Видавший виды артефакт. Видавший виды большой шлем теней

Amani Raiment - Сет Трансмогрификации


Комментарий от Bighappykitty

For those of you who miss this set, or just like it more than the green recolor from the Heroic Troll dungeons in Cat; this set will be coming back in patch 5.2. It will be Uncommon quality items, so be sure to check out quest rewards or the AH, depending on what Blizz wants to make them.

Комментарий от Niaw

This set (aside from the belt) uses the Black variant of the "Zul Aman D1 Leather" set and forms a complete seven-piece set of the art.

It should be noted that the only currently-listed helm, Большой шлем Мрачноухмыла, is unavailable now. But they added a new helm in patch 5.4: Видавший виды большой шлем Темнозубов.

The two listed belts use unrelated artwork. Actually, there isn't any design for a belt in the artwork database, they must have forgotten :( In some sets without waist art they use the top of the pants art to make a belt but they haven't done that here. So pick whatever you like, as there are no pieces designed to match and you may do better than the listed ones.

There are three other colours of this set in the artwork database and two are available in the game in mostly-complete sets. See:

  • Red ("default", no official colour code): Amani Raiment (Recolor) (helm missing)
  • Green: Amani Garb
  • Dark blue (officially Turquoise): no pieces available. This is a dark brown set with dark blue panels

Комментарий от Gingercrab

They, unfortunately, did not add in a green version of the helmet for this set in 5.2. They added green versions of every other piece, but for some reason they saw fit to leave out the helmet, leaving this set still incomplete and impossible to finish. A bit disappointing, really.

Комментарий от Pinkiepieisfly

I have this set for my rogue, but I thought I'd pop in and say that I'm using a different belt instead of the set's belt, since the artwork isn't related anyway. I think Archer's Belt looks nicer with this, since it's lime green. The set is mostly dark colors with a little bit of vivid green, and I think it's a nice finishing touch. It does have brighter borders and a little bit of silver, but the entire set isn't one simple thing: It's a lot of dark colors (mainly brown) mixed with bright green, here and there. I just think it adds to it, rather than making it stand out and look weird. But if the set's belt irked you, too, then you might like my suggestion.

-- On a non-transmog note, in case you want a quick read, you can farm this set via the Zandalari trolls on Isle of Thunder. Some are located in Za'tual; I did get my Timeworn bracers off one of the first trolls I killed. I say "some" since I'm sure that there will be more trolls to farm in the later progression stages.-- I have gotten mail, plate and cloth Zandalari-themed drops from Isle of Giants, so it's possible that it may drop off mobs in that location as well, but I can't confirm it specifically. For clarification, I've gotten these drops off the Dinomancers and the dinosaurs; not just the humanoids.-- Zandalari themed items also drop in the Throne of Thunder-- LFR included-- though your group may not like it if you roll need on random greens. Ours didn't mind, though; we let the guy take it. But be cautious if you choose to, I've seen people get vote-kicked from rolling on lockboxes or level 87 greens.-- As for weapons, I did get transmog weapons off Isle of Giants. I'm sure it's just pure RNG, but my bags were full of them at one point.

There's probably percentages of where these items drop now, but I've always felt better when I've read comments from other users saying their experiences or luck, or what they personally know about it. Happy hunting! :)

Комментарий от Seahnjin

This set meshes rather well with the Netherblade set (Rogue T4) and Мантия объятий тьмы. Here's an example (belt is Abandoned Zandalari Silentbelt).

Комментарий от hermoraunio

In case you are looking for a great replace helmet for the set with a mystic twist, I would suggest you Клобук дыхания природы. For daggers I strongly recommend Выброшенный боевой клинок. ... aaand Зеленая трофейная гербовая накидка Иллидари is my personal favorite tabard for the set.

Комментарий от perculia

This set links to items that are no longer obtainable for archival purposes. In Patch 5.2, Blizzard implemented ilvl 429 BoEs modeled after removed troll-themed gear.

Besides the listed greens that drop from Остров Грома, the following items are still obtainable. Perhaps you can save some gold and AH time this way.

Комментарий от sildani

Two helms I like that go with this outfit:

Личина таящегося в приливеИвовая корона

Комментарий от Drlove

I did not like the look of the official belt with this set. After a while of searching through other belts still available in-game (since there were very few suggestions in the comments) I found an alternative that I rather like the look of. Тролльский тканый ремень The brown matches with the bottom of the chestpiece and it works with the stitched/tribal feel of the set. I've found I actually like this belt better than the "actual" set belt. So that's just another option for those who want something else.

Комментарий от Pinkushitsu

I think Маска дикаря fits well.

Комментарий от rogueMatthias

Praise the Titans!Blizz have actually added a matching helm for this...Видавший виды большой шлем Темнозубов/timeworn-shadowtooth-faceguard

I didn't see anything in the notes or mined before patch so think it was a sneaky addition.

Комментарий от Tass2012

Any weapon suggestions for this set? Посох владык неба fits very well but I am not a fan of the model. :3

Комментарий от Tyrick

I'd like to add that they can't be farmed on any characters. If you are on your warlock or mage, the wont drop, but the cloth items Наплечники истязателя ослабших душ instead. Since it's personal loot. I'm not sure if it's working like this but I never got any of these when I farmed on my warlock.

Thank you for the downvotes. /bow

Комментарий от Doobybob

I received some of the timeworn pieces (the shoulders and gloves) from a big salvaged crate today from the Lv 3 Salvage Yard.

Комментарий от Ianac

Пика гордого гладиатора fits nice to this set in my opinion.

Комментарий от Wacsnie

If people are interested in the Timeworn items, i got one through the Salvage Yard in Garrisons. From a Big Crate

Комментарий от ildon

This page merges the black and green versions of this set, which are separate sets.

The black version includes all of the Timeworn Shadowtooth pieces as well as Липкие пальцы фокусника, Таби ниндзя, Кожаный панцирь Темнозубов (no longer available to players), and Наплечные пластины танцующих клинков (no longer available to players), Брюки неглубокой могилы, Большой шлем Мрачноухмыла (no longer available to players).

The green version includes: Шипастые перчатки мудреца, Напоясник лунного совуха, Перчатки захватчика, Узловатые повязки, Луноходы, Обмотки Глубинного вторжения, Запасные сапоги Фаска (alternate boot model), Благословенные элунитовые покрывала, Кожаная кираса Темнозубов, Жилет из мерцающего голья (no longer available to players), Одежды Спячки, Отделанные клыками наплечные пластины, Прочные элунитовые поножи (no longer available to players), Поножи танцующих клинков, Штаны удивительного исцеления, Маска дикаря.

I think the confusion comes from the fact that in TBC, only the black helm/shoulder were available to players, so the closest you could get to a "correct" version of the set was a mix of the black and green sets. But now the entirety of both sets are available to players so they should be properly split apart.

Комментарий от orleadan

Невидимая мантия/sightless-mantle

This shirt matches the set.

Комментарий от johnrose

Any good cloak that matches this set? A tabard would also be helpfull :)

Комментарий от evalone26

I found that Мучение изгнанника looked good with this set since it matches the glowing fel green eyes and skulls for both shoulders and weapon. I want to ask anyone out there if there's a fel green leather belt that might match this set and if so please post for me and others thank you.

Комментарий от vindurza

hordies I recommend farming for one of these as an alternate helmet the mask compliments the set to a tee

Комментарий от sethseven

For those combat rogues trying to search for a good weapon, i find Bogreaver quite fitting AND easy to get. Also has a poison drip that fits into the Rogue's class fantasy

Комментарий от Meerzo

Меч когтеполза looks incredibly savage with this set. Give it a green glowing enchant and it looks like this sword was made for this set.

Комментарий от Burzolog

The belt and wrists actually match the Merciless Gladiator's Leather Armor set. There is no belt that matches this set, just hide your belt. The red and green variants of this set DO have wrists, but it doesn't matter since you can't see them with these gloves anyway.

Комментарий от LivingBones

Guys... Worgen male. Check it out and thank me later.


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Видавший виды артефакт - Валюта

Комментарий от IamaBorat

Stealth hotfixed? I got the quest, turned it in, farmed about 600 of these, turned those in, server hopped a couple times, gathered 1000 and I tried to turn those in but didn't get the option. All this in about a 20 minute time span. Is this a one time thing per day or is it possible Blizz caught on and hotfixed it immediately?

Anybody else having this issue?

Комментарий от TheStatman

Perhaps the big turn-ins are not active since we are not in an active PvP season?

Комментарий от Bystrazer

Haven't been able to turn in any of the artifacts as at 13th September 2016. I get a hand icon when I mouse over King Mrgl-Mrgl, but when I click him, he tells me to keep bringing them back for his research. And that it'll be worth it :(

Комментарий от Zxcccccccccccc

As of 13-Sep-16, this item is no longer spawning around Timeworn Strand or dropping from any of the NPCs there. The quest turn in with King Mrgl Mrgl seems to be fixed, but there is no longer a way to farm the item. It may still drop from player kills, but without an active world quest or other way to farm, the aren't any other players in the area to test it on.

I'm not sure if this is intended behavior---I've submitted a ticket and will update this post once I know.

Комментарий от Ahmopasa

So as if September 14, 2016;

I could turn my Timeworn Artifacts while I had a world quest. I gained 250 Honor Points by turning 1000 artifacts. Same drop rate exists from mobs and boxes.

I still could turned my artifacts after completing the world quest. So it seems they made something about it.

Good hunt!

Комментарий от Bigman1182

They can now be turned in again, at a reduced rank. I had 1000 saved up, and it only gave 250 honor so it looks like a 4:1 now.

Комментарий от Zxcccccccccccc

Okay, here's how Timeworn Strand works since the 13-Sep hotfix.

Artifacts now only drop from mobs or spawn from Timewarn Jars when the world quest is active. Even after you've finished the quest, you can still farm them for the duration of the quest availability period. Once this is over, they no longer drop at all.

Whether or not the quest is active, you can turn them in to King Mrgl Mrgl at a rate of 4 artifacts for 1 honor. This was reduced from the 1 to 1 turn in we had prior to the hotfix.

Комментарий от Volleynova

What's with all the forced PvP on PvE servers with these quests? We want to gather artifacts, not kill each other. If I wanted PvP I would have chosen a PvP server, and I actually did--on my alt, except Alts are pretty useless in Legion right now, with you know, having to upgrade another artifact while simultaneously upgrading your main's artifact.

Комментарий от noctusmirus

i made a custom function for display in weak auras to track this.its useful if you wanna work with a friend to collect the jars for prestige rank 1 and the pet. well any rank.

EDIT: trigger didnt work when i tested it, so i am updating the strings with one that works. this will show between your buff and debuffs bars

string for weak aura:diKneaGirsUKkKrPs6uQunlPsUfqSlrHHbLogkwMQ4zKQPjQUgqTnu5BQGXjvDovP1HQuDpGuTpuL4GQelek6HQinrrrBuf1hLkLrIQuoPkLvkvmtuL0nfj1oHk)uKOLQc1tjMQexvfXxfjSxQ)cvnys5WGAXajpgWKfXLf2miFwv1OHcNgYQbs51sLQzlLBJs7MKFRWWfLwUKEUsMoY1v02vv(UivJxKY5rvTEuf7xP2mUybzCm66C56wwwEY4jJNmYTWAjXsIlwsqlqBQai0xybU1SKGwzBW8lrAKLcInsXOQ2AxQeccgGw8(w7ialaZfnylrAKfOPcGqd1177oBTT2wBR1gaWTT2IQi1)wd03AlQIu)zanQSW01uDeARnG2AhHsvxROfa01NU6wqNoR1qbW)McACL5HR)(9UwrlaORCD1TGoDwRHcG)nf04kZdx)9733D2ABTT2wRg0SQ2AlQIu)7oHkz3z3z3z3z3Xc)ucbTcY4YbZyPg)OHQWpByHI0ilWae6lkv0)Fut9ijmoqyWAbPqeEGbB2wqrIXXyby0gvxmogFU)a4338NES5Cmy7ZpyiqaRBC6(CFph5xSV9GZ5444E0neiG1nzbLyPKIlwshLqy4ZC9VCm69yXQZa(P)LZqGKd2IAYwQO))OUmoglyeOFmiFM7ayW55VVy5EFyYp8yiqYFTKwkHGwb5ZGpGTN7a2Eg9Eo9xDodbsUUL2aoXflZvGxfFr1GYcpdvy5cpRPc2cqdETCXYcP(BHLmp(KBzAHD2iKlwY84tULPX0Kjl1rlCXc7SrixmzYsl(IMfgSVw4zOIBjwoORNBHGBHICXc7SrixmzYsccccbmBeFxSWoBeYftMSK9llb3cf5If2zJqUyYKLkmq4If2zJqUyYKfiyacnuUyHD2iKlMmzzUc88muHX0YCf4BXx0mMwAXx0WpYgvyAuTWlwMRappdvClXGYKfQI()JQlwMQ4luKf4jnSmxbE4w6W8xuDggtlZvGFQqKX0ssaQjeuHF2WcVD54uF(eE1s8fkYYPdvcIqd1Ycagbq3TeFHISOGzJLlghJLcInsFuvBTlvcbbdqMSamx0GfpXpByj(cfzbyUOblEmqjHfcXgjMmzb2flfeBK(OQ2AxQeccgGmogDDUCDtw(moM8hgt2a

same thing but lua for those who wanna know more:{= "OUTLINE",= 12,= "all",= "TimeWorn Artifacts: %c",= "function()\n local string = string.format(\"%i of %i\",select(2,GetCurrencyInfo(1268)),select(6,GetCurrencyInfo(1268)))\n return string\nend\n\n\n\n\n",= 451,= "text",= -10,= "update",= 1,= {= {},= {},= {},},= {= {= "seconds",= "none",},= {= "seconds",= "none",},= {= "seconds",= "none",},},= "LEFT",= "BOTTOM",= "TWA",= {= "aura",= true,= "event",= "SPELL",= "Conditions",= {= "Timeworn Artifact",},= "_CAST_START",= "timed",= {},= "player",= "event",= "auto",= true,= "HARMFUL",},= 1,= 196.00003051758,= 649.00073242188,= "Friz Quadrata TT",= 1,= "CENTER",= 12.000089645386,= {},= {= false,= "Azsuna",= ">",= {= {},},= "109",= {= {},},= true,= {= {},},= {= {},},= {= "DRUID",= {= true,},},= {= {},},= "7334",= false,= {= {},},= true,= {= {},},= {= {},},},= {= 0.97254901960784,= 1,= 0.9843137254902,= 1,},}

Комментарий от blackluc

I turned in 1000 of them today and got 450 honor

Комментарий от stormravenx

I turned in 1000 of them today and got 250 honor

Комментарий от Knallert

As well as giving 250 honour for 1000 artifacts, I also got 2000 gold. I tried to farm another 1000 artifacts, but I only for the 250 honour. I am guessing that the 2000 gold is only once a day kind of thing when the quest is up. It was a nice surprise, at least! :)Zxcccccccccccc pointed out that it is 4 artifacts for 1 honour, so it's a nice way to boost honour in addition to the 500 you get from the quest reward :)

Edit: Turns out the 2000 gold is from hitting honour either 48 or 49 :) No other relation to the turn-in than the extra honour :) Good luck with the farming! :)

Комментарий от eyekahn

Able to turn in 1000 artifacts. Didn't get any rep or anything.

Комментарий от Trylion

I tried to pull a bunch of turtles to make a neat pile but Blizzard put them too far apart. Still want to know what the "mysterious pearl" is for? I guess it is a buff not really sure haven't verified this but this link Таинственная жемчужина/mysterious-pearl

Комментарий от Zartyzzo

Even when the PVP World Quest is not up these will still drop from Ursaaj, the naga miniboss by the Mysterious Pearl.


Тонкое искусство телемантии - Задание


Комментарий от Stapler

Since I spent ages looking for these teleporting around: the Cracked Warpsleeve is at the Warp Lab. The Weathered Telemancy Beacon is at the Telemetry Lab.

Комментарий от Mzbehavin

from the garden choose the fountain, then port to the telemetry lab to get the weathered telemancy beacon. Then port back to garden and click warp lab to collect cracked warp sleeve, on the fountain now downstairs at the entrance .

Комментарий от Manniala

The teleporter to the "Cracked Warpsleeve" is located at (well it starts there, then pick Warp Lab, Green color beam) /way 49,54 46,82

Комментарий от Manniala

Think this quest is just poor design.

I found the quest while i were just exploring, picked it up, think i came across 2 of the items i needed for this quest, so ofc i picked those up at that time.I then moved on to what ever i were duin and came back a few days later to finish up the quests here, but at this point i have no clue where i got the quest, i miss the "Cracked Warpsleeve" its shown on the map, but i can't find my way up to it, so came here, and i see i have to go to the Warp Lab, ok nice but since it's a few days since i picked up the quest, i now have no clue where that lab is, the quest it self tells me nothing about where the lab is located either.

So now i have to run aimless around and hope i stumble up on the lab. They cant expect that you do the quest right away as you find them, and there should be some clues telling where the lab is.

Комментарий от Enquillion

Teleporting to the Library will take you to some area called The Drift. Oculeth will teleport you out shortly after, but if you jump through the purple things in the air you can prolong the time you spend in there (check the debuff). If you work your way through to the other end of that dungeon you will find a new teleporter leading to Storage, where you will find a treasure chest called the Warp Cache.

Комментарий от WoWGnGP

i made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvNDn40aMic&feature=youtu.be

Комментарий от varenne

ZoneYellow PurpleGreenBlue
From WorkshopGardenXXX
From GardenLibrary (The Drift)Fountain Warp LabX
From Warp LabXWorkshopXX
From FountainXTelemetry LabBrealfast Nook*Garden
From Telemetry LabXFountainXX
Quest:Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R79zpw8bWDk
  1. Garden (Yellow)
  2. Fountain (Purple)
  3. Telemetry Lab (Purple) and take Видавший виды телемантический маяк
  4. Fountain (Purple)
  5. Garden (Blue)
  6. Warp Lab (Green) and take Треснувшая муфта искривления
  7. Workshop (Purple)

Treasure - Warp Cache:Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4DJCK7rI9kHere is coordinates of start location if you forgot to take the treasure

/way Suramar 49.2 47.0 Warp Cache (Use Yellow and Yellow portals)

  1. Garden (Yellow)
  2. Library - The Drift (Yellow) Treasure pazzleReward:

    Кристалл древней маны

  3. Самоцвет древней маны

Just for fun:Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udsf__k0sL0

  1. Garden (Yellow)
  2. Fountain (Purple)
  3. Brealfast Nook(Green) Just for fun "Strange. It should not have sent you there. Hang on, I am recalling you"

The Delicate Art of Telemancy is part of Помрачены, но не забыты - Chief Telemancer Oculeth storyline.You can find more info about storyline in the achievement linkYou will also need this quest for Добрый сурамаритянин

And here is storyline related to this quest:

№ column is quest approximate order in Suramar storyline

Комментарий от Graxathil

If you get lost and need to find your way back, the initial teleporter is located at 49, 47.

For those without coords, that is directly west of the quest marker for Weathered Telemancy Beacon, just across the small body of water on the map.

Комментарий от Aaahead

Starting location: Oculeth's Workshop teleporter is at 49.5, 46.8.

How the teleporters work: At Oculeth's Workshop teleporter (a circular area), you click the small pillar on the outside of the circle labeled "Garden" when you hover your mouse over it, which makes a plasma beam to the center of the circle, then run to the center of the circle to teleport to the Garden teleporter (55.8, 39.7). From the Garden teleporter there are several different colored pillars from which to choose. Hovering your mouse over them shows the teleporter destination they'll select. So to get from the Garden to the Fountain, you click the pillar that says Fountain when you hover over it, then run to the center of the circle.

This quest: For this quest, as was said elsewhere, teleport from workshop to garden, garden to fountain, fountain to telemetry lab to get the Видавший виды телемантический маяк, telemetry lab back to garden, and from garden to warp lab to get the Треснувшая муфта искривления upstairs in the tower under the table.

Комментарий от WoWGnGP

i made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E6fdT8qagQ&feature=youtu.be

Комментарий от Parrs

Really funny Blizzard! As an engineer I'm already used to the possibility that my teleporter will drop me to my death. That was a great laugh! :D

Комментарий от Laringar

Upon exiting The Drift by going all the way through, the debuff to port you out expires. If you turn around and go back in, you can jump-float to your heart's content, and the debuff does not return. Happy flying!

Комментарий от Maiyrandi


Helpful guide for this quest

Комментарий от zdignity


Комментарий от Sheason

That weathered telemancy beacon looks fami-


Of course!

Комментарий от ortund

I've lost the quest giver and I can't find him again.

Can someone tell me where the garden is?

Комментарий от Khazarel

I found a bizarre area in the final room of the caver called "The Drift" reached by the Library portal. If you turn around, there are oddly rectangular platforms and jumping up them to the top leads to a small collection of doodads but nothing else. Anyone know if there is a purpose to this, or is it just another secret pandaren relaxation area?

SS: http://tinypic.com/r/2d1toux/9

Комментарий от bobwah

quite possibly the worst quest blizzard have ever done...

Комментарий от Atraira


Комментарий от Boxofbeer

Тонкое искусство телемантии — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8I25Ax9Nrk

Комментарий от shortlived1

This is so stupid.....

Комментарий от Tilra

The quest marker keeps moving on me :( one minuet it's at 53, 46 the next it's at 51, 35

Комментарий от Avalarian

SUPER easy quest after I spent FOREVER trying to figure it out... lol

After you take the first teleporter from Oculeth's workshop, look around the pad where you land - there are other differently colored teleporters that port you to the two areas you need for the items. They're right in front of you, just kill a couple mobs. Teleport back - easy cheesy :)

He ports you everywhere else you need to go, so don't stress over the rest of the quest line. It's cake.

Комментарий от Avalarian

SUPER easy quest after I spent FOREVER trying to figure it out... lol

After you take the first teleporter from Oculeth's workshop, look around the pad where you land - there are other differently colored teleporters that port you to the two areas you need for the items. They're right in front of you, just kill a couple mobs. Teleport back - easy cheesy :)

He ports you everywhere else you need to go, so don't stress over the rest of the quest line. It's cake.

Комментарий от machina2413

How to do:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A39oBvMdS7k

Комментарий от supsteff

I died after teleporting to the telemetry lab. I'm not sure if there's a way back to your corpse - I'm assuming there isn't considering you have to teleport there to begin with. I ran around for a bit before heading back to the teleportation pads. Which is where I discovered a battleground style spirit healer that auto rezzes you with no rez sickness. 48, 46 for anyone experiencing a similar crisis.

Комментарий от halies

easy guide : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T9tyoyFxMo

Комментарий от Afcawolx

I made it this way.

Click to see tutorial of The Delicate of Telemancy

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

Okay, you start at Oculeth's Workshop location and there's the way you have to go:
  1. Oculeth's Workshop
  2. Garden
  3. Fountain
  4. Telemetry lab — take Видавший виды телемантический маяк, follow up the stairs, it's in the building, then get back to portal.
  5. Fountain
  6. Garden
  7. Warp lab — go in to a building down the stairs, there's Треснувшая муфта искривления on the ground, then get back to portal.
  8. Oculeth's Workshop
Тонкое искусство телемантии — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8I25Ax9Nrk

This quest is a part of Chief Telemancer Oculeth quest chain needed for Помрачены, но не забыты achievement. Full list is under the spoiler

Chief Telemancer Oculeth quest chain:_

Комментарий от Shadowulf

The path to Occulus Workshop statrs at 48.63 49.46 so /way 48.6 49.5

Комментарий от Mondoblasto

Make sure to look around as you port to each area!

I got a mana shard at the fountain, but when I went exploring upstairs at the warp lab, I found a mana crystal on the floor!

Комментарий от Mondoblasto

In The Drift, the Астральный скат are purple nether rays that can be tamed if you like, though they are easily obtained in Outland.

Комментарий от Gymlea

The Workshop takes you to the Garden, where the yellow teleport takes you to The Drift, though it is labeled The Library. You will return here later in the quest chain. Do not click on Chief Telemancer Oculeth after you kill Warpmaster Twell ! Instead go across the chasm, and follow the tunnel out of The Drift to where there is a teleporter to Storage. In the chest in Storage I got
  • 20 Artifact Power,
  • 200 Order Hall Resources,
  • 150 Ancient Mana, and
  • some Vendor Trash.

Комментарий от darkyoshi87

remove this quest from the game

Комментарий от Sindeady

I just logged in to this account to say. Wow, this quest got me to quit wow.

Комментарий от ender111

The quest designer probably *thought* this was a great and fun quest, but it's not. It's really not.

Комментарий от eKatherine

You can take a goblin glider easily to this location from Obsidian Outlook.

Комментарий от Jayfan34

This quest is cute but a little annoying, good news if you have pathfinder and are doing it on an alt, you only have to activate the first node, then retrieve the items by flying to their locations.

Комментарий от Cellhawk

The Delicate Art of Loading

Комментарий от merenhuiske

Now that most people have flying, just activate the first teleportation pad in Oculeth's Workshop and then fly to both locations shown on map. Faster and easier

Комментарий от Doublezz

A one-off quest: Древняя мана, which follows the Nightfallen questline, is designed to tutor you in gathering Древняя мана and uses the Камень поиска маны to add location nodes to the mini-map in order to farm and is therefore essential to completing the Suramar storyline. This is followed by the Chief Telemancer Oculeth Questline which teaches players about the teleportation system in Suramar and ends with the По результатам разведки... quest, to complete the second storyline in the Помрачены, но не забыты achievement.

Древняя мана id = 44672 Reward: Камень поиска маны and the daily Утоление жажды Талисры id = 43994

Chief Telemancer Oculeth Questline for Помрачены, но не забыты (Prerequisite: Шал'Аран)

1.Мастерская Окулета id = 40011| 2.Тонкое искусство телемантии id = 40747 Reward: Зачарованная монета ночнорожденных|3.Безопасность сети id = 40478 Reward: Зачарованная монета ночнорожденных | Optional: Искаженный тайник Treasure. See Instructions|4.Почти на месте id = 40830 Reward: "Цитриновые страницы" телеманта |5.Накормить голодающего id = 44691|6.По результатам разведки... id = 40956

To check if you have completed any one of these series of quests, input the following code, after having replaced the quest id number (see above) for the quest id number you want to check, into your chat box while playing WoW:/dump IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(44672)or alternatively to check your completion of the whole series of 7 quests, input the following code into your chat box while playing WoW:/run for k,v in pairs({AncientMana=44672,OculethsWksp=40011,ArtTelemancy=40747,NetworkSecu=40478,CloseEnough=40830,HungryWork=44691,SurveySays=40956})do print(format("%s: \124cff%s\124r", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "00ff00Yes" or "ff0000No"))end

Комментарий от Licentious

The secret cave entrance is at /way 58.4 34.4

You can just fly up the side of the mountain and get to it, once you unlock Legion flying.

Комментарий от Menaap

If you just want to do the quest and don't want to spend 3 hours in the Drift:Workshop > Garden > Fountain > TelemetryandWorkshop > Garden > Warp lab

to get the items.

Click the pole with the right name and quickly walk to the blue square in the middle.

Комментарий от Chasedon

If you can fly you just need to use the teleporter once as the quest directs then you can fly around to get the parts instead of using the teleporters.

Комментарий от FreckledFraggle

It should be noted that if you've already completed the headache of learning to fly in The Broken Isles...and still want to run the Nightfallen gauntlet again...you can simply mount up and fly to all these silly things; they're highlighted on the map.


Siegebreaker Battlegear (Recolor) - Сет Трансмогрификации

Комментарий от finkypoo

One of my favorite plate sets. Love the green and the details.

Комментарий от theSMOOF

I want this set something fierce for my Paladin. Anyone know if the pieces are soloable at 85?

Комментарий от Moonbound

You can get most pieces by soloing, at least as a blood dk. I solo'ed Ulduar for transmog gear this weekend in ~item level 397 gear with a few DPS items like trinkets and Gurthalak.

Flame Leviathan - Easy, clearing trash was more annoying. Used a zerg tactic, search on Youtube for "Flame Leviathan solo".

Razorscale - Slightly harder, you need to be able to survive through a 15 second stun and be able to do enough DPS to not get a second stun.

Ignis - Easy, just get rid of the adds asap.

X-T - Easy, kill adds so he doesn't heal and use cd's for tantrums.

Auriaya - Very easy, if your gear is bad you probably want to use a cd in the start when both kitties are alive.

Kologarn - Very easy, but again if your gear is bad you might have to use cd's.

Iron Council - Slighty harder. I did Steelbreaker -> Brundir -> Molgeim. When Steelbreaker was up I had to rotate cd's to survive.

Hodir - Medium. I wiped a few times at very low percent to the enrage. You need to free the NPC's, what I did was put a Death and decay so it would hit two of their flash freezes. Stand in the "light beams" that the moonkin puts down. I think on Recount I did 19k DPS, but I could remember it wrong.

Thorim - It is possible to solo Thorim, I was trying but it kept bugging out for me.

I asked a friend to come for Thorim and we 2 manned the rest of the place instead, so I can't comment on if the rest of the bosses are soloable. However all the bosses except Algalon has been solo'ed by blood dk's, so it is possible if you are determined enough and got good enough gear.

Again, this is from my experience as a blood dk. I don't know how hard/possible it is as any other class/spec.

Комментарий от Hurvey

This set is BEAST.Any good 2-handed weapons that match this set?

Edit: I found Месть Калимдора to be a good match.

Комментарий от quiwi

Any good suggestions for a 1 handed weapon and a shield? I'm thankfull to all answers :)

Комментарий от Akamadoushi

Protector of Frigid Souls is the best-matching shield I have found. As for weapon, there are probably a few alternatives, but I quite much liked Nifflevar Bearded Axe even though its colours might be a bit too "bright". Another possibility is Legacy of Thunder.

Mantle of Patience looks fairly nice with the set in case anyone was looking for a cloak - and still has it (or picked it in the first place).

Комментарий от daNewf

Another good weapon to use for this set would be Ironforge SmasherGood if you're a Dwarf who wants a real Dwarven weapon.

Комментарий от Deathwrath

This right here is just the set i was looking for to xmog for my Tauren paladin! Looks tribal but not like its gonna fall apart if you touch it and damn it looks mean

Комментарий от Macumazhan

This set was designed ONLY for dwarfs. No other race deserve wear a ram in their shoulders.
