самоделка мото. Самоделки из мотоциклов

Прикольные мотоциклы,самоделки,п – Watch videos online on My World.

","link": "","link_loading": "","error": "","file_upload_container": "","edit": "Video uploaded!Now the video must be processed. This can take anywhere from several minutes to an hour. Link to the video: "},"albums": {"singleSelect": false},"item": {"templates": {"main": ""}},"locales": {"errorLoadAjax": "An error occurred. Please try later","popupButtonOk": "Save","popupButtonCancel": "Delete","popupButtonCancelAll": "Stop the upload","closeButton": "Close","header": "Add video","maxFileSize":"Maximum file size: 5 Gb","timeRemain":"left ","wrongFormat":"Invalid file format","wrongSize":"Invalid file size","chooseOneFile":"Select 1 file to upload","connectionError":"Sorry, there was a problem uploading the video.","serverResponseError":"Unknown error.","createItemError":"Error creating video.","blacklistedError":"This video cannot be uploaded due to a copyright claim.","invalidLink":"Cannot process the link","confirmYes":"Yes","confirmNo":"No","confirmRemoveAll":"Are you sure you want to cancel the upload and delete all uploaded videos?","confirmCancelAll":"Do you want to stop the upload?","linkLoadingTitle": "Receiving data","defaultAlbumName": "No name","albums": {"albumErrorPopupHeader": "An error occurred when adding these videos","albumErrorPopupButtonOk": "Close","defaultAlbumName": "No name","defaultItemName": "No name","userAlbum": "My albums","channelAlbum": "Channel videos","communityAlbum": "Group videos","album": "Album","private": "This is not a public album. If you copy a video to a group, the group's privacy settings will be applied to it.","empty": "The selected album is empty","submit": "Add","cancel": "Cancel","privateAll": "You have no videos for public view. You can change the access rights in the albums settings."},"item": {"createItemError":"Error creating video.","hide":"Hide","more":"Learn more","defaultAlbumName": "No name","confirmYes":"Yes","confirmNo":"No","confirmText":"Do you want to stop the upload?"}}},"photoUploadOptions": {"width": "665","uploadUrl": "https://upload-##n##.my.mail.ru/uploadphoto","hostCount": 15,"queueSize": 15,"previewQueueSize": 1,"limit": 5000,"rotateTimeout": 1500,"maxRetry": 5,"albumId": "2568","limitSize": 15,"locales": {"popup": {"header": "Adding photo","close": "Close"},"dropArea": {"header": "Select a photo to upload","text": "or just drag them to this area","button": "From your computer","moveHere": "Drag file(s) here"},"links": {"albums": "From albums","network": "From the Internet","camera": "Webcam","add": "Add"},"status": {"from": "from"},"limit": {"header": " ","content": "Sorry, but we cannot upload more than 5000 photos at once. Do you want to add first 5000 from the selected photos?","close": "Close","yes": "Yes, add","no": "No"},"albums": {"title": "Album","upload": "Add","cancel": "Cancel","titles": {"user": "from your own","group": "from the group","channel": "from the channel"},"defaultAlbumName": "No name","form": {"title": "Album","empty": "The album is empty"}},"network": {"upload": "Upload","cancel": "Cancel","header": "Enter URL","remove": "Delete","add": "Add another link","errors": {"invalidExternalUrl": "Address is incorrect"}},"camera": {"upload": "Upload","cancel": "Cancel","button": "Snapshot","timeout": "With 5 seconds delay","cancelPhoto": "Cancel"},"edit": {"save": "Save","cancel": "Stop the upload","remove": "Delete","add": "Add a photo","saveNow": "Saving","showErrors": "Errors","empty": {"text": "Sorry, an error occurred while uploading your photo.","button": "Back"},"confirmStop": {"yes": "Yes","no": "No","text": "Do you want to stop the upload?"},"confirmRemove": {"yes": "Yes","no": "No","text": "Are you sure you want to delete all photos?"},"errors": {"header": "Failed to upload files","network": "invalid address","upload_error": "loading error","empty_file_size": "empty file","wrong_file_size": "file size is too large","too_many_files": "too many photos","wrong_image_format": "unsupported format","wrong_gif_image": "you can't upload animated pictures to the album "Photos of me""},"item": {"description": "Description","remove": "Delete","hide": "Close"}}}},"albums": {"photo": {"upload": {"width": "665","uploadUrl": "https://upload-##n##.my.mail.ru/uploadphoto","hostCount": 15,"queueSize": 15,"previewQueueSize": 1,"limit": 5000,"rotateTimeout": 1500,"maxRetry": 5,"albumId": "2568","limitSize": 15,"locales": {"popup": {"header": "Adding photo","close": "Close"},"dropArea": {"header": "Select a photo to upload","text": "or just drag them to this area","button": "From your computer","moveHere": "Drag file(s) here"},"links": {"albums": "From albums","network": "From the Internet","camera": "Webcam","add": "Add"},"status": {"from": "from"},"limit": {"header": " ","content": "Sorry, but we cannot upload more than 5000 photos at once. Do you want to add first 5000 from the selected photos?","close": "Close","yes": "Yes, add","no": "No"},"albums": {"title": "Album","upload": "Add","cancel": "Cancel","titles": {"user": "from your own","group": "from the group","channel": "from the channel"},"defaultAlbumName": "No name","form": {"title": "Album","empty": "The album is empty"}},"network": {"upload": "Upload","cancel": "Cancel","header": "Enter URL","remove": "Delete","add": "Add another link","errors": {"invalidExternalUrl": "Address is incorrect"}},"camera": {"upload": "Upload","cancel": "Cancel","button": "Snapshot","timeout": "With 5 seconds delay","cancelPhoto": "Cancel"},"edit": {"save": "Save","cancel": "Stop the upload","remove": "Delete","add": "Add a photo","saveNow": "Saving","showErrors": "Errors","empty": {"text": "Sorry, an error occurred while uploading your photo.","button": "Back"},"confirmStop": {"yes": "Yes","no": "No","text": "Do you want to stop the upload?"},"confirmRemove": {"yes": "Yes","no": "No","text": "Are you sure you want to delete all photos?"},"errors": {"header": "Failed to upload files","network": "invalid address","upload_error": "loading error","empty_file_size": "empty file","wrong_file_size": "file size is too large","too_many_files": "too many photos","wrong_image_format": "unsupported format","wrong_gif_image": "you can't upload animated pictures to the album "Photos of me""},"item": {"description": "Description","remove": "Delete","hide": "Close"}}}},"albumId": "_channelpics"},"enableUploadCover": true,"locales": {"popup": {"closeText": "Close","createButton": "Create","saveButton": "Save","removeButton": "Delete the album","headerAdd": "New album","headerEdit": "Edit album"},"confirm": {"remove": "Delete album with all videos in it?","yes": "Yes","no": "No"},"main": {"titles": {"base": "General","access": "Access","sort": "Video order","cover": "Cover"}},"baseForm": {"titles": {"name": "Album title","url": "Title in the address","description": "Album description"},"errors": {"invalidId": "Latin letters, numbers, dashes, dots and underscore are allowed","unexpectedUnderscore": "The first character cannot be an underscore.","albumExists": "An album with the same URL already exists"},"charsetLeft": {"title": "remaining","text5": "characters","text1": "character","text2": "characters"}},"accessForm": {"titles": {"access": "Access to album","password": "Password","retypePassword": "Repeat password","comments": "Comments","canWrite": "Who can comment?","canRead": "Who can read comments?","votes": "Voting","vote": "Who can vote?","voteSee": "Voting results are visible to"},"items": {"all": "All users","onlyMe": "Only me","onlyFriends": "Only friends","byPassword": "Password","noBody": "Nobody"},"errors": {"differentPasswords": "Passwords do not match","shortPassword": "The minimum password length is 4 characters","emptyPassword": "Enter password"}},"sortForm": {"hintForManualSwitch": "To set a custom order for the videos, select "Manual Sort"","hintForManualUse": "Drag videos with your cursor","titles": {"sort": "Sort"},"fields": {"exif": "by date taken (EXIF)","date": "By publication date","name": "By title","manual": "Manual Sort"},"order": {"asc": "In ascending order","desc": "In descending order"}},"coverForm": {"titleOfDefaultCover": "No cover","uploadCover": "Upload cover"}}},"videoItem": {"locales": {"popup": {"remove": "Delete video","title": "Edit video","close": "Close","save": "Save"},"edit": {"save": "Save video in album","title": "Title","description": "Description","album": "Album","adult": "Adult (18+)"},"tabs": {"main": "General","cover": "Cover"},"albums": {"defaultName": "No name"},"remove": {"text" : "Delete video?","ok" : "Yes","cancel" : "No"}}},"inviteOptions": {"header": "Select friends\n\n\n\n","containerClass": "choice-friends__friends","i18n": {"buttonOk": ["

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We are working on fixing this.","searchFailmsg": "No people found."}},"lang": "en_US","portalHead": {"siteZone": "2","loginPage": "https://my.mail.ru/video/","logoutPage": "https://my.mail.ru/video/","loginUrl": "https://my.mail.ru/cgi-bin/login?page=","version": "2"},"portalFooter": {"siteZone": "36"},"scrollDelta": 1000,"isMyDawnSearch": true,"showMemberCount": false,"showVideosCount": false,"isNewVideoPage": true,"isEnableSearchSuggest": true,"isEnableRecommedations": true,"pageCache": {"key": "","isEnabled": 1,"version": "1","expire": "3600000","stores": "music,video"},"locales": {"title": {"default": "Video Mail.Ru","main": "Video Mail.Ru","channels": "Channels","selections": "Collections","search": "Search videos","searchFriends": "Search in friends","recommendations": "Recommendations","friends": "Friends"},"subscribeButton": {"subscribe": "Subscribe","subscribed": "You are a subscriber","sendRequest": "Request submitted","forModerate": "Waiting for approval"},"friendshipButton": {"friendship": "Add friend","request": "Request submitted","subscribe": "You are a subscriber","acceptFriendship": "Accept","youFriends": "You are friends"},"emptyName": "No name","moreText": "Show more","weeksTop": "Топ недели","page": {"main": {"textLike": "понравилось","textAddVideo": "added a video","subcsribeTitle": "New in subscriptions","popularsTitle": "Popular channels","popularsLink": "All channels","selectionsTitle": "Collections","selectionsLink": "All collections"},"user": {"titleAlbum": "Albums","albumFilter": {"data": "By date added","name": "A to Z","special": "Special albums"},"titleVideo": "All videos","allAlbum": "All albums","albumMore": "Show more","wrongPassword": "Wrong password","onlyFollowersChannel": "The channel is only available to subscribers","onlyAuthorizedChannel": "This channel is only available to registered users","followAndSeeChannel": "Subscribe and watch videos from the channel","authAndSeeChannel": "Log in and watch the channel videos","onlyFollowersCommunity": "This group is only available to subscribers","onlyAuthorizedCommunity": "Only authorized users can view this group","followAndSeeCommunity": "Subscribe and watch videos from the group","authAndSeeCommunity": "Log in and watch videos from the group","accessDenied": "Access restricted, user's videos are not available to you","accessDeniedChannel": "Access restricted, the channel is not available to you","accessDeniedCommunity": "Access restricted, the group is not available to you","emptyAlbum": "No videos in this album yet","emptyVideo": "No videos","access": {"byPassword": "Password access","inputPassword": "Enter the password to view this album","send": "Send","accessDenied": "Access denied","privateAlbum": "This is not a public album","accessForFriends": "Available to friends only","sendFriendship": "To view this album, send the user a friend request","sendFriendshipRequest": "You sent a friend request to the user. Please wait for confirmation so you can view this album"},"suspendedChannelTitle": "The channel is blocked by the Administration","suspendedChannelText": "To restore access rights, the channel administrator must personally contact Support","suspendedChannelTitleAdmin": "You channel was blocked by the Administration","suspendedChannelTextAdmin": "If you have not used your channel for fraud or distribution of content violating the Terms of Use,or Channel posting requirements, please contact Support.Once it is confirmed that you have not committed a violation, your access to the channel will be restored.","suspendedCommunityTitle": "You group was blocked by the website's administration.","suspendedCommunityText": "To restore access rights, the group administrator must personally contact Support.","suspendedCommunityTitleAdmin": "Your group was blocked by the website's administration.","suspendedCommunityTextAdmin": "If you have not used your group for fraud or distribution of content violating the Terms of Use,or Group posting requirements, please contact Support.Once it is confirmed that you have not committed a violation, your access to the group will be restored.","deletedChannel": "Group was deleted by creator","deletedCommunity": "Channel was deleted by creator","showFull": "Показать полностью"},"friends": {"video": "videos"},"channels": {"recommendedTitle": "We recommend","categoryAll": "All channels","seeNow": "Watch now","friendsSubscribe": "subscribed","allVideo": "All videos"},"best": {"title": "Collections"},"search": {"empty": "Your search returned no results"},"item": {"addedToMe": "Video added","promo": {"film": {"header": "Новинки кино"},"serial": {"header": "Популярные сериалы"},"mult": {"header": "Популярные мультфильмы"},"yandex": {"header": "Видео по запросу"}},"empty": "Нет видео доступных для просмотра","createAlbumTitle": "Create new album","createAlbumPlaceholder": "Title","createAlbumSend": "Create","userDeleted": "User deleted"}},"profile": {"mobile": "Online on mobile","online": "Online","menu": {"video": "Video","subscriptions": "Channels","subscribers": "Subscribers","friends": "Friends","recommendations": "Recommendations"},"cover": {"save": "Save","edit": "Edit","remove": "Delete","cancel": "Cancel","canMove": "You can move the cover"},"actions": {"upload": "Add video","createAlbum": "Create an album","editAlbum": "Edit album","inviteFriends": "Invite friends"},"moreAction": {"complaint": "Report","removeFriend": "Defriend","removeChannel": "Leave channel","removeCommunity": "Leave group","setting": "Settings","statistic": "Statistics","editCover": "Edit cover"},"successAction": {"complaint": "Complaint submitted"},"confirmAction": {"removeFriend": {"text": "Are you sure you want to unfriend the user?","ok": "Defriend","cancel": "Cancel"},"removeChannel": {"text" : "After leaving you will not be able to follow the channel updates.","ok": "Leave channel","cancel": "Cancel"},"removeCommunity": {"text" : "After leaving you will not be able to follow updates in the group.","ok": "Leave group","cancel": "Cancel"}}},"rightSuggest": {"related": "Похожее","other": "Другое видео автора","nextVideo": "Следующее видео","nextVideoAuto": "Автоматически"}}}

Прикольные мотоциклы,самоделки,подготовленные.Как люди создают для себя мотоциклы своей мечты.А,так же заводские и командные мотоциклы.

Week's Top

16.5 K •  16.11.2018


самоделка мото Видео


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самоделочка от себя.


Мото-самоделки | Екабу.ру - развлекательный портал

Прототип - Урал М63 68г.в.

Двигатель – Урал "Соло";Карбюраторы – Делорто;Клапаны – Днепр;Генер – 500Вт;Передняя подвеска – вилка от BSA 600 паралелограмного типа;Задняя – маятник от МВ-750 или 650 хз;Рама –Днепр;Коробка передач – Днепр;Рама люльки – Днепр;Дифференциал и привод – Днепр vs Урал.

Маятник- увеличенЗадний редуктор - 9,Колёса:перед - 110/80/18 (Pirelli), заднее 140/80/15 (Metzeler)заднее крыло - «Иж»4ая передача - 1:1Поддон картера - алюминевый, увеличенный объемВилка- KawasakiГлушителя- "Free flow":)Бак - самодельный, объем ~25л.Сиденье собственной конструкцииЗажигание - электронное бесконтактное "UKTUS"Фара - от трактора

Объем бензобака- 30 литровСкорость -160Двигатель-"запорj;tw" 968 доработанныйОбъем-1300 куб.Мощность-около 60л/сКарбюраторы 2 - Микуни диф-32ммФильтры нулевого сопротивленияТрансмиссияКПП-Днепр 5 ступ-5 перед 1.0Сцепление ДнепрГлавная передача-9ХодоваяРама самодельнаяТраверсы, стойки,руль,маятник-самопалШиныПеред-3.25*19*15Зад-205*60*15ЭлектрикаГенератор-700 ваттАКБ-35 АПЧ

Общие данные* Производство и дизайн: Wolf Engineering (мастерская мотоклуба Night Wolves MG) г. Минск, Белорусь* Год производства: 2004* Время сборки: От 6 до 12 месяцев* Масса 180 кг (масса рамы 16 кг)* Макс. скорость 166 км/ч* Клиренс 125 мм

Двигатель* Модель: ИМЗ «Урал»* Рабочий объём: 750 куб. см* Мощность 50 лс про 6200 об.мин* Карбюраторы: К68Т* Поршни: 78 мм* Выхлопные трубы: Supertrapp (патрубки изготовлены Wolf Engineering)* Модификации: Установка фильтров K&N

Трансмиссия* Коробка передач: ИМЗ Урал* Задний редуктор: ИМЗ Урал «Вояж»

Рама* Производство: Wolf Engineering* Тип: Swing Arm (маятниковая)* Угол наклона вилки: 35 градусов* Амортизаторы: Газонаполненные, рюкзачного типа

Аксессуары* Руль: Wolf Engineering «Clip-On»* Стойки руля: Отсуствуют* Крылья: Wolf Engineering* Топливный бак: Wolf Engineering* Приборы: Электронный спидометр SIGMA и тахометр Wolf Engineering* Фара: Wolf Engineering (оптика Hella)* Стоп-сигнал: Custom Chrome «Snake Eye»* Подножки и педали: Wolf Engineering* Рукоятки руля: Wolf Engineering* Седло: Wolf Engineering* Боковая подставка: Wolf Engineering* Зеркала: Wolf Engineering

Подвески* Передняя вилка: Showa (япония)* Модификации: Установка широких траверс производства Wolf Engineering* Задний маятник: Wolf Engineering

Колеса* Производство: Wolf Engineering* Размер (переднее/ заднее): 18 дюймов / 17 дюймов* Резина (переднее/ заднее): Avon 120/70-18 / Bridgestone BT 66 180/55-17* Тормоза (переднее/ заднее): Brembo 4 piston / Nissin 2 piston

* Город: Могилев* Владелец: Андрей "MAD"* Строился: 3 года* Двигатель: МТ-11 под 92-й бензин* Объем: - 650* Карбюраторы: Jikov, подобраны жиклеры* Редуктор смещения, цепной, в масле, самопал* Мост: 9-ка* Электростартер* Электронное зажигание от ВАЗ* Рама: переварена, колонка на конических подшипниках, маятник самопал* Вилка: СZ-500 доработанная* Амортизаторы: доработаные МТ-11* Крылья: самопал* Бак (30 л.): самопал* Тормоза:передний: двойной дисковый гидравлический,задний: гидравлический ВАЗ* Колеса: передний диск - самодельный, задний - Ford* Резина:передняя: 150х80/18"задняя: 170х80/15"* Выхлоп: 2 в 1, самодельная.* Светотехника, ручки, сидуха и пр. тоже самодельное.

Общие данные:*Сухая масса 153 кг*Длина 2010 мм*Высота 1100 мм*Ширина 690 мм*База 1430 мм*Дорожный просвет 160 мм*Обьем бака 14 л.*Макс. скорость 185 км/ч

Двигатель:* Рабочий обьем 649 см3* Степень сжатия 11,5* Мощность 52 л. с.* Карбюраторы Mikuni* Выпуск прямоточного типа* Система зажигания электронная от ВАЗа* Запуск - стартер

Трансмиссия:* Сцепление однодисковое* КПП пятиступенчатая (передаточное пятой - 0,7)* Передаточное отношение главной передачи 3,89

Тормоза:* Передний двухдисковый, суппорта и диски Иж* Задний суппорт Иж, тормозной диск AUDI 80

Шины:* передняя 100/90-18"* задняя 160/50-16"

Рама: переделанная из стандартной .

Двигатель: стандартный, воздушные фильтры Hi-Flow, карбюраторы Dell 'Orto с переходниками

Глушители (трубы): переделанные из Урал "Соло"

Аксессуары: руль от старого Днепра, стойки , рукоятки руля custom, крыло переднее от старого Кавасаки, крыло заднее от Ямаха Вираго, передняя вилка с мостами (основа старый Кавасаки), рулевая колонка , подножки Custome Chrome (CC), кардан Урал "Волк", маятник , седло - временное,фары от СС, бак Mustang от старого HD, боковая подставка от , стоп-сигналы "Bullet" от СС, спидометр - электронный, внедренный в корпус,передняя гидравлика и диски - Кавасаки, главный цилиндр ИЖ, задняя гидравлика ИЖ, диск Кавасаки, амортизаторы HAGON

Колеса: переднее колесо 16" старый Кавасаки, резина 120/80-16".Заднее колесо 16" старый Кавасаки, резина 150/80-16"

Технические характеристики Название: "Crazy Tarantas"* Владелец, создатель: Микушев Алексей (Simpson)* Год постройки: 2006* Город: Новосибирск* Двигатель: Урал М-66, 1974 г.в.* Электрооборудование: 6V* Коробка передач: Урал М-66* Редуктор: Урал М-66* Задняя ступица: Днепр* Карбюраторы: К-68* Длина: 255 см* Высота по седлу: 50 см* Высота по рулю: 110 см;* Дорожный просвет: 9 см* Угол наклона передней вилки: 48°* Самостоятельно-изготовленные детали* Рама: Урал М-66, переваренная, Hardtail* Вилка передняя: из свечной рамы мотоцикла М-72* Бензобак: 7л* Колесо заднее: 16" - докатка, 80 спиц* Аккумуляторный ящик: листовая сталь* Крыло заднее: листовая сталь* Стоп-сигнал: листовая сталь* Фара: листовая сталь* Боковая подставка: переваренная ИЖ* Стойки заднего крыла: из прутьев арматуры* Ступица переднего колеса: из 2-х ураловских* Седло: обтянуто кольчугой* Рычаг заднего тормоза: велосипедная педаль* Рычаг переключения передач: велосипедная педаль* Педаль кикстартера: велосипедная педаль + кикстартер Урала* Выхлопная система: прямоток* Карданный вал: из 2-х ураловских* Ручка сцепления: левая рукоятка* Ручка газа: правая рукоятка* Руль, стойки руля: самодельные* Конусные болты перьев передней вилки: токарь Витя, НГТУ* Полировка, гравировка: Микушев Алексей

На Московском Байк-шоу VI Этот монстр был выкрашен в яркие краски - синий-красный-желтый.

*произведен в г.Владимир Desperados MC* двигатель - ГАЗ-53* объем - 5 литров* цилиндров - 8* мощность - 200 лс* разгон до 100км/ч - 2 сек* одна передача, сцепление выжимается рукой и ногой* больше 200км/ч на нем не ездили* на холостых идет 60км/ч
