Темнорунические латы завоевателя. Темнорунический большой шлем завоевателя

Темнорунические латы завоевателя - Набор предметов


Комментарий от Avrsion


Of course i won't be eating it, i'll be wearing it.

Комментарий от smittyc22

Why are there only 3 pieces to this set when every other class has 5 for their Conqueror's set?

Комментарий от Cavalla

The shoulders can be seen in a live server being worn by Keritose Bloodblade at the Shadow Vault in Icecrown.

Комментарий от irascible

Comparing T8 - Conquerors' Darkruned Plate to T7 - Valorous Scourgeborne Plate, it looks as though they are focusing more on +parry for DK's (at least on these 3 items).

  • Parry rating has increased by 125, while Dodge rating has decreased by 97. The helm/chest would have at least 50 dodge rating, each, to be on par (set wise) with t7
  • Hit rating and Expertise seem to have swapped spots, t8 gains 98 expertise but looses the +73 hit rating from t7
  • Socket colors have remained the same, however, it looks as though socket bonuses will be focused around +dodge rating
  • Changing socket colors from the current line up (chest with 1red, 1blue; helm with 1meta, 1blue) most likely not going to happen

While these are not the final numbers and only comparing the Legs/Shoulders/Handguards from t7/8, let's hope they add more dodge rating to the helm and chest items. For overall avoidance, more dodge would make sense to complete the set.

Комментарий от tomemozok

the chest and head will show up eventually,beleve me.

Комментарий от sylancer

This is the whole 5 piece TANK set:

(Sry that I can only find image version)

And this is the 5 piece DPS set:

(Sry that I can only find image version)

Комментарий от sLiBu

First set in WoW with a leg armor model.

Комментарий от Redhood

How are you supposed to get a 4-piece armor bonus when there are only 3 pieces?

Комментарий от EDWOLFMAN

the pants in this set have a unique model and the model looks good :D the whole set looks good to and the set bonuses are great i liked the T7 one too

Комментарий от Achiistra

For those of you wondering about the color of the leg armor, the model is currently a placeholder. Currently the leg armor has the same model as the 10-man Tier 8 legs. (Valorous Darkruned Legguards, http://ptr.wowhead.com/?item=45338)

Комментарий от shockwarrior

Comparing all of the T8 plate sets. Pally, Warrior, DK tanking sets

Комментарий от shockwarrior


Link Comparing Pally, Warrior, and DK T8 tank sets.

Комментарий от Alkore

Looking at the gear, it made my both smile and cry.

Smile: 1. Clear increases in Stamina, which is always nice, and in one way expected. I'd be turning in my new grave if I saw that there was lesser Stamina on Tier 8.5 to Tier 7.5. 2. Parry has been given a big boost, with dodge taking a socket bonus position. Nice to see that parry isn't forgotten about. Certain worries of the Blade Barrier changes are indeed quelled to a degree with this itemization.3. Big smiles at the set bonuses. (2) set is nice threat generator, but my favored is most likely going to be the (4) set, making Anit-Magic Shell all the more useful, seeing as it's already a live saving ability on any magic entity, it now serves for bosses of a pure physical nature. Coupled with the Glyph of Anti-Magic Shell, you will be looking 15% damage reduction for 7 seconds, considering that your Blood Runes should always be on CD, and seeing as the new Blade Barrier gives 5% damage reduction instead of 10% parry.

Cry:1. The over-haul of expertise rating is unwarranted at best. With current gear, I am already over-cap. To see the tier gear bring mass amounts of expertise rating is going to cost me a lot of gold to replace gems and enchants. What's more worrying is that the majority of my gear doesn't even have expertise rating enchants or gems. So I'm really confused about what I'm going to do.2. The lack of hit rating is going to hit duel-wield Death Knights hard, pun unintended. I'm currently duel-wield tanking with roughly 10.5% hit rating percentage when raid buffed. This is going to drop 1% at least with this new gear, meaning that I'm going to have to really work on my gems and enchants, meaning that I could be potentially missing out on Stamina and Mitigation gems and enchants.

Комментарий от jewhaen

Wishlist, :\

Комментарий от pingfr

Known tokens locations as of 16th April@04:45AM are:

Head: Thorim.Chest: Hodir.Hands: Mimiron.Leggings: Freya.Spaulders: Unknown yet, but Ensidia has cleaned every boss except Yogg-saron at the time of writing, therefore it's safe to assume the spaulders drop off the one and only remaining boss; Yogg-saron.

This comment will probably get downrated over time as the database gets filled and links are being fixed between the items and their respective tokens but if you want the info in the meantime, at least... it's "there".

Комментарий от Questie

I just viewed this in 3D and it has the look to Highlord Morgraine.....pretty nice looking.....now for his swords =P.

Комментарий от fannialuvsme

hey guys about the tank gear....im lvl 75 dk with 18k hp so im wonderin how this will work for me

Комментарий от fannialuvsme

also my defense rating is at 498 so will this gear help me much?

Комментарий от Tzora

Cry:1. The over-haul of expertise rating is unwarranted at best. With current gear, I am already over-cap. To see the tier gear bring mass amounts of expertise rating is going to cost me a lot of gold to replace gems and enchants. What's more worrying is that the majority of my gear doesn't even have expertise rating enchants or gems. So I'm really confused about what I'm going to do.2. The lack of hit rating is going to hit duel-wield Death Knights hard, pun unintended. I'm currently duel-wield tanking with roughly 10.5% hit rating percentage when raid buffed. This is going to drop 1% at least with this new gear, meaning that I'm going to have to really work on my gems and enchants, meaning that I could be potentially missing out on Stamina and Mitigation gems and enchants.

Answer: 2h tank, I know there is a lot of discussion about this, but believe me, go read Elitist Jerks, its a lot easier on your gems/enchants and your healers.

Комментарий от Synra

Got any boot/belt match for this set?

Комментарий от Stefanica

http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=64745: I LOVE YOU.

Комментарий от Kiljaedan

Anyone know of a tabard that matches this armor set? or just looks cool with it.

Комментарий от kidd90

nice set !

DK better tank than pala and warrior!

Комментарий от watbebe

yh ok you sad wich bosses :P but wich instances they drop i dont look at boss names xD

Комментарий от Aleck

Quick question, To get the set bonuses, does it have to be the conqueror's tank T8 or can it be Valorous too, since they give the same bonuses.Better to just reply, since less people will ask the question :)

Комментарий от TheeObserver

Is it me, or does the shirt and pants match so well, it makes you look like your wearing a jumpsuit without a belt?

Комментарий от thatsubercool

Easily the best looking DK gear.

Really makes you appreciate how good it was after the failed cata dk gear came out..... Uh ohs i need to use the restroom again >.<

Комментарий от Seosaimhin

For those of you looking to make a transmog set out of this, take a look at Kneebreaker Boots and Demonbone Waistguard - they match perfectly.

Комментарий от Guy19

Pretty nice DK set. It stays true to the DK feel, because it's Wrath, but is a bit flashier than the starter set. I think I'll be going for this one myself. :)

Комментарий от Loardixen

The boots for this set drop in 25 man ulduar from, General Vezax Boots of the Underdweller

Комментарий от Loardixen

The boots for this set drop from "General Vezax", 25 man ulduar, 17% drop rate: "Boots of the Underdweller"


Темноруническая броня завоевателя - Набор предметов


Комментарий от taurydeath

hmm a 4 piece set bonus and only 3 pieces?

Комментарий от zanatorix

think ill be sticking to the old gear, there should be more options available for the talents =\

Комментарий от Lurven

No, you can't. This is Conqueror's, not Valorous, they do not share set bonuses.

Комментарий от tomemozok

they will show up eventually...

Комментарий от Promithes

i just want to see what the DK stuff looks like

Комментарий от mydarkelf

there is a 4 pieces bonus! but there is just 3 pieces lol

Комментарий от sylancer

This is the whole 5 piece DPS set:

(Sry that I can only find image version)

And this is the 5 piece TANK set:

(Sry that I can only find image version)

Комментарий от sLiBu

First set in WoW with a leg armor model.

Комментарий от nickwazere

how do u get

Комментарий от barda24

Hehe, now I am the Ebon Highlord. And when I enter Stormwind on my DK, all other DKs will bow down to me, cause I am the man in charge! MUAHAHAHAHA xD

Комментарий от vlamerboy

where cane u buy it?

plz tell me

or send mail on wow

vlamerdude or vlamerboy (ally on realm deathwing)


Комментарий от chaosseige

i gotta ask cuzz i cant find a difference. is this set 4 blood spec,unholy spec, or frost spec?

Комментарий от Jaricko

Aka Highlord Darion Mograine look-a-like armor.

Комментарий от Khako

I am glad that set bonuses are more widely spread for different specs. As a DW 32/39 Spec the T7 bonuses were useless for me as it only gave +5% Critical chance to Obliterate, Scourge Strike, and Death Strike, none of which I use. The 4 piece bonus is only +10 more Runic Power on each of abilities I stated. I felt that they could have at least added Blood/Heart Strike and/or Frost strike. Great to see better set bonuses, Now I might actually use the Tier 7 gear instead of replacing it.

Комментарий от Soef

Where's the DW luv D:

Комментарий от RogueDaGreat

Acctually i want better bonuses. Even tho UH DK WILL be nerfed in 3.1 ppl will still use it so Death Coild wont be that helpfull since most spamm UH>DC>UB>UB so 1 DC per about 200RP

P.S. Nice Looks Imo ;)

Комментарий от Pumaloco

When you've got the second bonus with the 20% damage bonus per disease then Unholy will be superior.3x Disease = 60% more damage on SC, do i hear a oneshot ability there? :)

Maybe they will change the buff to 20% more bonus damage per damaging disease, imo that would be more balancing.

Ofcourse as Death Knight i won't hope they do this because it's a nerf.

Комментарий от darkthunder

What's with all the stupid blue sockets? It's the DPS set, and they give us a bunch of stamina-increasing sockets. Extremely pourly itemised, given that we already have plenty of stamina on the base gear.

Комментарий от Drazex

aww, it isnt red and gray like i had hoped =(

but still i think it looks awesome

Комментарий от hlcws

Red and Gray would be more shaman colors.

Комментарий от m911

see this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J8Ne0NnrXA

Комментарий от GeneralButtNaked

Why does blizzard suck so much at itemizing? Seriously, 5 blue sockets and 2 pieces of gear with haste?

Комментарий от pingfr

Known tokens locations as of 16th April@04:45AM are:

Head: Thorim.Chest: Hodir.Hands: Mimiron.Leggings: Freya.Spaulders: Unknown yet, but Ensidia has cleaned every boss except Yogg-saron at the time of writing, therefore it's safe to assume the spaulders drop off the one and only remaining boss; Yogg-saron.

This comment will probably get downrated over time as the database gets filled and links are being fixed between the items and their respective tokens but if you want the info in the meantime, at least... it's "there".

Комментарий от Zaelan

Actually, there's also Algalon the Observer (or Raid Destroyer, if you like. He also feeds off your tears...) after Yogg-Saron, though he only appears on hard mode and only after you've gotten Freya, Thorim, Hodir, and Mimiron's sigils. It's very likely that he could drop the spaulders.

Комментарий от TheImmortal36

Highlord Darion Mograines armor basically

Комментарий от Soef

The gear Highlord Darion Mograine is wearing? Anyone?

Комментарий от ryanydc

what are the boots and belts that match this set in terms of item model?

Комментарий от hellrazor44

all of the t8 set's are on this link and season 6 http://www.wowinsider.com/photos/tier-8-armor/1383576/

Комментарий от VraulJawrip

The rules specifically state "No Private Server Screenshots" and this one got through? Sheesh. lol

I mean come on, not only does the person have more than the set shows, but he's on GM Island!

Комментарий от Zaelan

I do believe that that screenshot depicts what will happen after the Lich King is defeated however (minus the GM Island part).

Комментарий от Zaelan


Alright, here's what I'm trying to say: the picture describes Darion Mograine as taking Frostmourne after the Lich King is defeated.

Sheesh...the brain power some people lack these days...it's astounding...

Комментарий от rednas3636

you..betrayed us allFACE THE MIGHT OF MOGRAINE

Комментарий от Treld

NO!.... The Rage of RIVENDARE!

Комментарий от Darkakakage

What are the boots,belt and wrists for this item set because i cant seem to find the perfectly matching items

Комментарий от JJR512

Sorry for such a newbie question...

How exactly are these Tier 8 sets obtained?

Комментарий от Treld

good game rednas lol

Комментарий от Zaelan

By running Ulduar and getting tier tokens, then handing them in to whoever has your set (in this case, the plate armor merchant).

Комментарий от Elf22

i am thinking if one day there will be an Highlord pvp rank.......i can dream right?

Комментарий от darknesscalls

Just a quick note that the 2 piece set bonus of this t8 set is being buffed from 5% to 8% crit on Frost Strike and Death coil

While the 4 piece set of our t7 is being nerfed from gaining 10 extra runic power from Death Strike/Obliterate/Scourge Strike to 5 extra runic power from these attacks.

Obviously, Blizzard wants us to break our t7 set, and it is true that the 4pc t7 was very good.

t8 itemization IMO is really not much improved from t7, it's still littered with haste, which is least useful to us since most of our damage does NOT come from white attacks, and they've added armor penetration to the helmet, which only benefits one spec (Blood)

Комментарий от Dangeren

Sorry for such a newbie question...

How exactly are these Tier 8 sets obtained?

Heroic Ulduar

Комментарий от Nurglitch

The 4-piece set bonus is basically4% dmg increase on Blood/Heart Strikes.5% dmg increase on Obliterates.6.9% dmg increase on Scourge Strikes.

Комментарий от Treld

Obsidian Greathelm is a much better dps helm and you wouldnt lose set bonus and it looks better.

Комментарий от darknesscalls

Why was this downvoted? It is true that the Obsidian Great Helm is a good helmet and that if you are Unholy or Frost, it is the better choice since the t8 Helmet has armor penetration on it. It's best to go with that and the other 4 pieces can be the t8 pieces.

Комментарий от Zaelan

"Why was this downrated?" Why, trolls, of course!

I'd suggest you not ask why people do these things. There are a lot of trolls out there who only do it for their own amusement.

Комментарий от zinistr

what are the matching boots for this set? (and belt)

Комментарий от watdahel

Where'd that screenie come from? Looks like GM island...with a Frostmourne-ish sword on his back...

Комментарий от Treld

its probably because i mentioned looks

Комментарий от Darkicec

omg cool it looks like Arthas´s set

Комментарий от frrrrr1

The 2 piece bonus is bugged for unholy as of 3.1.2. It does not add any crit chance to Deathcoil.

Комментарий от Furrsteve

lolol Screenshot @ GM island

Комментарий от Arcalas

In the screen shot, what is that tabard called? or is it just a custom one, or is it a specific item....... or is that just a pic of Darion Mograine?

Комментарий от bluelime

With the 4-piece setbonus on this it feels like Blizzard is trying to break down DKs that use a diseaseless spec.

Комментарий от masterice12

Darion Mograine has the same armour.

Комментарий от coastalgirl

HaHa the picture they are useing for the Item set is from GM island. You can tell by the boat in the back ground u jump on it and and port to programers island.

Комментарий от zinistr

Ok I am going to post some insigntful comments. Heres a bit of napkin math, with estimated parses.

Unholy: 30% of your dmg consists of SS. so if its a 7% (estimated) increase dmg in Scourge strike, thats an overall 2.1% boost in dmg. 5% blood strike is .2%, since its 3 diseases it might be .3% AT BEST. total boost = 2.6%

Blood: Heart strike is 20% of your dmg, its a .8% dmg boost. At best even at 30%. its 1.2% dmg increase

Frost: double disease would benefit the most from t8. 30% dmg from obliterate is 1.5% and 10% blood strike = .4Total: 1.9% dmg increase

Effectively with stat weights. the benefit of t8 is equivalent to 3% crit or some amount of str+.

Комментарий от demotech

At the screenshot when a human dk is standing in gm island it looks the dk is wearing a frostmourne. but no...

Комментарий от AK4T

Ehrmm NICE SET! I wonna be Highlord Darion Mograine!2x Lifeless Sword!, and this set as a Human Male! Going around Dalaran"Omg look Darion Mograine in Dalaran?" Said the Peoples.

Комментарий от addohm

ArPen's stat value (2.75) for a blood spec'd DPS DK is nearly equivelant to Strength (2.89). This alone makes blood scale the best with Ulduar gear.

It is also theorized that after 6300 raid buffed AP, ArPen's stat value goes above and beyond Strength.

Not everyone is focused on Exp or Hit capping. But it is not hard to maintain a moderate amount, and nearly every BIS gear list has some sort of sub-cap stat, which can be seen here.

Комментарий от meraja123

it looks sooooooo sexy

Комментарий от lawnornament

the Deathknight Cavaliers in the military quarter of naxx wears this armor set

Комментарий от johnpatrik

This is the gear "Highlord Darion Mograine" is wearing accompanied with two "Slayer of the lifeless"

Darion Mograine is located in Ebon hold(DK only place) and is the son of the ashbringer.

Комментарий от pashaglazgoo

very beautiful set on each rases

Комментарий от Tessa44

Why do the legs and shoulders have haste rating.... haste isnt very usefull compared to hit/expertise/crit.

Комментарий от dDontMe

Can anyone get some nice Boots,Waist and Wrist to this set?

Комментарий от hordeofone

I noticed that on WoW.com there were diffrent versions of this armour.(Colour, at least) Any way, does any one know if the are planed in the game or not? Sorry if I sound stupid, BTW.

Комментарий от dannyboy1100

Its the same set highlord darion mograine has when you first start the final quest of the dk chain

Комментарий от Zaelan

You make it sound like he wears different sets throughout the chain.

Комментарий от Royi

why would blizz put Frost Strike as the 2 set bonus?no Heart Strike or Plague Strike?


Комментарий от HuBlah

unholy has mostly spells and SS is shadow damage, magic bypasses armor, frost would benefit slightly from ArP but only because of blood strike and Obliterate are physical attacks and are still affected by armor.. other than death coil Blood has all physical attacks and are all affected by armor. if that makes sense.

Комментарий от Runeweaver

very beautiful set on each races

Corrected by the way and I don't think it looks beautiful on ALL the races... heh...


Комментарий от bara123

ive got the helm and i was wtf why a blue socket but since there was a meta it was ok with me but when i looked up blue gems in AH u cna just see like 7 pages with only satmina gems i got mad at why they put a blue gem so i just bought a purple one they are actually quite cheap on my server and if u are jc or have a dreadstone u should ask a jc to ask them to a cut the satmina(sadly)/strength gem or any of that crap. trust me itll be alot better than blue gems. i havent see the tank gear but if it has like all the dps sockets then im gonna get mad lol

Комментарий от bara123

kk now i just found out bout the frost strike thing ive never and i have never seen a dps DK whos is frost spec

Комментарий от bara123

at least they made T9 good and didnt mess it up....

Комментарий от SaxxonDK

What kinds of gems do i use here?im blood dps

Комментарий от ColonelWJF

What is the matching boots to this set? lol.

Комментарий от Talwin

For all those complaining about the Blue sockets, don't forget, the best tanking meta gems require at least 2 blue gems. That being said, whenever i come across a Blue Socket i pop in a Purple gem. Meets the Blue requirement and the ones i use give +Atk Power and +Stamina. Simples :P

Комментарий от andrey160793

Heh, greetings from Darion Mograine! xD xDLooks great with tabard of the ebon blade))

Комментарий от BlackWvyern

I cannot for the life of me manage to find a pair of boots and a belt that fit wonderfully with this set. Everything that should go with it is off color. :(

Комментарий от Nihilusion

Well we can all agree on the fact it looks cool:P stat-wise i think this 1 is better than the tank set

Комментарий от RoyaleBeast

Anyone know any good boots that match the color of the 25m token set?

Комментарий от Wolfshanze

For those wanting this T8 set for 4.3, but are either a little lazy and/or intimidated at forming groups and/or raiding Ulduar, there is this guide for the lazy-man's T8 DK Ulduar Set:

Step-1: Save up some JP (2800 will do) and Honor (1040 will cover it), befriend a Blacksmith.Step-2: Go to Dalaran, see the Legacy Justice Quartermaster (Arcanist Fireal for Alliance, Magister Sarien for the Horde), purchase the Crown and Breastpalte tokens (of the Wayward Vanquisher), Bladebreaker Gauntlets and Legplates of the Violet Champion.Step-3: Turn-in helm and chest tokens to Dalaran Blacksmith shop, plate armor merchant Dubin Clay for T8 helm and chest.Step-4: Go to Dalaran Sewers, old Legacy Arena Armor vendor (Blazik Fireclaw), pickup the Wrathful Gladiator's Dreadplate Shoulders... no they're not the T8 Ulduar shoulders, but do you really want to pug 25m Yogg-Saron? These match the set very well actually and this IS the lazy-man's guide after-all.Step-5: Remember I told you to befriend a blacksmith? Time to ask a favor, have him craft you a Cobalt Belt and Tempered Titansteel Treads... these are close matches, cheap on mats and easy to get your hands on without raiding and/or hoping for a RNG drop. Conversely another nice boot option is the Vicious Gladiator's Warboots of Cruelty (Arena Season-10, NOT season-9, due to color matching).

Slap all the above together and you'll find yourself sporting a pretty spiffy T8 knockoff without ever setting foot into Ulduar, and the entire set can be had in about 10 minutes of work (assuming you had the JP/Honor and BS mats saved up).

Комментарий от Alexkuz

What are the boots for this set? I need them.

Комментарий от Gaebriel

I so love this set. I can't say anything else this was made for me!

Комментарий от Blacknny

The legs use a flatten mesh or not? 'Cause on some screenshots it looks like ''actual skin'' and on other it shows as real metal plates...bugged?

Комментарий от Toshika

if your wondering what goes with the set:Boots: Boots of the UnderdwellerBelt: Guardian's Plate BeltTabards: Tabard of the Ebon Blade or Gilneas Tabard


Темнорунический шлем - Заклинание - World of Warcraft

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Темнорунический шлемУровень предмета: 58Становится персональным при надеванииБроня: 32+23 к выносливости+11 к критическому удару+20 к сопротивлению |3-7(Тьма)Прочность: 85 / 85Требуется 58-й ур.

Цена продажи: 2 69 52

'; _[24913].buff_ruru = ''; _[24913].spells_ruru = {}; _[24913].buffspells_ruru = {}; _[24913].rppmmod = []; _[24913].effectScaling = [{"range":0.25}]; //]]>
Темнорунический шлем
Применение: 10 сек


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