.. today i log in with my alt and they both (hat and pet) drop from the bag! i was like "you've got to be kidding me! no way!" i'm reallt pissed off-.- at least i have hope now to get them with my main too. cause i'm not really in the mood to do all the achs again with my alt to get the tittle:P
Комментарий от AveryZan
Why not simply make the boss drop the pets and helmets like it used to? That way people can repeat this until they drop rather then just getting 1 shot from a bag that usually drops a masque or has no loot. This would be the perfect solution that so many frustrated players. All i see are bad rings noone ever wants, mix it up a little.
Комментарий от Aphelios
This Achivement should be renamed "No Soup for You - Come Back, 1 Year".Комментарий от Roeth
It IS possible to get both of these in one pumpkin. I got them both in the same bag, on my 3rd day. I'd still say drop rates are low.>> http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/4571/helmandpet.png
Комментарий от Elifia
This thing is driving me insane. Right now I have like 60 tooth picks, 5 squashlings, the horseman's reins, the horseman's sword, and a whole load of other crap, but i have yet to get the hallowed helm. And to make it even worse, one of my other characters found the helm from trick or treat! I vote for removing this achievement from the meta achievement, as it is the last thing I need till i get my violet proto drake, and it just seems impossible to drop. That, or allow me to trade some squashlings for the helm.Комментарий от danilche
I run the HH daily on 3 toons. I got the helm a combined total of about 8 times -- and only 1 Squashling, on the one toon I don't actually care about the ach on.:(
Комментарий от fran13r
i just need the helm, and i got today my 2nd drop of the pet, this is truly a joke from blizzard, we're the ones who are paying... why cant we do something about it! -.-Комментарий от Elifia
Alright, now my chances on this are gone. I'm leaving due to vacation with the family. I hardly slept tonight, just so I could trick or treat a little more. But nope, still I am stuck with loads and loads of everything, except the helm!Thanks Blizzard. Thanks a lot.
Комментарий от TGFseb15
Not sure if the drop rates have been increased but today (1st day of Hallow's End) I got a helm from the Horseman's bag you get when you kill him in the Scarlet graveyard, and a pet from trick or treating. After that I completed "Конфета или жизнь" в Калимдоре and among a ton of toothpicks I got another helm and another pet.Комментарий от plymoc
Got this achievement on my hunter today. Went in, killed the Horseman, got my pumpkin, opened it...Squashling and helm in the same pumpkin, along with some candy.
It was a good day.
Edit: On my priest, just got a helm, squashling, AND a broom (temporary, of course), all in the same pumpkin.
Комментарий от nguyenhothanh
This achivement has become easier than ever! Both the pet and the Helm can now drop from the Handful of Treats. Which means: no more luck needed! Just visit the listed Candy Bucket locations and they WILL drop for you. During my journey for the Trick and Treats achivements, I get about 7 pets and 10 helms.I also recommend not to buy these at the vendor and save the candies/tokens for Feline Familiar and Little Wickerman instead.
Комментарий от ashleychristina
CONFIRMED : i just received the sinister squashling from a "handful of treats" i looted from the inns. One from Lordanel and one from The Exodar.Комментарий от selvin
Just wanted to throw it out there- for people like me who just needed the sinister squashling for their meta achievement- it's possible just buy the sinister squashling off the auction house from people who get it from their dungonfinder reward bags.It was amusing to get a holloween achievement in January, but hey, I still finally got my pet (after three halloween events..)
Комментарий от GoldenWitch
Buying the Sinister Squashling from the AH (now that the BoP pets can be caged and sold) don't work,I just tried it.
Комментарий от TALLARN
bought pet from auction house and the achievment tracker counts as completed step towards the achievment ,now trying to get helmКомментарий от Snicelis
Still you can get pet for 150 Тыквовинские сладости and helm for 150 Тыквовинские сладости. It's located outside your main city. Alliance - Dorothy. Horde - Chub.You can get Тыквовинские сладости visiting Inn's and getting it from Pumpkins, and sure - doing Daily quests!
Have a good Hallow's End!
Комментарий от Myanisa
As of 10/19/2013, it is possible to get a Hallowed Helm from a Handful of Treats and have it count towards the achievement.
Комментарий от aaron22303
So, from what I've read, no one's answered the question of what the "real" criteria are for this achievement. Can you purchase the helm and pet and have it count, or do you have to either have them drop off the Headless Horseman or the bags of treats? That would be more useful, and so far I don't read anything definitive that's recent stating one way or the other. Anyone want to comment on that one, as it would be beneficial for all concerned. Thanks! :)
Комментарий от Aamunkajo
If you want to get the achievement personal for several characters, you have to cage your existing squashlings before learning the pet. When I had 2/3, and used the looted sinister squashling (the one from the event; caged is another item), I did not get the achievement. When I removed all my sinister squashlings, the credit was attributed.Комментарий от bncmakesanb
New things for 2014.2 new pets, spectral cats, the wickerman is now a toy, and items dropped in HHM are 540 ilvl.
The 2 new pets as well as the toy cost 150 treats each, but they shouldnt be that hard if you have alts. Im using two leveling toons to grab all the treats in Kalimdor, EK, outland and northrend. Then I will use a 90 to redo the ToTing. Bet ill get the pets and toy before the stupid mount drops.
Комментарий от Aztecia
I can confirm if you loot the Зловещая тыковка on an alt, you can mail it to the toon you want the achievement on. As long as you mail it BEFORE learning it. You can't learn it, cage it, and pass it on. Loot and mail, learn it on the toon you want the achievement on, and it will give you credit for that part of the achievement. Just did it myself. :)ru.wowhead.com
Благословенный Шлем Бессмертия — Энциклопедия Lineage 2
Материал из Энциклопедия Lineage 2
![]() |
Тип - Броня / Шлем |
Можно добавить свойство комплекта (атак. или защит.) | |
Английское наименование: | Blessed Immortal Helmet |
Вес: | 530 |
Время существования: | - |
Физ. Защита: | 118 |
Маг. Защита: | 0 |
Ценность: | |
Бонус MP: | 0 |
Количество кристаллов: | ![]() |
Ранг: | R |
Нет ограничений на передачу предмета.Предмет можно перенести на другой сервер. | |
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Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() |
174 | +12 | 1074 | 987 |
204 | +13 | 1164 | 1077 |
234 | +14 | 1254 | 1167 |
264 | 177 | +151344 | 1257 |
354 | 267 | +161434 | 1347 |
444 | 357 | +171524 | 1437 |
534 | 447 | +181614 | 1527 |
624 | 537 | +191704 | 1617 |
714 | 627 | +201794 | 1707 |
804 | 717 | +211884 | 1797 |
894 | 807 | +221974 | 1887 |
984 | 897 | +232064 | 1977 |
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Благословенный Шлем Ада — Энциклопедия Lineage 2
Материал из Энциклопедия Lineage 2
![]() |
Тип - Броня / Шлем |
Можно добавить свойство комплекта (атак. или защит.) | |
Английское наименование: | Blessed Twilight Helmet |
Вес: | 530 |
Время существования: | - |
Физ. Защита: | 130 |
Маг. Защита: | 0 |
Ценность: | |
Бонус MP: | 0 |
Количество кристаллов: | ![]() |
Ранг: | R |
Нет ограничений на передачу предмета.Предмет можно перенести на другой сервер. | |
При выборе свойства комплекта Вы получите: | Благословенный Шлем Ада Атак. / Тяжелый - комплектБлагословенный Шлем Ада Защит. / Тяжелый - комплект |
Для создания предмета у создателя должен быть выучен Рецепт: Шлем Ада (60%) .Уровень умения: 12Шанс создания предмета: 60%Кол-во создаваемых предметов: 1Затрата MP: 264
Вместо этого предмета, при создании возможно получение Благословенный Шлем Ада
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() |
454 | +12 | 1354 | 1127 |
484 | +13 | 1444 | 1217 |
514 | +14 | 1534 | 1307 |
544 | 317 | +151624 | 1397 |
634 | 407 | +161714 | 1487 |
724 | 497 | +171804 | 1577 |
814 | 587 | +181894 | 1667 |
904 | 677 | +191984 | 1757 |
994 | 767 | +202074 | 1847 |
1084 | 857 | +212164 | 1937 |
1174 | 947 | +222254 | 2027 |
1264 | 1037 | +232344 | 2117 |
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Благословенный Шлем Кадейры — Энциклопедия Lineage 2
Материал из Энциклопедия Lineage 2
![]() |
Тип - Броня / Шлем |
Можно добавить свойство комплекта (атак. или защит.) | |
Английское наименование: | Blessed Seraph Helmet |
Вес: | 530 |
Время существования: | - |
Физ. Защита: | 144 |
Маг. Защита: | 0 |
Ценность: | |
Бонус MP: | 0 |
Количество кристаллов: | ![]() |
Ранг: | R95 |
Нет ограничений на передачу предмета.Предмет можно перенести на другой сервер. | |
При выборе свойства комплекта Вы получите: | Благословенный Шлем Кадейры Атак. / Тяжелый - комплектБлагословенный Шлем Кадейры Защит. / Тяжелый - комплект |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() |
1533 | +12 | 2433 | 1666 |
1563 | +13 | 2523 | 1756 |
1593 | +14 | 2613 | 1846 |
1623 | 856 | +152703 | 1936 |
1713 | 946 | +162793 | 2026 |
1803 | 1036 | +172883 | 2116 |
1893 | 1126 | +182973 | 2206 |
1983 | 1216 | +193063 | 2296 |
2073 | 1306 | +203153 | 2386 |
2163 | 1396 | +213243 | 2476 |
2253 | 1486 | +223333 | 2566 |
2343 | 1576 | +233423 | 2656 |
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Благословенный Шлем Айдиоса — Энциклопедия Lineage 2
Материал из Энциклопедия Lineage 2
![]() |
Тип - Броня / Шлем |
Можно добавить свойство комплекта (атак. или защит.) | |
Английское наименование: | Blessed Eternal Helmet |
Вес: | 530 |
Время существования: | - |
Физ. Защита: | 153 |
Маг. Защита: | 0 |
Ценность: | |
Бонус MP: | 0 |
Количество кристаллов: | ![]() |
Ранг: | R99 |
Нет ограничений на передачу предмета.Предмет можно перенести на другой сервер. | |
При выборе свойства комплекта Вы получите: | Благословенный Шлем Айдиоса Атак. / Тяжелый - комплектБлагословенный Шлем Айдиоса Защит. / Тяжелый - комплект |
См. также:
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Кузнец Маммона | Гиран, Аден, Руна | ![]() ![]() |
3378 | +12 | 4278 | 2589 |
3408 | +13 | 4368 | 2679 |
3438 | +14 | 4458 | 2769 |
3468 | 1779 | +154548 | 2859 |
3558 | 1869 | +164638 | 2949 |
3648 | 1959 | +174728 | 3039 |
3738 | 2049 | +184818 | 3129 |
3828 | 2139 | +194908 | 3219 |
3918 | 2229 | +204998 | 3309 |
4008 | 2319 | +215088 | 3399 |
4098 | 2409 | +225178 | 3489 |
4188 | 2499 | +235268 | 3579 |
Можно получить при открытии двойным кликом предмета:
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![]() |
Тип - Броня / Шлем |
Английское наименование: | Blessed Eternal Helmet |
Вес: | 530 |
Время существования: | - |
Физ. Защита: | 153 |
Маг. Защита: | 0 |
Ценность: | |
Бонус MP: | 0 |
Количество кристаллов: | ![]() |
Ранг: | R99 |
Нет ограничений на передачу предмета.Предмет можно перенести на другой сервер. | |
Предмет входит в комплект: | Комплект Тяжелых Доспехов Айдиоса - атака |
См. также:
В текущей версии игры этот предмет нельзя получить в качестве трофея за убийство монстров или при помощи присвоения
3378 | +12 | 4278 | 2589 |
3408 | +13 | 4368 | 2679 |
3438 | +14 | 4458 | 2769 |
3468 | 1779 | +154548 | 2859 |
3558 | 1869 | +164638 | 2949 |
3648 | 1959 | +174728 | 3039 |
3738 | 2049 | +184818 | 3129 |
3828 | 2139 | +194908 | 3219 |
3918 | 2229 | +204998 | 3309 |
4008 | 2319 | +215088 | 3399 |
4098 | 2409 | +225178 | 3489 |
4188 | 2499 | +235268 | 3579 |
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Данные загружаются...
Данные загружаются...
![]() |
Тип - Броня / Шлем |
Английское наименование: | Blessed Eternal Helmet |
Вес: | 530 |
Время существования: | - |
Физ. Защита: | 153 |
Маг. Защита: | 0 |
Ценность: | |
Бонус MP: | 0 |
Количество кристаллов: | ![]() |
Ранг: | R99 |
Нет ограничений на передачу предмета.Предмет можно перенести на другой сервер. | |
Предмет входит в комплект: | Комплект Тяжелых Доспехов Айдиоса - защита |
См. также:
В текущей версии игры этот предмет нельзя получить в качестве трофея за убийство монстров или при помощи присвоения
3378 | +12 | 4278 | 2589 |
3408 | +13 | 4368 | 2679 |
3438 | +14 | 4458 | 2769 |
3468 | 1779 | +154548 | 2859 |
3558 | 1869 | +164638 | 2949 |
3648 | 1959 | +174728 | 3039 |
3738 | 2049 | +184818 | 3129 |
3828 | 2139 | +194908 | 3219 |
3918 | 2229 | +204998 | 3309 |
4008 | 2319 | +215088 | 3399 |
4098 | 2409 | +225178 | 3489 |
4188 | 2499 | +235268 | 3579 |
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Благословенный Шлем Айдиоса - связанные страницы |