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Покрытое коркой наплечье Железной Орды - Предмет


Комментарий от erol189

I killed tons of iron horde and only scraps and NO armor pieces , who drops this 1..

Комментарий от Equalsthree

Does it only drop on normal?

Комментарий от Zarpy

Some info on what I've found so far with these, to help anyone trying to get their mog set.

The belt, shoulder and helmet piece needed to buy the respected transmog armor pieces all drop from Normal and Heroic dungeons. I have also had one drop in the world while in Talador at Orunai Coast when farming for Iron Horde Scraps. So despite what the tooltip says, these can be found in the world when killing mobs related to Iron Horde, however I believe the drop chance is much, much lower.

A few people I have talked to about these transmog sets have said they are keeping their pieces because they are unique, thinking that it will raise the chance for the one they need. This is however unneeded and in my opinion a bad idea. Most dungeon bosses only drop 1 piece, so by having one already thinking it will make the other drop isn't necessary true, due to the fact they can only drop the one on their table. So spend your armor piece as soon as you can, it won't effect your chances for the other ones you need, but you open up the possibility of getting another one, if later you want to get another set of the transmog stuff.

As a side note, still related to the transmog sets; When farming for Iron Horde scraps, I have found the best place is Orunai Coast, in Talador. They are low level so they are easy to kill, and have good drops rates, most drop 3 at a time. You will notice there seems to be some sort of invisible time cap, where you will get a burst of about 5-10, then get none for about 5 minutes. I get roughly 40-60 an hour farming at this location though.

And lastly, still on the topic of Iron Horde Scraps, these will not drop in a group when farming in the world. I am unsure if this is a bug or intended. A friend and I tried to group up to speed up farming process, but after about 30 minutes of killing stuff on various loot options, neither of us got a single one. You can be in a group while farming them, but no one can be in loot range of you when you kill the mobs. Again this only applies to world farming, they drop fine in dungeons.

Hope this info helps everyone trying to get their mog sets. Best of luck on your drops.

Комментарий от Clayne

After completing about 40 Heroic Dungeons after building my War Mill, i only got the Helmet and Belt Item, so i decided to try out a non-heroic Dungeon. First Boss (UBRS, Orebender Gor'ashan) dropped the Pauldrons. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not, so consider running a normal Dungeon if u want the Pauldrons.

Комментарий от Laurits11

I got the belt piece a while back, I didn't remember exactly when, and since then I have just been farming a lot of Iron Horde Scraps, and occasionally trying to find the helmet and shoulder pieces that are also needed, but without luck. Just now I took a normal Skyreach with my friend to get his finger for the legendary quest, and when we killed the first boss, I got the helmet token. And seeing as all of the bosses in the "Dropped by" menu drop 615 gear, I believe these tokens do only drop on normal modes.

Комментарий от Noixz

Orunai Coast, in Talador. is not good place to farm them .. spent hr there and nothing but gold drop. only spot i found best what mobs marked with "Iron Horde" in there name tag, nagrand has them in north west section near banks.. 2-8 roughly give or take and its long farm .

Unless they hotfix the Orunai Coast its bad place to go farm them.

Комментарий от bamf357

I had this item drop today in a Heroic Everbloom dungeon

Комментарий от epicdeath

A good tip to get scraps and these tokens is to just run Iron Docks(N) solo. It is easy to do at ilvl 620, most classes. Take all the trash and the first boss, then rinse/repeat. The scraps have an ok drop rate, and I got 3 belts and 2 helmets before the pauldrons dropped.

Комментарий от PowerofPhil

Does the tokens only drop from bosses or also trash mobs?

Комментарий от DimmieDunce

I'm losing my mind. I have everything but these shoulders. All the pieces but the shoulders. I've been farming heroics and normals for three days straight. DPS queues are 20-30 minutes. I worry for my health. If I don't return, remember me as I once was.

Комментарий от Joelly

I managed to get these fairly quickly by farming first boss of Iron Docks. You can skip all the trash and run straight to him if you stick to the walls. He also drops Iron Horde Scraps if you still need those.

Комментарий от variationisenemy

I've tried farming these and other items for the set from iron docks normal as well as iron horde mobs, with no luck. My Pally has everything for a set, while my Dk has none, but I don't want to transmorg the Pally, lol.

Комментарий от Dunsolt

Got this on the 4th try from 1st boss Normal, easy :)Just skip trash if you don't need scraps

Комментарий от bigcastro02

Got them on my 1st try on 1st boss Iron Docks (N) 650 Ret Pally. Easy enough to solo, of course dont stand in the fire.

Комментарий от philburtenshaw

Can confirm that these still drop on NORMAL mode Iron Docks first boss, as of patch 6.1

Комментарий от Arbatrus

These things have the worst drop rate of any item I can think of. Blizzard should consider making these legendary or something. I've received only one (in UBRS) after countless heroics and farming Iron Docks as discussed in the comments.

Комментарий от PaYnE18

Took me 45 kills to get the 3 pieces. Shoulders,Head and Belt, all dropped from the first boss of Iron Docks.

Комментарий от asphaltdragon

From what I can tell, the drop rate of this has been increased, either since the recent patch, or the xpac. I've gotten at least one of each of the transmog pieces from every run I've done, on three different characters. What was taking me 40+ runs is now only taking 3 or less.

Комментарий от Dachunker

Started the day with 15 scraps... got the entire transmog set today excluding pauldron drop... Not sure how much longer I can stand doing these damn solo dock runs...

Комментарий от Armarden

As of today, this item still drops on "Normal" at the Iron Docks. It took me a very long time to finally get these. For some reason these drop far less than the belt and helm.

Also noticed the chances for this to drop increases much more when done in Heroic.

For example, I solo-ed the Iron Docks on normal for 5 days. The helm dropped 7 times between the first 3 bosses and the belt dropped 5 times. Shoulders finally dropped after killing the second BOSS after over 2 weeks of Normal. Then Did the Iron Docks on Heroic with a group and looted another shoulders on the first BOSS after 2 times.

Clearly there are other places to get the shoulders but for me Iron Docks & Bloodmaul Slag Mines were my only choices since it was the only Dungeons that allowed me to solo on normal. You have a better chance at the Iron Docks.

Don't give up! Reqires a lot of pateints and farming to get these, some people are luckyer than others. I've herd some players getting them on the first try on the first BOSS but very uncommon.

Комментарий от danicadb1

does this drop only in dungeons or raids? or can you get it from iron horde reg. mobs outside in normal world? what about people who don't like to go in dungeons? we should all have a chance to get these transmog items?

Комментарий от KorbenDallasMPS

After many frustrating runs of Iron Docks solo, the solution to getting the pieces for your transmog items is running Heroics. Any Heroics. Heroic dungeons will drop a ton of pieces for your sets, usually at least 2 per run, and heroics are now very easy to run even with a random group.

Try it out, stop wasting your time with normal, a heroic will take you 15 mins and you'll get what you need in less than an hour, 2 tops. Afterwards, please upvote this comment so other people can stop wasting their time.

Комментарий от omzke

Also, as these tokens don't drop if you already have one PLEASE make sure you don't have one on your bank , I farmed Nok'gar for many days with my warrior until I decided to try with my paladin, not only I got the shoulders on the secont attempt but also the altoholic addon told me I already had the shoulders on my warrior's bank... Yep I'm a MORON.


Железные обломки - Задание - World of Warcraft


Комментарий от Angelhearth

They drop from Iron Thunderguard (and probably other Iron Horde) in Bones of Agurak. Drop rate? Killed around 10-12 of the types available there and they dropped from two guards, first 2 then 3.

Комментарий от Daiemio

AS OF BUILD 18918 THIS QUEST WILL EAT MORE THEN 5 SCRAPS OF IRON IN YOUR INVENTORY, IT WILL CONSUME ALL OF THEM, so if you intend to get the shiny horde alliance tabard, turn in 5 first, then farm the rest you need, else you will lose a good 150 like I did just for a %^&*ty tabard..

Комментарий от mythinc

how are you supposed to get there? run through the high lvl areas?

Комментарий от siasha

If you check out Iron Horde Scraps, the best place for these to drop is in WoD dungeons.

Комментарий от Neifel

Got these from killing Iron Guards at Ironfist Harbor in southwest Nagrand.

Drop rate seemed to vary where I would sometimes get 2-3 Обломки доспехов Железной Орды from a single Iron Guard and other times none from pulling several of them.

According to Wowhead the drop rate is around 23% from Iron Guards.

Комментарий от steel108

Have been killing mobs in Ironfist Harbor for the past 25 minutes;haven't had one drop yet? Is it bugged?

Комментарий от Lynixai

These will drop from any Iron Horde mob as far as I'm aware, do note though: THE DROP RATE IS FAR FROM PEOPLE SAY.

I know it's still early, so the droprates are going to be off by a bit, but the comments so far have stated that a few mobs should be enough to get you what you need. That is not the case unless you're extremely lucky.

From what I've seen these are maybe at ~5% drop.

I was farming at the Ironfist Harbor down in southern Nagrand and I killed maybe 150 mobs or more before I got just the 5 needed for this.

As a side note: I was farming these down by the actual dock part of it. As a frost mage I could pull quite a few mobs and AoE them down with Images and Elemental tanking them. I got quite low at times, and you should be aware of the ranged mobs Iron Arbalester. You can LoS them via the small bump and the pillars though.

Happy farming

Комментарий от sharrii

had great success at he bonus mission point at Oruani Coast 15 mins of doing quest objectives and done

Комментарий от adamvester

Ironfist Harbor - Nagrand (South-West) Location: 41.05, 77.00 around where the key drops for Goldmane and the bonus objective is. This is where you will get them quick i managed 5 just from camp near tower.

Комментарий от kbroman

I tried the ironfist harbor killed about 10 mobs and got 6 right away, in about 1 min.Strongly suggest farming there.

Комментарий от dipiddy

Dropping from non-Iron Horde heroic 5 man mobs and bosses since the hotfix for Gorgrond cave spawns.

Комментарий от Rrgllmrrgll

I play alliance and I got 5 scraps in 2 seconds.I went to an area south of the alliance flight path in Frostfire Ridge.Killed 3 mobs got 5 scraps.gg MLG status

Комментарий от masterzyck

It seems that the quest no longer consumes all your iron scraps, when turning it it. :D

Комментарий от Tsilas

You thought the grind for Emperor Shaohao rep was bad, this isn't too far off

Комментарий от Tengwar

Annoying. Farmed for 15 minutes, got nothing, suddenly 3 scraps dropped from the same one. -.-

Комментарий от ghostrdr

Confirmed, while the quest lists Frostfire Ridge, you do not have to be there to obtain these. I was getting them off of Peons in Mor'Gran Logworks in Talador. The drop rate wasn't the greatest, but you can get em. Actually let me edit this, the drop rate down right sucks, about 10-15 minutes later and I have obtained only 3.

Комментарий от jeffala

I got lucky with a cave in Gorgrond (42.77x44..41). Lots of Grom'kar Grunts inside.

Комментарий от WarriorHenze

I rarely post on here but I was so frustrated with this quest until I figured out where to farm these. Darktide Roost - Island located at the most south point part of Shadowmoon Valley.

There are tons of trashmobs all over the island an the drop rate is excellent. I got 4 scraps in under 5 minutes.


Комментарий от irinasp

I'm not sure if I am in the right place or maybe don't know what Iron Horde is? I was in the zone where Frostfire ridge is for 4 hours and cleaned out several areas. No drops. I tried questing in nagrand, just to let the game send me around killing stuff and no drops. In wow I normally expect a drop at least by the 20th kills so something is pretty wrong here.

And get rid of the captcha here. It is pretty useless also. You are using the bad type of captcha. Most of the words are barely legible.

Комментарий от tehMugwump

I'm not sure about the drop rate on this. I went in and killed 10 Iron Thunderguard and got nothing. I just abandoned the quest at that point. I've got better things to do.

Комментарий от shaelya

I got 2 Обломки доспехов Железной Орды from the Skyreach dungeon and the rest I looted from Grom'Kar mobs in Talador. Location is easy to find. Just fly to Fort Wrynn, Talador and head North towards the gates leading to Gorgond. . They are level 100 mobs and can be easy to aggro so be careful. I brought a bodyguard with me which helped. I can't comment fully on the drop rates since I only needed a few for my quest. But within 35 minutes I got the 3 that I needed. Good luck and I hope this helps.

NOTE: I submitted a screenshot for further clarification of where the mobs are located. Hopefully the mods approve it. If they don't, I'm sorry!

Комментарий от Ntiablo

So I was farming scraps down Ironfist Harbor. The drop rate was very low indeed. Then i went in the big castle where I found in the basement two Iron Treasure Guardians. I've killed about 4-5 of them and i got 6 scraps.

Комментарий от BurneHazard

After searching the entirety of Frostfire Ridge, killing countless mobs that are affiliated with Iron Horde, no drops. Tried all the places other people listed in Shadowmoon Valley, no drops period. In fact, most of THOSE orcs had no loot whatsoever.

When I went to Fort Wrynn however, and went north to the orc stronghold there--Bladefury's Command. In 7 kills I had the 5 scraps.

Grom'kar Bulwarks and Grom'kar Punishers had the better drop rate, but I got 3 scraps off my last solo mob Grom'kar Blademaster.

Being a DPS, the instance ques threw me into instances only once every hour to two hours--and none of them had Iron Horde in their runs. So I cannot confirm or deny the scraps drop there. Hope this helps!

Комментарий от Peter4730

FROSTFIRE RIDGE? Has nobody wondered why this quest is listed under Frostfire Ridge in the quest log (well, it is in my quest log)? Seems it has NOTHING to do with Frostfire Ridge. I have been all over FF Ridge and didn't see any Iron Horde! (But I had to do FF Ridge anyway, to get the Exploration Achmt, so that was OK). But, why is this listed under FF Ridge ?

Комментарий от albinoette

Apparently, it's quite difficult to classify a "best" spot to farm Обломки доспехов Железной Орды since the drop rates seem to vary a LOT per person. One person says "I got 100 in 10 minutes," and the next person goes to the same spot and says "Nothing dropped there for me in an hour of farming." The people getting downvoted least seem to be farming in the level 100 areas (ex. northern Talador (see Гром'карский защитник), Ironfist Harbor in Nagrand (see Связной Железной Орды)), or in dungeons (ex. Iron Docks, UBRS, Grimrail). It's absolutely possible to get these at lower level, the drop rate just tends to be very very very low and/or luck-based.

Good luck!

Комментарий от MisterRik

Soooo ... I get this quest at level 91, as an Alliance character still in Shadowmoon, but I can't actually do the quest until I can fight my way through Gorgrond and find my way into Frostfire?

Sounds legit.

Комментарий от nexos10

As of the latest hotfix: "Iron Cannoneers no longer drop Iron Horde Scraps."(http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/16561637/603-hotfixes-december-17-12-17-2014)

Комментарий от Ringthane

So this quest is a joke by Blizzard, right? It has to be. I've been to Ironfist Harbor twice now in two days, and I have a whopping two scraps. I've tried the towers, I've tried the docks, I've tried everything.

This quest has the worst drop rate in WoW. And this is coming from someone who's been playing since before AQ opened. I've killed countless animals that don't have heads, skins, and livers. I slogged through the worg tail grind in BC. So I know when a drop rate is ridiculously screwed up.

Комментарий от Faidtherogue

Can confirm that the droprate isn't too abysmal in Bladefury's Command (69 5) north in talador. Got 6 of them in about 8 minutes. Agurak's fall south of the alliance flight path in frostfire ridge was awful for me. Didn't get a single one in 10 minutes there.

Комментарий от Caikems

Got mine @ nagrand docks officially at 11/30 iron horde slain for the bonus objective. Took no time at all.

Комментарий от Faerborne

I tried farming these in the large pathway north of Fort Wrynn for 10min and got nothing.Then I moved over to the smaller pathway into the fortress to the North-West (left) of there, and got all 5 scraps in about 5min.Good luck!

Комментарий от Stargazer777

You can get all 5 of these in Skyreach normal dungeon (don't need heroic). The highest drop rate off mobs is in Talador - 47-49% drop.

Комментарий от Tyrnan

Orunai Coast in Talador

6 shards in 10 minutes and the mobs are a doddle, and plentiful with a fast re-spawn

Комментарий от harristl

For those of you just looking for 5 Iron Horde Scraps for the Scraps of Iron quest. . .

1. Fly to the Redemption Rise FP in Talador (63,25).2. Turn left coming out of the FP and head north on the road to the Burning Blade Citadel (67,7).3. Kill everyone you see. . .should take approx. 10-20 kills to get 5 Iron Horde Scraps.

Good luck!

Комментарий от Jahnz99

Farmed these at the ironfist harbor took about 35 min. On my way out after getting all 5 ran into small mob and they dropped 3 scraps so really I got 5 to drop in about 2 min but the first three took about 30 min. Guess it's just luck.

Комментарий от Narinae

You can just wait and get the iron scraps out of your work orders.

Комментарий от angelbennett92

I got mine within 10 minutes. I went to Ironfist Harbor in Nagrand. Fly to Nivek's Outlook and go west.

Комментарий от Meditare

Iron Seigeworks (85, 59 in Frostfire Ridge) is where I farmed them. It took about 3 dozen kills.

I don't think you can pick up more then 5 while this quest is active now. As I tried for about another 20 minutes and couldn't get anymore to drop.

I tried farming in Nagrand and Gorgrond and it seems like they don't drop there while you are on the quest. I was killing Iron Horde in both locations for about 10 minutes each and no luck on any drops.

4.25.2015Meditare - Duskwood"The mind is everything. What you think you become."-Buddha

Комментарий от KEROchan

Since this is just another building introduction/tutorial quest, it'd be nice if the drop rate was temporarily buffed until you complete it. I did an entire quest chain (Alliance, Shadowmoon Valley) revolving around one of the clans, killed a few dozen enemies and came out with only three scraps.

Thankfully, I didn't build the bunker for the transmog gear...

Комментарий от Skullrazer

I found that the easiest way to get the scraps is to use the dungeon finder. All of the WoD bosses can drop about 3-10 scraps, with a very good drop chance. They also drop the Ravaged items as well. I've already farmed the Helm, Shoulders, and shield in about 2 days from dungeons.

Комментарий от MotherOfDanbo

I'm posting to help those, like me, who have had problems with this quest.

I've gone to all the places listed in various websites, and 'given up' between 35-55 mins later. I've given each zone a fair chance - music on, prepared to grind etc.

In the end, I abandoned the quest, took it from the NPC again and set off anew. Again, I flew first to Redemption Rise in Talador, then flew north-east to 67,7 and began killing everyone there.

Tadaa! 18 kills and my first scrap dropped. So, if you're pulling out your hair, abandon the quest, re-take it, and try this zone.

Good luck :)

Комментарий от Patwan

This is no longer a viable place for scraps of iron, go to Iron siege works in Frostier ridge (85.4 59.4).

Комментарий от BerekHalfhand


I just completed this quest this morning and it took about 15-20 minutes of killing everything. Used the provided coords.

Комментарий от cornishninja

For my "just dinged" level 100 mage, I went to Bladefury's Command (approx co-ords: 67, 7) in Talador, and found it only took around 10 minutes to get all 5 from the orcs there. These orcs are level 100 (non-elite) and are often grouped.

Going slightly off-topic, if you also have the Trading Post building in your garrison (assuming you're Alliance), and have access to the Sha'tari Defense faction, Bladefury's Command is a good place to farm rep.

Комментарий от JesiMcCoy

Another good spot to farm these is Ironhold Harbor in Tanaan Jungle. Plenty of mobs, easy to group, quick respawn.


Железные обломки - Задание - World of Warcraft


Комментарий от samleaper

been killing orcs all over frostfire and gorgond cant find the scraps

Комментарий от sirmoogles

Here's the item for the quest: Обломки доспехов Железной Орды

Комментарий от Belzeth

Ironfist Harbor in Nagrand. Far from the best droprate but a possible farming place.

Комментарий от Verosumatic

These can also be obtained from the humanoid mobs in Darktide Roost on the southeast island of Shadowmoon Valley. A good time to farm them is while doing the garrison daily out there. Note: Mobs are not explicitly labeled as Iron Horde.

Комментарий от Grazokh

Frostfire Ridge Coords : 57/72. Your Place to be! Took me 2 Minutes at lvl 100 ! Thx Daiemio ! :)

Комментарий от Ragingbich

Just across the valley east of my garrison along the road into Grom'gar. Iron Cannoneers. Took < 5 mins. Cake walk at lv 97.

Комментарий от dipiddy

Dropping from non-Iron Horde heroic 5 man mobs and bosses since the hotfix for Gorgrond cave spawns.

Комментарий от selkie47

Terrible drop rate. Not just terrible but wonky- killed around 20 then went back to the cannoneers. Farmed them for a bit with no drops then suddenly got three. Then they stopped respawning till I killed the cannoneers across the way- respawned, got 4 drops.

Комментарий от Stompa

Обломки доспехов Железной Орды drop from a lot of mobs (a full list is on the item page), but if you are looking for the closest ones to the Horde Garrison, they can be found in Frostfire Ridge and are all named "Iron _____".

I had good luck with the Железный канонир. There's a camp with some cannons around 58,72 and these guys are moving supplies around; I found that as I killed them others respawned immediately so it didn't take long at all.

Комментарий от Cruisiphix

Look for a small iron horde camp at 57.72 in Frostfire. It is past the valley. DO NOT GO THROUGH THE VALLEY TO GET HERE AS YOU WILL HAVE TO TURN AROUND. Drop rate is about 1 per 20 kills but fast respawn and easy to kill. Thanks Grazokh for the help.

Комментарий от maninthemoon

What the hell is the point in doing all that for a tabard you can buy in SW for next to nothing? I thought, Oh yay! I can get my 25th tabard for my achievement. Nope.

Комментарий от Ipeedmypants

the co-ords 57,72 are correct, however this isnt as ideal as others have made out. It's a tiny location of about 7-8 Mobs, and the respawn rate is appalling, took approximately 18-19 mins for my first 2 to drop.Luckily the respawn very quickly, but if you have someone else there on the same quest then I suggest you return later.

hideously frustrating

Комментарий от mastaphydraxis

Iron Cannoneers go down quickly, but the drop rate on the scraps is low. Be patient.

Комментарий от finniviby

Maybe i'm a bit slow. but what's the point of getting this. Is it the gold? If so there are much faster ways

Комментарий от Species3259

At the moment this is a very annoying and frustating quest at horde side.

The best spot is basically what every other person mentions, 57.5 72, Frostfire Ridge. Fast respawn en have iron in their name.

It is supposed to be a simple start quest to initiate your war mill instead this is now utterly rubbish.

Mabye it is bugged, im level 100 and after 200 kills not one single scrap dropped. I dont know.

But why not simply a designated 'area', only when you have the quest?

Ugh, total rubbish!

Down voting is ok :-) Just came here to write away my frustation.

EDIT :And now we have confirmation! Patch Hotfixes December 19th :

Creatures and NPCs

Frostfire RidgeIron Cannoneers no longer drop Iron Horde Scraps.

Sometimes you wonder why Blizzard do the things they do :-)

EDIT : 2 Changed the first EDIT .. it previously read "Patch Notes December 28th" .. no idea why i wrote that :-)

Комментарий от nexie

At least I almost leveled my body guard at that place to the second lvl ....

Комментарий от viejo

For those who have been having troubles aquiring iron scraps and are also low level, I found some mobs that drop these, since the ones south of the Garrison no longer do (or at least seem to)

Location: Гром'карский рубака

Комментарий от Elfgar

Obtained 5 Обломки доспехов Железной Орды with two kills in Gronn Canyon, Gorgrond at coordinates 50/42 from Гром'карский остроглаз. Had tried the earlier best location on Frostfire Ridge with no luck.

Комментарий от HellThrone

Well, I was farming iron horde all over the WoD zones for hours but it seems drop rate is changed or even removed, Go farm 5 man instance where it have iron horde adds, UBRS is the best place if you ask me

Комментарий от Biddit99

Hi, always come here first on any obscure quests & read that Frostfire Ridge was nerfed but that Gorond was the way to go. Flew to Skysea Ridge & picked up the quest to feed Rooter. So glad I did, needed to kill the mobs around his 'food' and guess what? Yuppa the Iron scraps dropped from the Blackrock Guards in Rooters Pass. Got 3 drops of 2, 2 & 3 within minutes. Ok, I know these mobs are level 100 but for lower levels it might be as well to try any Orcs fighting on the side of the Iron Horde and not limit yourselves to ones with 'Iron' in their names. Best of luck in the hunt.

Комментарий от NildaHostar

So far I had the best success with geting the scraps from Dreanor heroic dungeons, any dungeon that has Iron Horde in it (as they drop also from not-iron horde mobs, I got mine from mobs just before Forgemaster Gog'duh in BSM) will give you all you need in less time then it takes to finish the instance. If however you prefer to do it outside of a dungeon there is one full-proof zone in FR, Iron Siege Works on the border with Gorgrond. The mobs are lvl 100 in there, the drop rate is decent (less than 10 mins to get those scraps), but you have to be careful with the tanks in the zone. They hit like a truck.

Комментарий от alpanhell

This is either bugged or just stupid. After reading this thread, I tried krom'kar grunts with no luck, I tried the mobs in rooters pass with no luck.

I finally got the idea to try the mobs in Nagrand at ironfist harbor while doing the bonus objective to be constructive. I got almost all the way through the 30 kills and 2 finally dropped, then a few kills later I killed one mob and 3 dropped off of him.

Either this is bugged or just a stupid design. to go that long with getting nothing and then getting 3 off one mob..

Комментарий от raggedydoll

Based on this: Обломки доспехов Железной Орды, and you are level 100, you now want to go to Talador and make your way to 69.16, 3.18 . The drop rate didn't feel like the 53% that is reported, but after about 20 minutes I had the 5 Iron Horde Scraps that I needed.

Комментарий от visvis

There are some lvl 90 Iron Horde Scouts in Shadowmoon (right side of Elodor near the shore). Took about 10 mins to get my 5 scraps. Just had to wait for them to respawn.

Комментарий от turkesh

At level 100 I tried all of the spots in Frostfire Ridge and at The Pit in Gorgrond with zero drops. Got 6 drops in 12 kills at Ironfist Harbor in Nagrand (5/6 came from Железный арбалетчикs.)

Комментарий от marcd455

As of 1/2/2015 wtf is going on with this quest. I tried all the known spots and didnt get anything so i went and did pit daily and i ended up getting 2 while in there. After i went flying around trying different areas and got nothing so i figured screw it ill go back to pit with people doing daily....25 minutes in a fulll raid and no scraps drop....i know for a FACT they drop like i said i got 2 in pit just a short while earlier, wtf is going on with this quest

Комментарий от wscott2420

Ok,first off let me say I'm not complaining,just stating my observation/opinion.The drop rate for scraps is terrible now.Bad enough that there probably will be some people that say the heck with it and replace the war mill.But I'm stubborn so I kept at it. :)The first war mill I did,I went to the cannoneers in Frostridge and it took no more than a half hour.Seems they don't drop em at all now.So I checked here and went to Gorgond.I started with the grunts on the wall.Did 1 clear all the way both ways and nothing.So I went to the other area with the grunts around the dead gronns.They finally started dropping here,took probably a half hour.And they drop from deadeyes also not just grunts.Couple or 3 trips around and I finally got em.Good luck!

Комментарий от UAEmirates

I finished this quest by receiving the parts on the mail after doing a heroic dungeon.

Комментарий от 1lonewolf1

I attempted to get the scraps from the Frostfire Ridge Iron Cannoneers and after 20 min no drops came to wowhead and read they no longer drop http://www.wowhead.com/item=113681. Went to the south side of the wall bordering The Pit in Gorgrond 49/36. Running alongside the wall killing Гром'карский остроглаз, was able to get all 5 Iron Horde Scraps within a dozen kills. The nearest flightpath is Skysea Point near Drov.

Комментарий от Ragnorock77

I did this by being at the iron siege works, back in the back inside the ring with iron berserker and gladiator, also got a one of the grom kar to drop 2 of them so, you can probably kill anyone there and get drops, but it took me a little while to get them hope this helps!

Комментарий от Bethania

Did Bonus Objective: Ironfist Harbor in Nagrand. After I finished the quest I killed a few more orcs to get the last couple of scraps. All up - 30 mins or so.

Комментарий от Vypur

Go through Thunder Pass to the Iron Siege Works. Anything here will give you Iron Horde Scraps at an excellent drop rate. First few things I took down had already given me 5.

Комментарий от tangneyp

Easy way to do it, forget the Железный канонир, they don't drop them anymore!

Take a flight path to Нивек Ли in NagrandHead south west to /way 41.37, 76.41Lots of Железный арбалетчик and Железный страж to kill! Took about 15mins =]

Комментарий от Henderman

Iron Seigeworks (85, 59 in Frostfire Ridge) for the win; six kills and done

Комментарий от SFFCorgi

I tried the (confusing, time-contradictory and hotfix-complicated) suggestions here, and ran into some of the bonus questing in Gorgorond instead of finding Scraps. While I was killing handfuls of Goren, Goren eggs, Gronnlings, dying peons and the like around Gronn Canyon, I found to my delight that my bonus target Grunts were also dropping some scraps. I got the bonus gold and the scraps at the same time. They were all labelled 'Grom'kar', not 'Iron' anything, though.

Комментарий от Melandroso

Гром'карский рубака in Gorgrond in the Brak's Excavation (a cave with entrance at 42,78 44,43) drops them more or less willingly and are level 92.

Комментарий от Medievaldragon

Perfect spot for Scraps of Iron: Gorgrond 46,45

I completed the quest a couple days ago. Then today I was hunting for rare elites and treasure, when I found this cave full of Iron Horde mobs that dropped Scraps of Iron like candy.

There are around 14 mobs and one rare elite named Грелдрок Коварный. Looted 6 Scraps of Iron.

By the time I finished typing this, they fully respawned.

Комментарий от LTJenn

go to ironfist harbor took me maybe 5 minutes to get all 5 needed

Комментарий от Zerz

Just walked into Iron Docks dungeon last night, killed the first 3-man mob and it dropped 5 pieces.

Комментарий от nurseferatu

So if you have plenty of resources, new option after 6.1:Build War Mill and level it to 2. Buy "rush order: war mill" from Sergeant Grimjaw for 1000 garrison resources.Use the Rush Order, and take the Iron Scraps that you are given to pay Grun'lek. Advantage: can complete the quest without leaving the security of your cozy Garrison, saves timeDisadvantage: costs you 1K in garrison resources - but you still get the follower upgrades as well.

Комментарий от noshadow

Best place is Gorgrond, Brak's Excavation, 42.82, 44.35 or just west of the G in Gronn Canyon. Kill Grom'kar Grunt which are level 92. you may have to make 2 runs, but the respawn time is quite fast. It is a cave/hole in the ground.

Комментарий от Grishir

I upgraded the warmill to level 2 right away and put in the workorders. Got 13 Iron Horde Scraps on the first shipment.

Комментарий от Toreadores

If you are level 100 (like me when I made my Warmill) the easiest way (in my opinion) to gather the scrap irons is to go to a heroic random dungeon and the ogre or orc bosses drops 3-5 iron scraps.

Комментарий от LSBeene

I just did this - and lucked into / stumbled upon where to easily get these scraps.

I am a lvl 100 rogue with 655 iLvl gear. (just to gauge ease)

Iron Fist Harbor, Nagrand - 40, 69

I had to kill like 20-30 Iron Fist Orc and trash, but it was easy. A freshly minted 100 with crap gear could easily do this. A level 90 might struggle.

Hope this helps.


Разорванный ремень Железной Орды - Предмет

Комментарий от skipzy

Got the belt last night from Bloodmaul slag mines, the 3 ogres just before Gug'Rokk (last boss) dropped the belt + 18 Iron horde scraps. I farmed grunts in Gorgrond for about 2 hours with very few Iron horde scraps drops and none of the armor items so far.

Комментарий от Zarpy

Some info on what I've found so far with these, to help anyone trying to get their mog set.

The belt, shoulder and helmet piece needed to buy the respected transmog armor pieces all drop from Normal and Heroic dungeons. I have also had one drop in the world while in Talador at Orunai Coast when farming for Iron Horde Scraps. So despite what the tooltip says, these can be found in the world when killing mobs related to Iron Horde, however I believe the drop chance is much, much lower.

A few people I have talked to about these transmog sets have said they are keeping their pieces because they are unique, thinking that it will raise the chance for the one they need. This is however unneeded and in my opinion a bad idea. Most dungeon bosses only drop 1 piece, so by having one already thinking it will make the other drop isn't necessary true, due to the fact they can only drop the one on their table. So spend your armor piece as soon as you can, it won't effect your chances for the other ones you need, but you open up the possibility of getting another one, if later you want to get another set of the transmog stuff.

As a side note, still related to the transmog sets; When farming for Iron Horde scraps, I have found the best place is Orunai Coast, in Talador. They are low level so they are easy to kill, and have good drops rates, most drop 3 at a time. You will notice there seems to be some sort of invisible time cap, where you will get a burst of about 5-10, then get none for about 5 minutes. I get roughly 40-60 an hour farming at this location though.

And lastly, still on the topic of Iron Horde Scraps, these will not drop in a group when farming in the world. I am unsure if this is a bug or intended. A friend and I tried to group up to speed up farming process, but after about 30 minutes of killing stuff on various loot options, neither of us got a single one. You can be in a group while farming them, but no one can be in loot range of you when you kill the mobs. Again this only applies to world farming, they drop fine in dungeons.

Hope this info helps everyone trying to get their mog sets. Best of luck on your drops.

Комментарий от cowstick

I managed to get all 3 tokens in about 1 hour of farming with a few hour break in the middle. Here's how!Go to Iron Docks alone, set the dungeon difficulty to normal. If you're careful you can walk past all the mobs and fight the first boss. I am a gladiator warrior with 634 gear and I solo him easy. You can run in, kill the boss, run out and reset in about 3 minutes. You can do this maybe 10 times before Blizz will stop you entering the instance because "you've done it too many times." Simply take a break for an hour or two and come back and repeat. I hate running HC's so I thought I would never get these transmog tokens but tonight doing this I got them all in literally about 1 hour of play time.

I made a video to demonstrate but I can't post a link.

Add this to youtube: /watch?v=sTp5IZ_wSZo

Комментарий от Thyrus

If you'd like to farm the first boss in Iron Docks to try for this item, don't be afraid to bring along a friend if solo'ing him gives you trouble. Just make sure the friend has auto-loot turned off, and have them loot the boss too. My friend got the belt as personal loot (We had Group Loot turned on, but I didn't see it), but she didn't loot it. When she stepped away, I could loot the boss again and picked up the belt!

Комментарий от asphaltdragon

From what I can tell, the drop rate of this has been increased, either since the recent patch, or the xpac. I've gotten at least one of each of the transmog pieces from every run I've done, on three different characters. What was taking me 40+ runs is now only taking 3 or less.

Комментарий от dcuffel

Don't bother farming the first boss on Iron Docks normal, they have to have nerfed it, I just killed him 5 times, not a single piece.

Комментарий от thercman

RANT - 20+ runs on the first boss in Iron Docks and not one drop. This is ridiculous. I would like to have the armor set on 4 or 5 toons but I am not devoting that kind of time. The item sets aren't that cool. Since I don't raid the chances of getting these items seem slim. Besides the drop rate on the scraps take forever in of themselves.

Комментарий от Furglelover

Anyone know how to stop these items dropping? I don't like the transmogs and only have the Dwarven bunker for the Seals and increased rate of item drop upgrades.

Комментарий от InvaderSpax

Anyone know if this is still just "kill Iron Horde bosses?"


Атака осадного лагеря Железной Орды - Задание

Комментарий от vol4

Задача - навести хаос в лагере железной орды. Уровень хаоса нам будет показывать полоска прогресса в заданиях. =)

Идем в осадный лагерь железной орды и начинаем там все выносить. Веселее выносить в группе, но хаос прекрасно устраивается и в соло. Так же в лагере имееются разбросанные (кто их разбросал?) Секретные военные планы. При уничтожении значительно апают прогресс (на бете около 4%). Так же они требуются для получения ачива Провальный план.Около домов и внутри, можно найти Бочонок эля Пронзателя. Тоже хорошо апают прогресс.

В лагере в достаточном кол-ве можно найти Шлаковая мина. Если разминировать (сделать это можно только выполняя задание), то получим разовую абилку, которая бросает мину и взрывает. Действует очень эффективно против пачки мобов. При разминировании может рвануть =).

Периодически будем попадать под арт-обстрел. На земле появляются зоны, в которые через несколько секунд прилетят снаряды. Урон наносится всем, включая мобов.

На мобах стабильно будем получать репутацию с Клан Северного Волка. Так же хорошо падают Апекситовый кристалл.

Кроме обычных мобов, в лагере можно найти ряд рарных мобов. Все легко были убиты в соло рогой. Ничего кроме Апекситовый осколок с них я не получил.Так же с редки респауном можно найти Надсмотрщица Кулла. Орчиха на убийство в пять тел, но говорят можно и в соло убить. Мне не попадалась.

Комментарий от Yorco

"Это задание более не доступно в игре". А как тогда ачив на бочки получить?

Комментарий от Aibolit666

Для ускоренного прохождения забегайте в здания, расположенные в квестовой зоне, и сжигайте Секретные военные планы. Каждый сожжённый план прибавит 4% к прогрессу в задании.

По большей части бумаги располагаются на нижних этажах башен и на крышах. Больше всего планов, пожалуй, в /way 82,56

Комментарий от Sycamore

Для тех, кто когда-то играл, не доделал квесты и достижения, забил на игру, а потом вернулся. Сама искала около получала, вынесла весь этот осадный лагерь, а в достижении не засчиталось.Если бы не заглянула в закладку "Дополнительно" на этой же странице и не открыла сам квест Штурм осадного лагеря Железной Орды, то не поняла бы мешанику этого достижения.В Гарнизоне есть такой Темный охотник Укамбе, он каждый день предлагает ежедневный квест на какую-то Атаку. Вот у него и надо выполнить ВСЕ квесты для этого достижения.Все просто :-) Надеюсь, кому-нибудь поможет.


Атака Железной Орды - Задание

Краткая информация
Убейте 8 |4рубаку:рубак:рубак; Железного Марша.


Нам сообщили, что непосредственно перед атакой Темный портал окрашивается в красный цвет. Нападающие называют себя Железной Ордой, но, похоже, никак не связаны с той Ордой, которую знаем мы.

Их войско очень хорошо снаряжено, их бойцам несть числа.

Они уже заняли крепость Стражей Пустоты. Нашим войскам на передовой не помешала бы твоя помощь, |3-6(<класс>).

Неплохо, воитель! Определенно, твое присутствие на поле сражения вдохновило наших бойцов.


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Наступление Железной Орды - Задание

Краткая информация
Убейте 8 |4рубаку:рубак:рубак; Железного Марша.


Нам сообщили, что непосредственно перед атакой Темный портал окрашивается в красный цвет. Нападающие называют себя Железной Ордой.

Их армия превосходно вооружена, а воинам нет числа.

Они уже захватили форт Окрил'лон и крепость Стражей Пустоты. Нашим войскам на передовой очень кстати пришлась бы твоя помощь, |3-6(<класс>).

Ака'Магош, воитель! Определенно, твое присутствие на поле сражения вдохновило наших бойцов.


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