Мажордом Фэндрал Олений Шлем (тактики). Фэндрал олений шлем
Фэндрал Олений Шлем — История World of Warcraft, Hearthstone и Heroes of the Storm
Фэндрал Олений Шлем (англ. Fandral Staghelm) был верховным друидом Дарнаса, заменяя Малфуриона, пропавшего в Изумрудном Сне. Он боролся за власть над народом ночных эльфов с Тирандой Шелест Ветра и являлся одним из создателей плана по выращиванию Телдрассила. В Войне против Кошмара выяснилось, что Фэндрал, попавший под влияние Кошмара, был причиной отсутствия Малфуриона и обезумел, из-за чего Кругу Кенария пришлось пленить его. У горы Хиджал сторонники Рагнароса помогли освободить Фэндрала, и он обратился в первого друида пламени, заняв должность нового мажордома. Во время вторжения в Огненные Просторы Фэндрал был уничтожен отрядом героев Альянса и Орды.
Хотя Фэндрал родился уже после Великого Раскола, навсегда изменившего мир, он смог добиться значительных достижений и стал правой рукой величайшего друида – Малфуриона Ярости Бури. Фэндрал и сам стал наставником для многих современных друидов. Впрочем, из-за своего неприятного характера, грозного нрава и излишней вспыльчивости он так и не добился всеобщей любви, которой мог похвастаться спокойный и рассудительный Малфурион.
Война Изменчивых Песков
Тысячу лет тому назад, дети К'Туна - Киражи начали вторжение в пустыню Силитус, ведомые повелителями из Ан'Киража (Ahn'Qiraj). Гуманоидные насекомые жаждали захватить весь Азерот, и вновь передать его под власть Старым Богам. Первым, кто встретился им на тропе войны, был небольшой отряд ночных эльфов, расположившийся в пустыне. Лидером этого отряда был мудрый Фэндрал Олений Шлем, который на деле оказался неплохим военачальником. За короткое время он собрал довольно большую армию, которая смогла дать отпор Киражам. После долгих боёв, насекомым пришлось отступить обратно к своему городу.
Но близнецы-императоры Киражи, верные слуги К'Туна, всё же смогли найти слабое место в армии Фэндрала. Их внимание привлёк молодой воин Вальстан Олений Шлем, сын друида. Вальстан уговорил своего отца назначить его командующим гарнизоном небольшой деревушки Южного Ветра, которая находилась далеко от линии фронта. Императоры решили воспользоваться этим, чтобы взять молодого воина в плен, тем самым, сломив Фэндрала, который души не чаял в своём сыне. Небольшой отряд Киражи сумел преодолеть линию фронта и ворваться в деревню Южного Ветра. Насекомые безжалостно уничтожили весь гарнизон, а саму деревушку сравняли с землёй. Вальстана же, Киражи взяли в плен, а чуть позднее, прямо на глазах у Фэндрала и всей его армии, его жестоко убил генерал Раджакс - командующей армией Киражи.
Коварный план императоров сработал - убитый горем Фэндрал потерял интерес к войне, к своей армии, ко всему Азероту, и даже к своей жизни. Киражи бросились в атаку, желая разгромить армию ночных эльфов, оставшихся без командира, но вовремя вмешавшиеся в противостояние драконьи стаи сумели отбросить Киражи обратно к их улью. Благодаря этой победе угроза новой войны с насекомыми была оттянута ещё на тысячу лет.
Жизнь после войны
Потеряв сына, Фэндрал поклялся, что во что бы то ни стало вернёт его к жизни. В течение тысячи лет друид пытался воскресить погибшего Вальстана, но тщетно. После битвы у горы Хиджал, Мировое Древо Нордрассил практически было уничтожено, из-за чего ночные эльфы утратили своё бессмертие. Фэндрал не мог примириться с этим - ведь теперь он старел, а значит, времени на исполнение клятвы оставалось всё меньше и меньше. Тогда он решил вырастить новое Мировое Древо, которое смогло бы вернуть ночным эльфам вечную жизнь. Эту идею поддержали некоторые друиды, которые панически боялись смерти. Но Малфурион отказался помогать Фэндралу, назвав его задумку бредовой. Он прекрасно знал, к чему это может привести. Тем не менее, Оленьего Шлема это не остановило.
Через некоторое время Малфурион каким-то непостижимым образом заблудился в Изумрудном Сне и впал в летаргический сон. Новым архидруидом был назначен Фэндрал, как ближайший соратник Малфуриона. Теперь уже никто не мог помешать Оленьему Шлему осуществить задуманное. Вместе с группой верных друидов, он вырастил новое Мировое Древо у северных берегов Калимдора, назвав его Тельдрассил. Новое Древо выросло ещё больше Нордрассила, раскинув свои пышные кроны у самых облаков.
Но драконы-аспекты, знали об истинных целях Фэндрала, а потому отказались благословлять Телдрассил, тем самым не вернув народу ночных эльфов бессмертие. Фэндрал вёл агрессивную и жёсткую политику, не желая ни с кем считаться, что вызвало осуждение у приверженцев взглядов Малфуриона. Из-за сильных разногласий с Тирандой Шелест Ветра, которая обладала равными с архидруидом правами, в обществе ночных эльфов вполне могла вспыхнуть гражданская война, но об этом негласном противостоянии знают лишь высшие члены Круга Кенариуса, командиры Стражей и некоторые другие высокопоставленные лица. Только благодаря этому в обществе ночных эльфов удаётся поддерживать хрупкий мир.
Возвращение Малфуриона
Спустя несколько месяцев после падения Короля Лича, Фэндрал собирает множество друидов у Телдрассил, раскрывая им свой план об об очищении гигантского древа. Он собирался использовать Идол Ремула, для достижения этой цели. Наралекс, Бролл Медвежья Шкура и Хамуул Рунический Тотем были среди призванных. Однако, перед тем, как ритуал был завершен, явилась Тиренд, предупрежденная Элуной о том, что над жизнью Малфуриона доселе никогда не висел такая угроза, как сейчас.
В конце концов выяснилось, что Олений Шлем был пешкой в руках Лорда Изумрудного Кошмара, Ксавия, который послал видение Вальстана, дабы одурачить архидруида. Олений Шлем неосознанно продлевал отсутствие Малфуриона благодаря растению Рассветнице. Хуже того, он также был ответственен за развращение и практически уничтожение Тельдрассила, т.к. в тайне пересаживал на дерево ростки Древа Кошмара Хавиуса. Когда Малфурион смог таки вырваться из лап Кошмара, он смог доказать остальным друидам безумие, охватившее Фэндрала и его предательство. После победы над Кошмаром, друиды отвезли Оленьего Шлема на Лунную Поляну, в надежде, что он сможет излечиться, однако многие подозревают, что разум его навсегда разрушен из-за повторной потери Вальстана.
Источник информации в этой секции – дополнение Cataclysm к World of Warcraft.
Из квеста на Горе Хиджал мы узнаем, что Фэндрал заточен в тюрьме Горы Хиджал и скоро становится ясно, что это было плохой идеей,потому что из-за огромной силы, которой он обладает, культисты будут охотиться на него, дабы использовать его в своих целях. Игроку предлагается сопроводить Фэндралла в тюрьму Лунной Поляны, где он останется до тех пор, пока не вернет себе рассудок, или же на оставшуюся вечность.
Однако зеленый дракон Алисра, которая стала конвоиром Фэндрала, предала свой род и привела Фэндрала прямиком в Огненные Просторы, к Повелителю Огня Рагнаросу. В награду за это она была очищена огнем и превратилась в ужасающего огнеястреба Алис'разор, а Фэндрал стал предводителем ужасных друидов Пламени и новым Мажордомом Рагнароса вместо уничтоженного им же Экзекутуса.
В итоге как Алис'разор, так и Фэндрал были уничтожен героями Азерота в Огненных Просторах.
Фэндрал Олений Шлем: история персонажа
Фэндрал Олений Шлем — ночной эльф, друид. В отличие от Малфуриона и Иллидана, наш герой был относительно молодым — родился после войны древних. Но даже несмотря на это он представлял из себя великолепного лидера и главнокомандующего: участвовал во множестве сражений и легко находил решение любой проблемы. Также он состоял в Круге Кенария вместе с главными представителями ночных эльфов под главенством самого полубога Кенария.
Фэндрал Олений Шлем являлся правой рукой Малфуриона и учителем многих друидов. Порой он был вспыльчив и нетерпелив, что отличало его от рассудительного и всеми любимого Малфуриона.
Но что же было главным в жизни Фэндрала? Семья, а в особенности его сын Вальстан Олений Шлем.
Вальстан, сын Фэндрала Оленьего Шлема
В отличие от множества других эльфов, Фэндрал, наряду с военными действиями, не забывал и о своей семье. Вальстан воспитывался одним лишь отцом, ибо мать Оленьего Шлема младшего умерла после родов. Но даже в неполной семье Вальстан рос будущим воином, а закаленный в боях отец способствовал развитию прекрасных навыков ведения боя.
Повзрослев, Вальстан женился на Лейре, ночной эльфийке. А позже у них появилась дочь Истария.
Появление Ночного Кошмара, Андрассил
После порабощения всех Хранителей-титаноидов, Йогг-Сарон добрался до поверхности Нордскола, образовав новую руду Саронит, кровь Древнего Бога. Руда имела свойство поглощать всю жизнь вокруг. Существа, попавшие под действие Саронита, образовали хаос в землях Нордскола.
Круг Кенария очень беспокоился об этом, но никак не мог найти решение данной проблемы. Как же спасти эту землю от проклятой крови Йогг-Сарона? Фэндрал же, прославленный ненавистью к ожиданиям, выбрал самый быстрый способ: взяв несколько ростков Нордрассила, друид посадил пять древ по всем сторонам Нордскола. Самое большое дерево было названо Андрассилом «Снежной короной».
Участники Круга были в ярости от поступка Фэндрала, но исчезнувший саронит доказал им, что надвинувшаяся злость на Оленьего Шлема была ошибочной. Саронит уходил, а корни Фордрассила прорастали все глубже и глубже в земли и достали до самого Ульдуара, тюрьмы Йогг-Сарона. Воспользовавшись этим, Древний Бог осквернил древо, что способствовало главной угрозе Изумрудного Сна — появлению Кошмара.
Узнав об этом, Круг Кенария уничтожил дерево. Павшее древо стало называться Фордрассил «Павшая корона». По итогу можно сказать, что Фэндрал, не зная об этом, стал одним из создателей будущего Изумрудного Кошмара.
Война зыбучих песков, смерть Вальстана
Когда не было даже и намека на самую первую войну, киражи, солдаты К’Туна, начали нападение для возвращения Древнему Богу прежнего влияния на земли. Первыми, кто начал противостоять жукам, стали ночные эльфы. Кругом Кенария было решено отдать управление армией Фэндралу, который с удовольствием согласился и забрал с собой на войну своего сына Вальстана.
Под натиском ночных эльфов армия киражей отступала, но у всех есть слабые места. Императоры-близнецы Век’лор и Век’нилаш нашли слабость и у Фэндрала — его сына. Вальстан уговорил своего отца назначить его командующим гарнизоном небольшой деревушки Южного Ветра, которая находилась далеко от линии фронта. Императоры решили воспользоваться этим, чтобы взять молодого воина в плен, тем самым сломив Фэндрала, который души не чаял в своем сыне. Небольшой отряд киражей сумел преодолеть линию фронта и ворваться в деревню Южного Ветра. Насекомые безжалостно уничтожили весь гарнизон, а саму деревушку сравняли с землёй. Вальстана же киражи взяли в плен, а чуть позднее прямо на глазах у Фэндрала и всей его армии он был жестоко убит генералом Раджаксом, командующим армии киражей.
План императоров удался: Фэндрал, находящийся в глубоком шоке и смятении от случившегося, покинул поле боя. И если бы не помощь драконов, то война для ночных эльфов окончилась бы позорным поражением.
В любом случае ее исход уже мало волновал Фэндрала.
Тельдрассил, попытка вернуть ночным эльфам бессмертие
После третьей войны Нордрассил более не наделял ночных эльфов бессмертием, а Малфурион впал в кому, оставшись в Изумрудном Сне. Никто не пытался его пробудить. После того как все решили, что Малфурион потерян надолго, Фэндрал бы признан новым архидруидом до его возвращения.
До того, как Малфуриона настигла кома, он рассказал Фэндралу о желании вырастить новое великое древо. Собрав весь Круг Кенария, Олений Шлем заявил о о своем намерении вырастить новое древо и вернуть эльфам бессмертие. По решению Фэндрала на севере Калимдора был выращен Тельдрассил — одно из высочайших древ в Калимдоре. Пытаясь добиться желанного, Фэндрал обратился к драконам-аспектам за благословением дерева ради бессмертия. Лишь Ноздорму, аспект бронзовых драконов, отказал в передаче благословения, и древо было лишено магических сил. А позже на ослабленный Тельдрассил начались набеги сатиров, оскверненных эльфов, что образовало новую угрозу.
Тиранда, кошмар Ксавия
Пожалуй, ненависть Фэндрала к Тиранде была сопоставима лишь с ненавистью троллей к высшим эльфам, лишивших амани и многих других племен их земель. Приверженцы Малфуриона и Тиранды, ведущие спокойную политику, были несогласны со строгим Фэндралом, что все больше и больше увеличивало вероятность начала гражданской войны. Но этого не произошло благодаря вмешательству Малфуриона после пробуждения.
В один день к Фэндралу пришло видение в виде Вальстана. Его сын попросил посадить ростки рассветницы, древа Кошмара, чтобы помочь Вальстану возродиться, но это не только погубило Тельдрассил, но и привело Малфуриона к лапам Изумрудного Кошмара.
Вскоре некоторые друиды заметили неладное и узнали, что ростки принадлежат Фэндралу, а сам Олений Шлем был одурманен видением Ксавия, Короля Кошмара. Вернувшись из лап Кошмара, Малфурион доказал предательство Фэндрала и отправил его в тюрьму в надежде, что его безумие исчезнет.
Мажордом Рагнароса
После войны на Хиджале с Рагнаросом Фэндрал пропал. Оказалось, что Алисра, зеленый дракон, предала свой род и вместе с культом Сумеречного Молота спасла Оленьего Шлема из тюрьмы. Ее убили, а Фэндрала отправили в Огненные Просторы к Повелителю огня Рагнаросу.
Ненависть из-за потери семьи была настолько сильна, что Фэндрал согласился очиститься огнем и встать на сторону Смертокрыла и нового Повелителя Рагнароса.
Когда же Истария, внучка Фэндрала, была убита, ее мать Лейра от горя утраты мужа и дочери присоединилась к новой армии Рагнароса и Фэндрала — друидам пламени. Фэндрал заменил мертвого Экзекутуса и стал новым мажордомом Повелителя Огня.
Теперь ничто не остановило бы Фэндрала с его желанием отомстить за смерть его сына, но длилось его величие недолго.
Что же случилось с Фэндралом?
Как и все служители Рагнароса, Фэндрал был убит воинами Хиджальских Мстителей. Позже пал и сам Повелитель Огня.
На этом и заканчивается печальная история Фэндрала Оленьего Шлема. Друида, который хотел лишь спасти свою семью.
Мажордом Фэндрал Олений Шлем (тактики) | WoWWiki
Фэндрал Олений Шлем - друид, шестой босс в Огненных просторах.
Правая рука Рагнароса охраняет вход в покои своего повелителя в крепости Сульфурона. Изменник Фэндрал Олений Шлем попытается сделать все возможное, чтобы преградить путь к трону своего властелина.
Потеря сына Вальстанна в войне Зыбучих песков окончательно сломила дух Фэндрала Фэндрала Оленьего Шлема. Теперь он стал новым мажордомом Рагнароса в Огненных Просторах (заменив на этой должности погибшего мажордома Экзекутуса) и возглавил мятежных друидов пламени. Фэндрал жаждет лишь одного — уничтожить мир, который лишил его сына.
Заключительный босс, открывающий вам доступ к Рагнаросу. Фэндрал превращается в кошку, когда противники находятся друг от друга на значительном расстоянии, и в скорпиона, когда 7(18) или более противников стоят рядом.
Облик кошки
Фэндрал превращается в кошку, когда противники находятся друг от друга на значительном расстоянии.
Прыгучее пламя — Фэндрал прыгает к противнику, оставляя за собой дух пламени. Приземлившись в огненном вихре, он поджигает участок земли вокруг себя, нанося противникам 24999 ед. урона от огня раз в 0.50 сек. в течении 1 мин. На эту атаку Фэндрал тратит 100 единиц энергии.
Адреналин — Всякий раз, когда Фэндрал пользуется способностью Прыгучее пламя, он получает порцию адреналина. Адреналин повышает скорость восстановления его энергии на 20% за каждое применение. Когда Фэндрал меняет облик, весь его запас адреналина пропадает.
Неистовство — Эффект "Неистовство" накладывается на Фэндрала каждый раз при трансформации в кошку или скорпиона, на 8% увеличивая урон от способностей Прыгучее пламя и Огненная коса. Эффект суммируется.
Облик скорпиона
Фэндрал превращается в скорпиона, когда 7(18) и более его противников стоят рядом.
Огненная коса — Фэндрал наносит 750000(2250000) ед. урона от огня всем находящимся перед ним противникам, причем все они получают равные доли урона. На эту атаку Фэндрал тратит 100 единиц энергии.
Адреналин — Всякий раз, когда Фэндрал пользуется способностью Огненная коса, он получает порцию адреналина. Адреналин повышает скорость восстановления его энергии на 20% за каждое применение. Когда Фэндрал меняет облик, весь его запас адреналина пропадает.
Неистовство — Эффект "Неистовство" накладывается на Фэндрала каждый раз при трансформации в кошку или скорпиона, на 8% увеличивая урон от способностей Прыгучее пламя и Огненная коса. Эффект суммируется.
Облик ночного эльфа
- Когда Фэндрал превращается в ночного эльфа, он ненадолго заключает своих противников в Огненный циклон и произносит дополнительное заклинание.
Огненный циклон — Огненный циклон подбрасывает игроков в воздух, лишая их возможности производить какие-либо действия, но на 3 сек. делая их неуязвимыми.
- Когда Фэндрал превращается из кошки в скорпиона, он произносит заклинание Пламенное семя.
Пламенное семя — Фэндрал внедряет в своих врагов пламенные семена, которые прорастают с разной скоростью. Полностью созревшее семя взрывается, нанося 60000 ед. урона от огня игрокам в радиусе 12 м.
- Когда Фэндрал превращается из скорпиона в кошку, он произносит заклинание Горящие шары.
Горящие шары — Фэндрал призывает несколько пылающих шаров. Каждый шар атакует ближайшего игрока, обжигая его и нанося 6500 ед. урона от огня раз в 2 сек. Эффект суммируется.
В течении всего боя ваша задача грамотно менять форму босса. Чем чаще вы ее меняете, тем сильнее наносится урон по танку/рейду за счет Неистовства.
Фаза скорпиона
Стойте кучно и перед мордой босса. Переодически Фэндрал будет применять Огненная коса. После каждого применения он получает стак Адреналина, увеличивающего скорость набора энергии. Первый стак появится примерно через 30 секунд после пулла. На 8-9 стаках ваша задача разбежаться для принятия Фэндралом формы кошки. Девятый стак появляется примерно через 100 секунж после пулла. Больше девяти стаков Адреналин набирать очень опасно, так как Огненная коса начинает бить со скоростью пуллемета.
Фаза кошки
Стойте разряженно. После Прыгучее пламя задача танка перехватить Духи пламени Если вы идете в два танка, то проекции танчатся прямо в боссе. Задача рейда переключиться на Духи пламени и убить, так как скоро появятся новые. Приоритет для дд на этой фазе - Духи пламени.Адды не имеют никаких способностей и бьют танка по 15-20к физического урона.Если состав позволяет, до 5-6 стака Адреналин можете бить их только кливами, но внимательно смотрите на входящий урон в танка. На 8-9 стаках все должны сбежаться, для принятия Фэндралом формы скорпиона.
Форма эльфа
Перед каждым третьим превращением Фэндрал принимает форму ночного эльфа и кастует одну из своих способностей. Рассмотрим их поподробнее. Пламенное семя: На всех членов рейда вешается дебаф с разным временем действия. При истечении времени человек взрывается, нанося 60000 ед. урона от огня игрокам в радиусе 12 м. Ваша задача выбежать из рейда - взорваться и вернуться обратно. Дебаф вешается так же и на танка. Лекари должны внимательно следить за временем взрыва танка и прожать купол/сакру/тотем для того, что бы в паре с Прыгучее пламя/Огненная коса рейд не убило.
Горящие шары они не дамажат директом, только обновляют дот на 8 сек, на каждый шар нужно назначить по 2 человека, которые будут меняться пока он не спадёт, стоят у шаров по 3-4 стака, зависит от пинга. в 10 шаров 2 в 25 - 3. Шары длятся 50 сек. Лекари должны внимательно следить за целями этих шаров. Сами по себе они не опасны, но вот в паре с Прыгучее пламя/Огненная коса могут убить. Лекари должны распределить защитные кд и применять их по мере надобности. Желательно на момент 7-8 стака адреналина.Общие замечания
- На фазе скорпиона будьте внимательны и стойте строго перед мордой Фэндрала На 8-9 стаке адреналина это особенно критично. На фазе кошки не забывайте вовремя убивать Духи пламени. После 6-7 стака они начинают появляться очень часто. Внимательно следите за Пламенное семя, если вы не отбежите вовремя - рейд может получить лишний урон, что особенно критично на фазе скорпиона при большом количестве стаков адреналина. Ваш дпс должен быть примерно таким, что бы за фазу кошки/скорпиона вы сносили ~ 15-20% хп.
- Первое превращение лучше продержать как можно дольше, это здорово облегчит вам жизнь. После 10 стаков адреналина начинайте применять закрывашки по рейду. [1]
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Мажордом Фэндрал Олений Шлем - НИП
Комментарий от Neutronimity
I've got dibs on:Ragnaros yells: TOO SOON, STAGHELM! TOO SOON!
Комментарий от snowbener
majordomo executas was merly a setback!Комментарий от Grizzlynick
Fandral Staghelm has become the newest accomplice of Ragnaros, and has replaced Executus as the Firelord's Majordomo. He also leads the new Druids of the Flame.It's awesome that he transforms into a fire cat. But also he transforms into a scorpion. Maybe something new the druids will be able to transform into later on.
Комментарий от HedinTC
I hope he won't be as cowardly as the previous one was.Комментарий от Nethris
Short fight tactics, updated for live.Two phases that rotate. You can decide when to change phases by clumping up (triggers scorpion) or by spreading (triggers cat). Whenever he changes form, he gains +8% dmg for the rest of the fight which stacks. Whenever he is in a form and uses the special skill, he gains a stack of adrenaline, which increases the speed the next special attack comes. Change the phase once the damage becomes too much. Stack as much as you can early on, less later.
Scorpion-Whole raid gather in front of boss to mitigate cleave damage.-If Searing Seeds was casted before entering Scorpion phase (as in, when transitioning from cat -> scorp), move when you are about to explode. Every player will have a different timer.
Cat-Spread to avoid pounce damage. Dont stand in fire.-Kill the cat illusion thingies-If going from scorp->cat, burning orbs spawn. These hit the closest target to them and do increased damage over time. Swap players to prevent unhealable damage.
-Only thing (aside from damage increases) that changes is that everyone gains a Concentration bar which fills up over time, increasing damage/healing done and resetting whenever you are hit by an ability.-His health goes WAY up. 480m on heroic (!). 10min enrage timer. That means 480 000 000 damage in 600 seconds, meaning 800k DPS total for a 25man raid.-Increase DPS by having tanks/healers eat scorpion cleave and spreading properly in cat form.
Комментарий от Oblodra
Majordomo = butler.Now imagine Staghelm serving tea to Ragnaros while saying "Here you go, master Bruce Ragnaros."
Комментарий от Bareno
Not sure why, but his encounter journal article is on another NPC page with the same exact name...Linky!
If a Admin could fix that, it would be nice :)
Комментарий от DrCheis
From Ask the Devs #8 (Firelands)Will we see anything of a sympathetic view of why Fandral Staghelm changed allegiances before he meets his demise? – Lorinall (NA)Not every villain in World of Warcraft gets a chance at redemption. In Firelands, the new majordomo will show you no mercy, so we don’t recommend holding back. However, one of the final quest rewards available from the Leyara quest line in the Molten Front daily quest area will give you a chance to see another side of the former archdruid.
The quest reward looks like it might be Покрытый гарью медальон, but Wowhead's information on it is incomplete at this time. Can anybody offer more insight?It's my question so I really wanna know! >.
Комментарий от mixter
Now he's got his own little flaming mr. Bigglesworth.Комментарий от Xenivid
It's generally accepted to start the encounter in the Scorpion phase. Depending on your raid cooldown's available you can take around 6-10 hits ( We usually do this fight with 2-3 Disc Priest and 1-2 Holy Paladins). At this point your raid should quickly spread out in a full or half circle around the boss. He should enter Cat phase. In cat phase he will randomly pounce players at ranged. The damage from this ability compared to PTR is significantly lowering and the dilemma at this point is how much room you have. 5-6 jumps is more than manageable. In Human phase he will attach lava seeds to players. The timers for these debuffs differs on each player and you should only run out if you have 5 seconds left and make sure to quickly return as your raid will probably have the boss in Scorpion phase at this point.When you reach Human phase a second time he will use a different ability, summoning Burning Orbs. Two players should rotate taking hits from these orbs, swapping only when their debuff stacks too high.
Комментарий от Eldente
We usually do this fight
Unless you meant the PTR, it's funny how you say this, when it's the first raid lockout period.Anyway, this boss is pretty much easier than all previous ones save Rhyolith. In a 368-ish geared 10-man raid, we did this boss with 1 disc priest, 1 holy pally and 1 resto shaman.
As far as I'd recommend, start with scorpion, spread out after the 10th scythe. PW:Barrier is useful right before the 9th scythe, so that it effects both the 9th and 10th one.
The first cat form should probably be outlasted until the 8th Leaping Flames. By that time, the boss already had 45% during our kill.
The trickiest part comes next - managing seeds and not getting destroyed by Flame Scythe. Note that you can run away from the raid and blast your seed prematurely with Divine Shield / Iceblock before the first scythe hits (don't know whether Cloak of Shadows or Anti-Magic Shell does this as well). This can make things even easier.
The Flaming Orbs do such little damage, that you may be tempted to let it stack indefinitely. However, do not not not not not do this, since Leaping Flames will one-shot you if you let the debuff stack too high.
He should be down right after the first Orbs, or perhaps even before that, if you're full 372+ geared.
Комментарий от Xenivid
Having killed it multiple times on PTR and twice on live, I don't see anything particularly funny about it.Комментарий от Rekka
General Tips.When switching. from Scorpion to Cat Have players use Blink, Disengage, heroic leap, Demonic portal to spread out instantly. This is especially important during the first scorpion phase where you are likely to push Staghelm to 10+ stacks and the flame Scythes will come fast and furious. Similarly when going from Cat to Scorpion have players start moving in as his energy passes85%. you can get most of the way in while he's still in the air without risking him leaping on someone close.
If you are having difficultly with enough room for seeds in the second scorpion phase make sure during the preceding cat phase that players stay well outside the circle center of the room, and if a Leaping Flames void zone is within 10-20 yards of you be sure to stand near the edge of it to overlap the void zones as much as possible.
Regarding Burning Orbs 2 people are generally sufficient to control an orb. the Orbs usually last until around the 6th leap of the corresponding cat phase. As you approach the fifth and sixth leaps you will likely have void zones on the Orbs and it will be harder to control who they are hitting. During this time Remember that abilities like Deterrence, Cloak of Shadows, and Iceblock can clear and/or prevent new stacks from applying if a player gets caught tanking two, or goes much above 5 stacks.
This fight is won or lost with how fast you can stack up and spread out so make sure your raid knows at which points to do each, and it will die fairly quickly.
Комментарий от evgen4
This is the world's most powerful druid.A simple night elf... able to turn into... a human!
Комментарий от Nulapwn
Fun fact:Feral druid boss is most feral-unfriendly encounter in T12Комментарий от MiltiadesBooga
Majordomo Staghelm yells: You stood in the fire!*snork*
This man is such a damn troll. It's kind of awesome.
Комментарий от Quane922
There must always be a Majordomo...Malfurion: Such a burden...
Комментарий от Arelyne
Is it just me, or does Staghelm sound voiced by Cam Clarke as a fire druid?Or maybe it is just me.
Комментарий от Thediss
Two orbs spawn on 10 man (normal).Комментарий от Epicskillz
Q: How many tier items does he drop?A: It is 3 on 25 man and 1 on 10 man.
Confirmed both.
Комментарий от Goats
Majorhomo is more than just a butler, if you know what I mean.
Комментарий от Thediss
Burning Orbs is not removed upon boss death, make sure to spread out if you still have the debuff! (It is fun to kill people with it, though =D)Комментарий от Blutkrieg
Major Tip for Raids with Rogues Present:If you have a Rogue present in your raid while engaging Majordomo Staghelm (likely, you do, at least in 25 man), ensure that when the boss transitions to Scorpion Phase (group up phase), your Rogues make use of the Уловка ability at their disposal; continued, ensure it is combined with Обугленный символ for maximum effect. It is best used roughly 3 seconds before the boss uses his Flame Scythe ability.
The ability Staghelm uses only concerns itself with splitting the damage, and not anything effectively nullifying it, meaning your Rogues (if continually timing their Feint well, and in conjunction with other raid wide cooldowns) will eat significant chunks of damage that would otherwise need to be healed away at no cost to their DPS. The 50% damage reduction means roughly (on 25 man mode), 40-50k damage taken, per Rogue, is reduced; that is a lot of mana saved for your healers.
Комментарий от Matutin
This is, by far, the best comment i ever read.Комментарий от zim57398
On one hand, we're finally able to kill him after all he put us through during Classic.On the other hand, he's the first boss ever to tell bads that they stood in fire.
I'm so conflicted.
Комментарий от VikariusRobo
Those who died, they Огоньку не найдется?.Enough said for this, obviously.
Edit: What the hell did I get downrated for? It's a quote by him, "You Stood in the Fire!"
Either be knowledgable and get a brain or realise what this is.
Комментарий от vicariousink
Quick excerpt from Wikipedia on what a "Majordomo" is.A majordomo is a person who speaks, makes arrangements, or takes charge for another. Typically, the term refers to the highest (major) person of a household (domo) staff, one who acts on behalf of the (often absent) owner of a typically large residence. Similar terms include castellan, concierge, chamberlain, seneschal, Mayor of the Palace, maître d'hôtel, butler and steward. The term also refers, more informally, to someone who oversees the day-to-day responsibilities of a business enterprise.
Basically, he's Rag's man slave.
Комментарий от JoeEgo
Anyone tried using Cardboard Assassin during Scorpion to help soak damage?Комментарий от oberondreaming
Does anyone know what criteria Staghelm uses to determine who is a valid target for Leaping Flames in cat phases?It doesn't seem to be based on number of people in vs. out and it doesn't seem to care whether you're in melee range or not.
We had him leap onto a mage, a holy priest and a holy paladin who were all standing right in melee. This wasn't just a "you're slightly out of melee range" problem either. I, as a holy priest, got leaped on when I was literally standing right underneath him.
It seems as though he's simply hard coded to look at your spec or something, determine if you're a healer or ranged DPS and then consider you a valid target for a Leap. Can anyone else confirm this?
This means, however, that literally every single one of your healers and ranged DPS must run out for cat phases, something that most strats and guides neglect to mention.
Комментарий от Cloora
I can confirm that he picks leap targets based on spec and role. I will never leap at a melee or tank, but will leap at a healer or ranged DPS, no matter where they are.
Комментарий от shintorg
Fairly certain it has to do with the number of targets at range, very similar to other encounters with a pick a ranged person (Kologarn eye beams for example). We have a few healers in melee. So long as we have 10 targets at range (25man) he never jumps anyone in melee regardless of class/spec.Комментарий от Draenors
A person in my raid asked "Is it important to kill the spirit-adds quickly?" I replied "Yes, because nobody likes a COPY-CAT!"Then everybody laughed. Then we wiped.
Комментарий от WaffleIs4eating
Комментарий от HedinTC
Or: Yes, my (fire)lord.Комментарий от ZelosRaine
Just downed this on Ysondre-US a few nights ago.Tank: PallyHeals: Druid, Shammy, PallyDps: Elemental Shammy, Priest, Frost DK (me), Feral Druid, Fury Warrior, MM Hunter
The fight is really pretty straight forward and easy (if a bit stressful for your healers). The key is phase changing properly and quickly. We started with Scorp, went to 8, using one or two raid wide cds around 4/5 stacks of adrenaline (Spirit Link and, maybe, Aura Mastery, I think). After that first phase, we did 5 stacks for the rest of the phases except for the orb phase, where we only took 3 stacks as the fire orbs were easier to heal splitting them between cat form and scorpion. The first flamescythe of each scorp phase is so slow that the orbs were despawning by the time it came. We killed him right as he ended his 7th overall phase.
The tank found phase changes the hardest. The cat form hits hard, but he would be low from the last flamescythe and healers were running out so they couldn't always get him up. He also popped cds going into scorp as that was the most likely time he would have more than one cat add up.
Healers rotated cds and called each one so as not to overlap. Generally speaking, scorpion phase seemed scarier than it actually was. They almost always popped a raid wide cd right before or right after the 4th sycthe. Tranquilty was saved (I believe) for the 2nd scorpion form when he had casted the flame seed crap.
Dps just need to focus on stacking and spreading quickly. We did two calls for stacking and spreading. We called "stack/spread after next" then, when the ability went out, we called "stack/spread" again just as it came (watching the energy bar makes this easy). It is IMPERATIVE that you stack/spread the very next second after the ability comes out or you won't make the phase change and someone will get one shotted. Hero was used during flame orbs as it was also an execute phase. Ranged and heals took turns with the orbs, but, changing early (3 stacks) really helped to mitigate the damage. Melee, if you have enough, should prioritize the adds over the boss. If you let more than one of them live at a time, the tank will start taking some big hits. Generally, a few dots/cleaves, maybe one or two strong direct attacks, will do it. As a melee, myself, I found it quite natural: The add spawns when the boss jumps so I was able to switch targets to the add, burn it down some, and then get back on the boss without ever really having to move, ensuring I wasn't wasting dps (auto attack, anyone) and could still do quite a bit of damage to the boss at the same time.
You should remind your raiders to save personal cds like ams, personal shields, and other damage reducing abilities for the final flamescythe of the scorpion phase and to be sure to have at least one up for when their seed is exploding. Ams, for me, really helped on all of these. Also, don't be afraid to shorten phases near the end. Yes you take more damage, but, so long as you don't get one shotted by things like flamescythe, it is easier to heal slow but high damage than fast and slightly less high damage. On our kill tonight, for example, we did 3 stacks in orb form and, because someone was down, only 3 or 4 stacks in scorpion, finishing him in cat form.
Комментарий от Gwill
Комментарий от brunorocha
Комментарий от Towerarcher
YOU STOOD IN FIRE!LoL'dКомментарий от UndeadWarlock
Fun fact.If you are a Human Paladin or Mage, you can use the racial to escape his roots during Nelf phase and then Ice Block/Divine Shield before he finishes casting seeds to avoid it completely.
Комментарий от Supermutant
/point Majordomo Staghelm"You! I remember you... in the mountains."Комментарий от Guy7
This boss is somehow related to Леотерас Слепец or they went to same combat school which taught the importance of Searing Totems as high-priority targets. :D
Комментарий от TranquilRage
I tried bringing him Marrowgrain, but he doesn't seem interested anymore.
Комментарий от Arraya
hahahaha xD
Комментарий от Fuzzywiggles
As of today's nerf Domo is now sitting around 40 mil on 10 man normal.
Комментарий от nater131
Hotfix 9/20Health and damage have been reduced by 25% on normal difficulty. Health and damage has been reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty.Druid of the Flame have had their health reduced by 15%, and Sunfire damage reduced by 25% on both difficulties.The health and melee damage of Spirit of the Flame have been reduced by 25% on normal difficulty, and reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty.
Комментарий от Druidbleck
For those that don't know.... Majordomo is the name of a character in Turandot. The final aria named Nessun Dorma is extremely popular amongst fans of Puccini's operas.
Комментарий от Rygol
Resto druids are by far and away the most powerful healers for this fight, especially in heroic mode. Be sure that with any heroic attempts you do to try and adjust whatever tactic you use so your resto druid stays at 100 concentration for the entire fight, it will support your other healers tremendously and will allow the druid to heal an exorbalent amount.
Комментарий от Vegasboy
what is the HP on this boss as of right now due to the hotfix's?Комментарий от RiceCake
I'm sure a lot of guilds are now blowing away this boss after the nerf, but I still this is such an interesting boss that it warrants me to give a few thoughts on it in 10 heroic mode.For those that are unfamiliar, he has 105 million HP (yes, that much) on heroic 10 man mode, with everything else being the same except for the presence of a buff on everyone in the raid. The buff comes with a bar that increases automatically with time, but resets to 0 upon the character receiving any damage. At 25% full, you gain 25% damage and healing, 50% full is 50% damage and healing, and 100% is 100% damage and healing. Thus the fight becomes a DPS race with smart usage of the buff.
As one of my raiders says it, this fight is pretty much a math problem. The key is to balance who/how many people stay out of the scorpion phase slashes, and how many slashes/pounces that you go for to ensure that you raid could survive. It's a balance between DPS and survivability.
My raid composition is 6 DPS (Fury War, Frost DK, Mut Rogue, Arc Mage, Ele Sham, Marks Hunter), 3 Heals (Disc Priest, Resto Druid, Holy Pally), and 1 tank (Blood DK). Our setup actually changes sometimes, but this I think our more solid setup (plus or minus one change).
The first scorpion phase is our burn phase. That is simply because this is the phase where the damage from the boss is very inconsequential. Since the slashes barely do any damage, we could keep 3 DPS out in order for them to stack concentration to 100% for the entire phase. We picked the 3 melee because of the fact that by staying behind the scorpion boss, they gain extra damage with concentration and also don't get parried as much. Up until the 7th slash we were fine keeping everyone up with normal heals, but we opted to use one or two healing cooldowns for slashes 8 and 9. You could probably go higher, but more than 10 and the slashes come so quickly that it doesn't really matter. We bloodlusted once the DPS has a full concentration bar. With 3 DPS doing around 60k dps, you can't get much more use out of a lust. The boss should be below 75% (rough estimate rounded up to the next 5%).
The first cat phase is the same as normal to us. We go up to 5 pounces, but 6 or 7 should be easily doable. The flames just take up too much space by then imo. The key to the cat phases is for the ranged DPS to move out of the way before the boss lands in order to keep the 100% concentration. The boss should be below 65%.
The second scorpion phase is also the bomb phase. Since the bombs do a lot damage and people are moving out of the group left and right, we opted to keep everyone in front of the boss to take the cleaves. We go up to 10 cleaves, but, again, more is possible but may not be effective. The boss should be below 50%
The second cat phase is the same as the first. The boss should be below 35%
By the third scorpion phase the boss is doing enough damage that if we keep 3 people out some will get one shot by the cleave. For this phase, we keep one DPS and one healer out. The DPS will give extra damage, but the healer (resto druid), with 100% concentration, could pretty much keep the entire raid up till slash 10 by himself. You could switch out the healer for another DPS and simply use healing cooldowns, but the DPS isn't our major concern at this point, surviving is. The boss should be below 20%.
The third cat phase is perhaps the hardest phase of the encounter. The orbs will completely screw up your position and deal a lot of damage to boot. We tank the orbs with 2 ranged each, but it's entirely possible to move the boss so the melee rotates for one. What screws us up before was the strange positioning of the orbs spreading the boss's fire patches out in odd patterns and preventing us from moving around effectively. The key is to remain calm and always have an exit plan either for the transition or to let the other orb tank take the heat. We go up to 4 pounces, by which time the orbs are ending. The boss should be near death.
We usually finish the boss in the fourth scorpion phase. Depending on your DPS you might kill him earlier or later. One thing you can do is to change him to cat form right before his first cleave goes out so you have a long time to DPS him with 100% concentration. Even better, let your pally tank (if you have one) take the first cleave alone before changing him.
Комментарий от Sagira
Discipline priests are incredible for this fight on heroic. Why? Atonement double-dips from the concentration buff. Your smite/holy fire gets double damage, and then the ensuing heal *also* gets doubled. I was seeing atonement crits of 150k on 10 man, almost always being applied to the tank (or occasionally being applied onto a leap target, shortly after the first damage tick goes out ). This allows your other healers to concern themselves with burning orbs and not the tank.Similarly, if you can arrange it so that your melee group is taking the burning orbs, that lowers the overall healer stress level even more. Does require a bit more work on the melee group, so ymmv.
Комментарий от ghp0518
For us it seems to be the second easiest boss in heroic after heroic ShannoxHere is the tactic we used for 10 man heroic Majordomo Staghelm and it works even for guilds that don't have extraordinary dps.Setup is: 1 Tank , 2 healers , 7 dps.We started up in Облик скорпиона with 2 of the ranged already spread (hunters should be the ones that are spread because they can't use range while stacked in front of the boss) When his energy level reaches around 85 we spread so he never hits anybody with If you have a paladin tank he can even use Ревностный защитник to take 1 by himself before spreading (this will buy you a bit of extra time but you can do without using tricks like this, plus you can have members that are so mentally challenged that they will spread anyway before he does the that was supposed to be taken by the pally tank on his own even if have explained more than 10 times you will spread before second one and then making excuses that spreading before second instead of first is like relearning to walk :| . If you don't have such members then you're lucky and you can do this or probably did this before nerf and don't need this guide to kill it).The whole idea is too keep dps as much as possible with maximum Сосредоточенность that's why they shouldn't be hit by scorpion and since you will not be taking any damage from the damage taken can be handled with only 2 healers.
Облик кошки after spreading to this form you want to take about 6-7 leaps before stacking up , doing more is dangerous because dps might not be able to stack up in time and he might leap on the group causing a shameful wipe. Ranged should start moving when he is close to full energy so ideally they are not hit and lose their buff. Some hints on the Облик кошки :- if tank has problems taking the Дух пламени as it spawns he should have a macro like /target Spirit of the Flame/cast <taunt ability>if it aggro one of the melee and hit him it will cause to loose his Сосредоточенность and you don't want that to happen.- moving away from the boss when he prepares to leap this decreases the chance to be hit because it will take longer to get to you.- when he does his last people should start stacking up because otherwise it may take too long and you will end up with a in the middle of the group.
After you will stack up the cycle repeats and Облик скорпиона should be dismissed by spreading before he uses
In addition to the basic rotation Облик скорпиона with 0 and Облик кошки with 6-7 there are 2 special abilities you will have to deal with:Every third transformation Majordomo will do one of his special abilities depending on the transformation he will take.
- Пламенные семена this is done when he transforms to Облик скорпиона and it is the easiest of his to abilities to deal with , you will be in Облик кошки when these will explode, just find a nice spot with no-one in 12 y range explode and go back to dps-ing the boss, However this ability will reset your Сосредоточенность and that's unavoidable.- Горящие шары unfortunately this ability is not as easy to deal with because you might end up with the boss doing on the people that are taking the orbs (stacks from orbs increases fire damage taken + player getting hit by = instant death) and any death at this point will throw things so out of balance that it will end up in a certain wipe. After a number of wipes on this phase we decided one orb will be taken by ranged and one orb will be taken by melee dps and the tank, so the orb taken by tank and melee will never be in danger of getting hit by and reducing the chance for a on the ranged orb. If you have ranged dps and healers capable of taking orbs and move in time so they don't get hit by leaps this can be optional, if not then you'd have to do with what you got and find ways to work around their inability to handle certain things.Also for ranged ranged orb they are best to be take by:- Hunters (Marksman) : Take 4 stacks pop Сдерживание pop and again Сдерживание by the time it is over you can take another 4 stacks for around 18 sec- Mages (Arcane) : Take 4 stacks pop Ледяная глыба by the time it is over you can take another 4 stacks For the last stacks you can use Колдовской поток and which combined with talent should boost your dps also
If you pass the Горящие шары without anyone dead and the boss it's atleast at 50-56 % percent the cycle repeats and you should not have any problem killing this boss on heroic.
Комментарий от Elfeaterdk
I have put up a complete 10man normal+heroic guide for this fight in the guides-section.I hope you will comment on it, and help me make it a great guide that can benefit all.
Комментарий от Kaishak
I might be repeating this, but according to Wikipedia, Majordomo means highest person of a household staff. Also, Majordomo sets up events and maintains the facilities.I haven't heard of other elemental lords having secretaries, even Al'akir who is supposedly the weakest. My respect for Ragnaros dropped a bit.
Комментарий от baradiel
/majordomo-fight-10-25-h-normal This is my guide for Majordomo Staghelm hope you like it.. 10/25 Heroic/NormalКомментарий от Euphemia
Quite a few from the wowhead community seems to keep track of our stratvideos, so here's our kill of Majordomo Staghelm, on 10man normal - unfortunately post-nerfs, but it should still be of value to people looking to get this guy on farm for gearing up for heroic modes.Several setups will work, ours is usually something like this:1 tank2 or 3 melee4 or 5 ranged2 or 3 healers (depending on how many stacks of Adrenaline you want to push for in Scorpion)
We usually pop timewarp in the first Scorpion phase to nuke as much as possible and to take as many stacks of Adrenaline as the healers are able to deal with.
Best of luck guys!
//EDIT: With the gear upgrades etc through Dragon Soul, we will now pop timewarp/hero in the first cat phase, as soon as that mage or shaman has built his/her bar to a 100 for max buff :D
Комментарий от Maxan123
10ppl HM restor sham
Комментарий от Elfeaterdk
I fail to see why my saying that I've made a guide for this fight should get downvoted?Комментарий от TopHatEnthusiast
Hey Staghelm, what's your favorite kind of tomato?Is it Sun-dyed tomato?
Sun-dyed tomato.
Комментарий от sunsparrow
Just beat him,MageMageDKDkPriestPriestPresitWarriorDruidHunter
Waiting till 15 stacks
Комментарий от wintermadness1
Just killed him on normal without spreading at all...competent Dragon Soul-geared healers should have no problem healing through all the Scythes. When he dropped, he had gotten 25 Scythes off and our healers hadn't broken a sweat.
Комментарий от ezek86
Still drops BIS dps caster neck till PandariaКомментарий от Beranis
People have wondered what this boss would do when soloing him, here are the speculations and the reality.Theory 1: Since you are always close to him, he transforms into a scorpion.
Theory 2: Since there is no "transformation flag" when soloing him or because nobody else is clumped up with the soloer because he is soloing, he transforms into a cat.
Theory 3: He has a form, hidden away from the dungeon journal and meant for soloists.
The reality is, Theory 2 is correct. Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=967SDfXUIxM
Just enlightening those who want Дымящееся яйцо Миллазор/Оскверненное яйцо Миллазор.
Комментарий от arkensis
An update circa late in Patch 5.1:Attempted to 5-man Firelands tonight with 1 healer, 1 tank, and 3 DPS.
Everything in Firelands up to this point was manageable, except for Staghelm, given that no matter how tightly together we were, Staghelm always remained in cat form. The result was that his Adrenaline Rush stacked up (and accelerates as he gains more stacks), and his adds became unmanageable along with the fire pools. By the time he hit around 30 stacks, Staghelm was leaping at our ranged characters, and leaping again before he had even returned to attacking the tank.
Unless you have a lot of extra DPS to burn him before he accumulates too many stacks, small groups are not recommended for this fight. Unlike a class solo of this fight, extra people in the raid will cause Staghelm to jump further, resulting in DPS loss, uncontrollable fire pool locations, and a general mess.
Комментарий от XinR
Altho I have a few 90s, and almost every class save Shaman at 85+, I didn't do much raiding at all until well after some were soloable. my first 90 is a Nelf Druid and I've always wanted the fire kitty staff, but alas, its useless now except aesthetically.. too bad xmog doesnt do the abilities and not just appearance, but alas, I digress.. The portal to Majordomo, can I assume you have to get by the other bosses first, or is it a layout that you can pick a boss? I've never done anything beyond Fireland dailies and didnt even really finish those. Thanks for any constructive or helpful response..
Комментарий от sessile
Ran Firelands on normal last night with 5 people. Somehow managed to down the boss with only 5 people. Had 2 heals, 1RDPS, 1MDPS, and 1 Tank. Pretty sure both of the heals were dpsing as much as they could while the ranged stayed on the boss and the tank and melee stayed on add control. The boss gets very insane leaping all over the place, but it was doable. Boss stays in cat form the entire time, as you need over 6 ppl to get him to transform into the scorpion. Good luck!Note: both of the dps had over 500 ilvl gear.Комментарий от Asbat
windwalker monk solohttp://youtu.be/FQHbcIN2bK4Комментарий от TdarKoNe
We recently duo'd this fight on 10-man normal with an ilvl 517 Blood DK and an ilvl 539 Elemental Shaman.Full video on YouTube (with commentary)
Комментарий от Gulanga
In 6.0.2 this is no issue to solo, with some gear.On heroic there is a lot of damage coming in that is the the biggest problem, but avoiding the fire rings well should minimize the issue.As a ilvl 581 warrior he is no issue at all on 10 man heroic.
Комментарий от midsomer
To find Majordomo Staghelm in the Firelands raid, head to the place where you killed the gatekeeper boss, then use the nearby Magma Orb. A new map will open, showing locations for the two last bosses.
Комментарий от schnizol
Staghelm. Seems like he is Swedish. Or Norwegian.Комментарий от createdbyx
In regards to the hand full of adds on top of steps just before the boss ...As a level 100 feral kitty with 640 ilevel u need to be very careful about getting stunned or you will end up like me and get stuck in perpetual stunning with no hope of escape. I spent a good 5 mins trying to sneak in a swipe or some sort of DoT between stuns to no avail.
I tried to log out "Cannot do that in combat" I tried character unstuck "Cannot do that in combat" I cant even shadow meld because I'm permanently stunned. What makes it worse is that I take so little damage even on 25man heroic that my automatic self heals keep me at full health. The only way to break the stun is to quit the game and wait 15 mins or so then log back in to find your character at the start of the raid instance portal.
So yeah move, and move fast, and keep moving or get stuck in stunned purgatory.
Комментарий от erlkonig
Just soloed the instance today as a Demonology Warlock, level 92, ilvl 516. For comparison, I found him impassable at level 91 with an ilvl around 505 - though I'd forgotten about Sacrificial Pact for some reason, which probably would have let me kill him the two times I'd had him down to 10% or so.He stays a cat the entire time when soloing, and it's critical to knock out his adds as they appear. They have low health, but hit pretty hard. The adds pop out of the flaming fire circles when he pounces on you, one add per pounce, moving out of the circles quickly is also wise. I feel like he telegraphs the pounces, but was too distracted to really get a good look at it - they might be totally avoidable if you're paying better attention than I was.
I /knelt my way to the glowing balls near him (before starting the fight, though I'm a bit curious about whether he could be taken out and leave the balls intact) and can confirm they're not soloable, since activating one is channeled, but both have to be activated (and so it doesn't even matter if it would only take one each, cause, you're just one).
All in all, I found the only difficult fight (from the level 92 perspective) to be Lord Rhyolith.
Комментарий от Nirryti
There are too many comments, so I can't read em all. (Sorry if my comment is an copy) but it'd be nice if we could get his armored cat form as Incarnation form when toy/seed is up..
Комментарий от Tomtetass
Do you have to be a druid for the "fire cat" toy to drop or can you get it on a character with another class?Комментарий от eric0707
How to Majordomo Staghelm SOLO Level 100 25 Heroic --> https://youtu.be/GDTTvt59xjkКомментарий от Clinh
How come his drop list doesn't include Мешочек семян Фэндрала?
Комментарий от HeKol
On an average of 10 runs Majordomo Staghelm 25HC rewards 215 gold, 28 silver and 54 copper after vendoring dropped gear.
Комментарий от JustJinxed
Whatever happened to diminishing returns on stuns? His little pets violate the rules! ;)ru.wowhead.com
Верховный друид Фэндрал Олений Шлем - НИП
Комментарий от Saziel
This guy is tough- he roots everyone in the room periodically and keeps spawning 10-20 treants throughout the fight. Might want to get a druid to tank him, the shapeshifts will help getting out of the root and keeping aggro.
Комментарий от akirabrewer
Man why did Malfurion have to die. Staghelm is weaker but he is strong. My horde guild tried to kill him but we failed some of us had tier 1 maybe we were suppose to have all teir one to beat himКомментарий от Vexed99
One of the main city bosses, Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm definately proves to be a worthy opponent.AoE roots, and summons trents every 20 sec. he can be the doom of a unprepared raid group.
Suggestions definately keep a druid on standby to pick up aggro as they can quickly remove the root and pick up aggro. As well keep up aoe teams to get the treants down as they will spell disaster for your group especially the squishies.
Good luck!
Комментарий от Nines
I must add that Fandral Staghelm is perhaps the most obnoxious and annoying of all the NPC's in WoW.Never seen the Alliance fend off an attack on him ^_~
Malfurion is not dead, but he has disappeared and with the corruption within the Emerald Dream becoming more apparent, Malfurion could be in a great deal of trouble.
Комментарий от ironcurtain
They rather protect Tyrande rather then this geek.
Комментарий от olivertwistor
I hate this guy's arrogance. You try to help him by doing stuff for him and Cenarion Circle, but what do you get for it? Yelling... He thinks he's so tough and cool. Would love to beat him if I had a strong enough Horde character.Комментарий от Mylora
Very easy fight. Got him about halfway down with a prot paladin, holy paladin, and feral druid before Alliance interrupted us. Hits for about 800 on plate. He has two abilities, an AoE root, and periodically summons two weak treants. He may also cast Wrath while you're rooted - I actually don't recall. Darnassian Sentinels will also be spawned, but I'm not sure if they're summoned from Fandral himself or from the civilians on the floor below shouting for help.EDIT: This information is no longer valid as Fandral, along with all city bosses, has been upgraded to level 80 stats.
Комментарий от k4ppa
He's atop the tower with the druid trainers at the bottom, in case anyone couldn't find him.Комментарий от Hellbane
ma guild's first boss, downed him 2 times so far quite easy.actually it was like 7-9 guildies and ~30 randoms.AoE root wrath spam and summon trentsdarnassus guards.u can go out and bandage if ya needКомментарий от Malirion
The Archdruid seems to be a balance druid, confirmed by you guys. He summons treants, roots, and fires Wrath. Good news for the lonely moonkins.Don't hate the guy, he's the way he is for a reason. He saw his son get brutally murdered in Silithus. I think he kicks ass, which many of you hordies here also have confirmed.
Комментарий от ghostsong
Downed by a 20 man pug in Shadow Moon server (US), a few tips for this fight:1- Have lots of AoErs and healers
2- Everyone must fight inside the building, bacause if you go alone outside, a guard or the alliance might kill you
3- He casts AoE Roots, your priests can just Mass Dispell this. While your tank is Rooted, he will run away from him and cast AoE Wrath, so, the tank must reach him as fast as possible. He also summon 3 Treants every few seconds, just AoE them down, the Treants and the guards hit like girls, but should't be ignored.
4- Its good to have a Paladin (Prot or even Ret) to AoE Tank the adds.
This was the third boss the pug downed (Velen -> Tyrande -> Druid) and only one died in the Raid in the beggining, i don't know how. You don't need to be speeced to Tank, I'm pretty sure a Resto Druid tanked him, so, i would guess that even a well geared Shaman could tank him
Комментарий от shadowaninja
stupid staghelm... broke the scepter and made us spend untold amounts of time and money to repair it.... I hate him..
Комментарий от Malornerox
Regardless of his son, he seems kind of stuck up and snobby. Maybe he needs a hug. Allof the quests he gives are quite easy, except the Un'Goro one as a new 50 Hunter. As Horde, this guy is beast on Hunters, so don't recommend it.
Комментарий от Bedeni
He doesnt like High priestess of elune(Tyrande)much...if you left click on him he may say"Tyrande has no idea how to lead out people".Imo he wants to be darnassus main boss :D
Комментарий от eric4ever
Just killed him. We 3 man him to day 2/16/2008. Prot tank, holy pali, and hemo rogue. Was an easy fight. Took about an 1hr to kill him. Had several Ali try and come kill us. But me the Rogue took care of them.
Комментарий от Edocsil01
I personally agree that Staghelm is stuck up and snobby. He is also an idiot for planting Teldrassil, even though Malfurion warned him not to.Комментарий от Maluna
During the War of the Shifting Sands, Fandral's son Valstann led a detachment of Kaldorei (read: nelf hunters called lególaz) to defend Southwind Village. After 3 days, General Rajaxx came to the front of the Qiraji lines carrying Valstann (who got his FD resisted and got beaten up). The General then ripped Valstann in half with Fandral looking on.Before this, Staghelm was described as Hand of the Earth, and all of Kalimdor had joined him to fight the Qiraji. After watching his son die, he had the night elves fall back, and Silithus was lost. When AQ40 got shut by Anachronos(hence 1.9), Fandral destroyed the Scepter of the Shifting Sands in a rage, and in doing so lost the faith of the Dragon. Thats why Teldrassil isn't the new World Tree, why he's such an arse, and why we should give him a break. Its also just Wowwiki paraphrased : )
Комментарий от Woss
He can easily 5maned if you are alliance free.Some Sort Strategy and tips about him :
1st : It very important to keep quiet.That means that you have to not alert Alliance that Darnassus is under attack cause that will make things hard.You can achieve that by making a solid route without attacking guards.There are lot of clear spots where you can reset agro from guards.
2nd : If you have some people to spare (proly the best pvp geared people) let them stand at the narrow ascent hall lane.This is very important.
3rd : About Boss: He got about 1.100.000HP and about 65k Mana.His mana pool going down prety fast so it would be a good strategy to mana burn him.Also,his spells are not Interuptuble he is Immune to Mind Numbling and Curse of Tongues.Also immune to movement Impaling effects He hits about 800 on plate and 1000-1200On mail.
1.Lightning bolt :
Hits for about 1000-1200 (ressistable), 1.5Second cast.
2.Summon trees :About every 20Second he will spawn some trees with about 2-3k HP.The Trees hit for about 200 On leather so its not a big deal.If you have some pala,ask him to use Righteus Fury,and spam Consecration next to the boss so he can keep agro from adds.When you have like 8-10 Adds just do some AoE.Adds can cause some problem if they are not killed correctly and random agroing in the group/raid.
3.Entangling Roots :This is an AoE ability that will grip all the group/raid including pets.The damage dealt is realy low and its not a danger for the raid.When boss do this ability,he run away and start spamming Lightning bolts.Maybe has some agro reset effect also (didn't noticed that).It would be nice if you could dispel that from MT.
The fight can be done inside his room,so you avoid random spawns or Guards etc.
Also,notice that you can easily reset the boss if needed by jumping on the lower roof of the building,or jumping on the trunk at the lower level.
Комментарий от ganomex
he now gives 50 honor when you kill him and about 70g this was confirmed todayКомментарий от coyote72
Horde- Undercity -Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - Killed by Arthas, used to be an elfVarimathras - Slaved by Sylvanas after he tried to claim her
- Thunder Bluff -Cairne Bloodhoof - Leader of the Tauren
Silvermoon City -Grand Magister Rommath - Some blood elf guy in SilvermoonLor'themar Theron - Regent Lord of Quel'ThalasLady Liadrin - Blood Knight Matriarch
- Orgrimmar -Thrall - The Warchief, leader of the OrcsVol'jin - Son of Witchdoctor Sen'jin, fought alongside with ThrallGarrosh - Destined to lead his people to fight against Legion in Northrend
- Stormwind -Archbishop Benedictus - Student of the Alonsus Faol, that's itHighlord Bolvar Fordragon - Protector for King Anduin WrynnLady Onyxia - A big DragonLady Jaina Proudmoore - Sorceress under Stormwind, played a major roll before WoW
- Ironforge -High Tinker Mekkatorque - King of the GnomesKing Magni Bronzebeard - King of Ironforge, brother of Muradin from WC3
- Darnassus -Tyrande Whisperwind - Leader of Night Elves, alongside her love Malfurion StormrageArch Druid Fandral Staghelm - Leader of Darnassus
- Exodar -Prophet Velen - Former leader of Argus, Leader of Exodar
Комментарий от FallingDown
Downed him with 3 people today, ms warri/healpriest/healdruid, took 30 minsgave ~650 honor per person, 65g cash
Комментарий от Scyth
Just 7 manned him on the PTRs with no tank....full season 3....i no its PTRs but still heh
Комментарий от Wren
I have visions, you know.Комментарий от Pithrandil
Ladies and gentlemen, you are all wrong. He is NOT the most obnoxious NPC ever ingame, but he is the rudest at the moment. Maltrake, Servant of Rommath is the rudest to date. He was ingame at the time of early TBC beta version while they built the Undercity-Silvermoon portal and fixed it there; he acted as a portal. If you've ever seen him I'm sure you'll agree with me; if not, here's a pic:http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/a/af/Maltrake.jpeg.Good luck.
Комментарий от V1nd1c4t0r
I'd personally see this git be a part of the Scrooge achievement rather than Cairne.
Комментарий от gvnaruto
Very easy boss. We 20 manned him with a group where most of players were below 78 the only person to die was a level 46 we let come along. He summons 2 or 3 Treants and casts Entangling Roots periodically. I didn't notice any other spells but that might be because he ran out of mana fairly quickly. Only a few alliance came and tried to stop us since most thought we were trying to kill Tyrande.Комментарий от Stigg
Went in to three man him yesterday. At 80, it was a simple fight. AoE roots and treants just like everybody else said. But, with his 5.6 Million health, he went down slowly. Unfortunately, we couldn't get him below 50%. It seems as if he has an auto-heal that bumps him up to 52%. We beat on him for ~10 minutes after the intial 50% and we simply could not get him below it. He doesn't (cast) heal himself and the treants aren't doing it either.We realized there was simply no way we could do this, so we just ran off.
Комментарий от dunnolol
its impossible to 3 man a city boss and al of u who think u can try it and u will get wiped instantly and if u say u 3 manned a boss u are lieingКомментарий от 2OfDiamonds
God! I had forgotten about that buffoon!As if I could drink down any spittle.. my priest doesnt have a lower jaw for crying out loud!
Комментарий от Aonsaithya
I kind of feel that this guy will turn out a villain."Prime suspects are Remulos and Fandral Staghelm, since they are the only druids powerful enough to potentially sabotage Malfurion’s efforts in the Emerald Dream; but perhaps the betrayer wasn’t a druid at all."-Brann Bronzebeard
Malfurion objecting his plans (Teldrassil, maybe more) would provide a motive!
He also took the idol from Broll in the comic for "safe-keeping".He's locked in power struggle with Tyrande.
"Fandral is a staunch night elf supremacist, and he believes that night elves are the only true druids, as well as the superior race on the planet."
Just like the renegade Forsaken wanted to purge the world of everyone else. Hohoho.
"Quintis Jonespyre, a druid residing in Feathermoon Stronghold is very concerned — with why the archdruid in Darnassus is using the name of the Cenarion Circle, as well as the Circle's resources, to procure vast amounts of morrowgrain. He is a researcher — curses are his specialty. Quintis has heard that morrowgrain, under the right conditions, exude qualities like other herbs used in primitive curses. "
I smell something fishy.
Комментарий от Wildroses
Seems possible. He could end up being corrupted like Kael'thas.Or maybe he's just tense. I bet he never gets the girls.
Комментарий от Kethrook
Is any of his gear available?Комментарий от arkensis
Really though people, Staghelm only has one true wish.
Комментарий от undeadmagic
Well, for all of you who thought he was a worthy opponent, you were just proven very wrong, by four people. It took about 30 minutes, but we downed him with myself(a level 80 paladin, in prot. spec), a level 80 rogue, level 80 disc. priest and a level 80 DK. HA! Therefore, we rule.
Комментарий от flyingmigit8
Poor guy, he had is son ripped in half in the war against the bugs.Комментарий от Ethlin
Probably the strongest Alliance boss (Not counting enemy players, otherwise it's Varian or Magni).AOE roots, wrath, 20 sec triant summon, I also recall him putting rejuvenation on himself.
As opposed to say... Varian only spamming whirlwind.
Комментарий от ranger011
You can tell by what this guy says when you talk to him that he thinks he should be king of Darnassus and not Tyrande WindwhisperHe says...
"Tyrande has NO IDEA how to lead our people!"
"I have visions she lacks."
and this... which has nothing to do with Tyrande
"Speak quickly young one! I have urgent maters to attend to!" (Which he doesnt, he just strolls around the room all day"
Комментарий от kryzflavored
When you finish the Crown of the Earth chain, he says, among other things, "The weight of Teldrassil's problems fall upon my shoulders. A yoke I would wish to soon be rid of."hmm...
Комментарий от 3Davideo
He's purple and taller than your average night elf or kaldorei.
Комментарий от Deadfire
Haha.. I love when he sais "Tyrande has no idea how to lead our people!"His voice is so awesome:D But i guess its because of he have seen his son die and stuffs.. Thats ^&*!...Комментарий от Satyrine
Today, I got the mistletoe item on my rogue, and out of curiousity, I flew from Everlook to Rut'theran and ran to Darnassus to see what Staghelm would do if I used the mistletoe on him. I figured he needed a little love after however many /rasp's I've done to him.He cheered. It was nice to see him *somewhat* happy.
Комментарий от kostejnesmrtelny
I'd expect that afer nearly one thousand years, he should be able to live with it somehow.Комментарий от Antoridas
This comment contains scarlet crusade spoilersFandral really seems like he could turn out to be a bad guy. His gathering of Morrowgrain, his ignorance of Malfurions warnings (regarding Teldrassil). I think that he may be a dreadlord. We have seen it before with the Scarlet Crusade/onslaught, Admral Barean Westwind, Saiden Dathrohan. Why not Fandral? He could be Detheroc, or Tichondrius.
Thats just what i think anyway.
Комментарий от Duulis
He dies by the hand of Malfurion Stormrage in the Stormrage book.
Комментарий от kryzflavored
spoiler warning please DX!Комментарий от Blackriver
Fandral Staghelm was born about a thousand years after the Great Sundering (making him over 9,000 years old)
Комментарий от Ketho
If you are here to waste my time, then you are wasting the time of the Cenarion Circle as a whole.For your sake, let us hope that you are not foolish enough to be doing just that.- Speak quickly, young one. I have urgent matters to attend./run PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\FandralStaghelm\\FandralStaghelmGreeting01.wav")
- Tyrande has no idea how to lead our people./run PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\FandralStaghelm\\FandralStaghelmGreeting02.wav")
- I have vision that she lacks./run PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\FandralStaghelm\\FandralStaghelmGreeting03.wav")
Комментарий от CanadianSniper
so I just 2man'd this guy as a pvp enh shaman with a disc priest healer. He melee'd me for around 8k but would stick to spamming wrath (2-4k nature) if i was at range. He summons 2 treents every 15 seconds or so but they don't hit hard at all and can just be aoe'd down. At 50% he started to spam Rejuv on himself which literally healed him from around 50k health a tick but we prevented the spam by mana burning him to 0 mana (he regens mana pretty). Keep in mind that he can still summon treents with 0 mana but he won't cast wrath anymore and will continue to melee for 8k on a mail wearer without a shield. All in all, the fight took 30-40 minutes and he dropped 65g 80s 98c. Very surprised he actually dropped anything.
Комментарий от Marithil
I have Alpha key to cataclysm and He is not in Darnassus anymore. He is prisoner in -----------. You didn't think i would really tell you did you? :)
Комментарий от evillecaston
This guy's mean. Quite a racist too. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets shot by Tyrande in a future expansion. Especially now that Malfurion is coming back, something's gonna happen.Комментарий от Ethlin
He's not considered a leader anymore.I was leveling up a new Alli mage (My Horde guild wanted me to make my Alli paladin Horde since they needed one, and I am like OCD about having an 80 on both factions). When some Horde raid kills Varian and Magni.
So they go to the SW harbor, obviously going to kill Velen and Tyrande. So they go kill Velen, so I port to Darn, watch them kill Tyrande. I flag up by picking off some guy that was at like 5% (My mage at the time was 70). So some DK in the raid notices me.
I'm thinking "Oh $%^&" then I remembered I was near the Archdruid's house. So I start running up the tower, the DK, must obviously not of known about him, he followed me up, entered the room, then got owned by Staghelm.
It was amusing as hell, must of *!@#ed him off so much going to go murder a gnome only to get ambushed and owned by a raid boss.
After that, I had noticed he didn't have the "Leader" tag anymore.
Комментарий от Mecha
2 Manned this guy last night. Prot pally and destro lock. Just judged light and used seal of light - never had to cast a heal. Summoned his treants every so often which were a joke and just blocked them. AE roots tick for 900-1k or so but no big deal. Took about 10 minutes to kill.Bosses 2 Manned: Fandral StaghelmTyrande WhisperwindKing Varian WrynnProphet Velen
Only Magni and Mekkatorque to go!
Комментарий от Desado
Finally in cata we will reveal his true plans and lock him up in prison...I dont wanna spoil,but he showed that he's just a toy of more powerfull being:}
Комментарий от Jessedaggerz
Whenever you talk to him he says very rudely that he has important business to attend to. Yet all he does is stand in the middle of the room all day long and do nothing....he occasionally looks around and admires the walls and ceilings for a brief time and sometimes brushes his ears with hie shoulder....Комментарий от Tenjen
************SPOILERS*********************The marrow herbs we were giving him were being used to poison malfurion to keep him in a coma, stuck in the emerald dream/nightmare.
He's a traitor, Xavius contacted him very early on before vanilla in the form of his son and convinced him to do it. He also convinced him to graft a currupted branch into the then budding world tree sapling.
The curruption is not because it wasnt blessed. Its because the curruption was put into it.
When !@#$ went down between cata and wotlk, he lost his "son" a second time and his mind snapped. He and his loyal followers are imprisoned and their druid jailers hope to heal their minds but dont have much hope.
The twilight hammer have been causing problems, trying to take him. So the old gods are involved.
Комментарий от Merenor
As of 4.0, this character has gone missing.Dialogue between Doranel Amberleaf and Morina Dawnlight suggests it.The dialogue is encountered when a player passes by the open room in which they're talking:Doranel Amberleaf: Don't get me wrong… I'm grateful to have Shando Stormrage back, but this is all really suspicions. What happened to Fandral?Morina Dawnlight: Shh! Someone's here.
Комментарий от ZeroUm
He is a prisoner at Hyjal Barrow Dens, you have to scort him out to be taken to Moonglade.Важный узник
Комментарий от midnightstar
This guy's a villain, these days.why the downrate? it's correct. Specifically, he is now the head of the Druids of the Flame, the new faction serving Ragnaros. He's the majordomo, replacing Executus.Комментарий от Kaylthas
This guy screams wasted potential.Would have definitly made for a more interesting leader than Genocide-Tyrande
Комментарий от Proshall
Going to be included in the Firelands raid, with Alysra, and Ragnoros.Details from MMO-Champion.
Комментарий от Deathbang
Lol really? Thats hilarious! I have a feeling Horde will be cheering the Alliance on when Garrosh in being raided, judging by his cold reception as the new warchief by most Horde members.
I for one play Horde, and I can say that every time I see in localdefense that Garrosh is under attack I go to try and /cheer the Alliance on. Sadly, it's typically just one over confident player with a few loose screws thinking they can solo a faction leader in the middle of a city filled with bored 85s. I'm usually not the only one disappointed that there isn't a full raid so we can all sit back and watch Garrosh die.
Комментарий от CharliiTheTurtle
Good news everyone! Fandral will be a boss in the firelands raid in patch 4.2 we can finally kill that son of a @#$%^!
Комментарий от Anstriber
Fandral is Tichondrius:((
Комментарий от George14
This is a reply to a very early comment.Dreadlords are sent to the Twisting Nether when they 'die', it's not permanent for them.Nathrezim.Комментарий от Dragoonman
http://www.wowhead.com/forums&topic=188059&p=2644066Get ready to beat his face inwards to get to Ragnaros!
Комментарий от WaffleIs4eating
Alliance version of Garrosh Hellscream.
Комментарий от BuzzNWoody
Not only is he stuck up and arrogant, he also believes that night elves are the only true and worthy druids, and that they are superior to all other races. Wow's biggest racist right there, huh? XDКомментарий от Eido
This NPC became Мажордом Фэндрал Олений Шлем.ru.wowhead.com
Вальстанн Олений Шлем | WoWWiki
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Пол | Мужской |
Раса | Ночной эльф |
Уровень | 60 Элитный |
Классперсонажа | Воин |
Здоровье | 199,160 |
Мана | 4,868 |
Реакция | Альянс Орда |
Фракция | Круг Кенария |
Деятель-ность | Военачальник Калдораев во время Войны Зыбучих Песков |
Зона | Неизвестно |
Статус | Умерший |
Родня | Мажордом Фэндрал Олений Шлем (отец) , Лиара (жена), Истария (дочь) |




Вальстанн Олений Шлем сын будущего Верховного друида Фэндрала Оленьего Шлема.[1] Его мать умерла, когда он был еще совсем маленьким, и Фэндрал один воспитывал своего сына, и впоследствии сын стал сильно привязан к отцу. Вальстанн воевал вместе с отцом в Войне Зыбучих Песков простив силитидов и Киражских военачальников.[2] Когда пришло известие о том, что деревня Южного Ветра подверглась осаде Вальстанн и его войска решили возглавить оборону деревни. Фэндрал неохотно принял решение своего сына.[2] Спустя три дня Генерал Раджакс принес на фронтовую линию тело Вальстанна и показал своим воинам, чтобы все увидели.[2] После падения деревни Южного Ветра войско Вальстанна было полностью уничтожено. Фэндрал и его силы подойдя к деревне увидели ужасную картину: Генерал Раджакс прилюдно разрубил тело Вальстанна пополам своими когтями.[2]
- ↑ Valstann Staghelm
- ↑ 2,02,12,22,3Micky Neilson. The War of the Shifting Sands. Batttle.net (US).
Изменения в обновлениях
Обновление 4.2.0 (???): Добавлен
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- Wowhead
Фандрал Олений Шлем — Циклопедия
Фандрал Олений Шлем | |||
Fandral Staghelm | |||
Архидруид |
мужской |
ночные эльфы |
Круг Ценариона |
Фандрал Олений Шлем (англ. Fandral Staghelm) — один из персонажей в вселенной Warcraft.
Фандрал Олений Шлем родился уже после Великого Разлома, но несмотря на это смог стать правой рукой одного из величайших друидов — Малфуриона Ярость Бури. Сам Фандрал обучил многих представителей современного поколения друидизма. Но из-за своего скверного характера, грозного нрава и излишней вспыльчивости, он так и не смог добиться народной любви, которой мог похвастать более спокойный и рассудительный Малфурион.
[править] Война Изменчивых Песков
Тысячу лет тому назад, дети К'Туна — Киражи начали вторжение в пустыню Силитус, ведомые повелителями из Ан'Киража (Ahn’Qiraj). Гуманоидные насекомые жаждали захватить весь Азерот, и вновь передать его под власть Старым Богам. Первым, кто встретился им на тропе войны, был небольшой отряд ночных эльфов, расположившийся в пустыне. Лидером этого отряда был мудрый Фандрал Олений Шлем, который на деле оказался неплохим военачальником. За короткое время он собрал довольно большую армию, которая смогла дать отпор Киражам. После долгих боёв, насекомым пришлось отступить обратно к своему городу. Но близнецы-императоры Киражи, верные слуги К’Туна, всё же смогли найти слабое место в армии Фандрала. Их внимание привлёк молодой воин Вальстан Олений Шлем, сын друида. Вальстан уговорил своего отца назначить его командующим гарнизоном небольшой деревушки Южного Ветра, которая находилась далеко от линии фронта. Императоры решили воспользоваться этим, чтобы взять молодого воина в плен, тем самым, сломив Фандрала, который души не чаял в своём сыне. Небольшой отряд Киражи сумел преодолеть линию фронта и ворваться в деревню Южного Ветра. Насекомые безжалостно уничтожили весь гарнизон, а саму деревушку сравняли с землёй. Вальстана же, Киражи взяли в плен, а чуть позднее, прямо на глазах у Фандрала и всей его армии, его жестоко убил генерал Раджакс (Rajaxx) — командующей армией Киражи. Коварный план императоров сработал — убитый горем Фандрал потерял интерес к войне, к своей армии, ко всему Азероту, и даже к своей жизни. Киражи бросились в атаку, желая разгромить армию ночных эльфов, оставшихся без командира, но вовремя вмешавшиеся в противостояние драконьи стаи сумели отбросить Киражи обратно к их улью. Благодаря этой победе угроза новой войны с насекомыми была оттянута ещё на тысячу лет…
[править] Жизнь после войны
Потеряв сына, Фандрал поклялся, что во что бы то ни стало вернёт его к жизни. В течение тысячи лет друид пытался воскресить погибшего Вальстана, но тщетно. После битвы у горы Хиджал, Мировое Древо Нордрассил практически было уничтожено, из-за чего ночные эльфы утратили своё бессмертие. Фандрал не мог примириться с этим — ведь теперь он старел, а значит, времени на исполнение клятвы оставалось всё меньше и меньше. Тогда он решил вырастить новое Мировое Древо, которое смогло бы вернуть ночным эльфам вечную жизнь. Эту идею поддержали некоторые друиды, которые панически боялись смерти. Но Малфурион отказался помогать Фандралу, назвав его задумку бредовой. Он прекрасно знал, к чему это может привести. Тем не менее, Оленьего Шлема это не остановило. Через некоторое время Малфурион каким-то непостижимым образом заблудился в Изумрудном Сне и впал в летаргический сон. Новым архидруидом был назначен Фандрал, как ближайший соратник Малфуриона. Теперь уже никто не мог помешать Оленьему Шлему осуществить задуманное. Вместе с группой верных друидов, он вырастил новое Мировое Древо у северных берегов Калимдора, назвав его Тельдрассил. Новое Древо выросло ещё больше Нордрассила, раскинув свои пышные кроны у самых облаков. Но драконы-аспекты, знали об истинных целях Фандрала, а потому отказались благословлять Тельдрассил, тем самым не вернув народу ночных эльфов бессмертие… Фандрал вёл агрессивную и жёсткую политику, не желая ни с кем считаться, что вызвало осуждение у приверженцев взглядов Малфуриона. Из-за сильных разногласий с Тиренд Шелест Ветра, которая обладала равными с архидруидом правами, в обществе ночных эльфов вполне могла вспыхнуть гражданская война, но об этом негласном противостоянии знают лишь высшие члены Круга Кенариуса, командиры Стражей и некоторые другие высокопоставленные лица. Только благодаря этому в обществе ночных эльфов удаётся поддерживать хрупкий мир.