Шлем Ходира. Шлем ходира

Шлем Ходира - Задание - World of Warcraft


Комментарий от geony

The northern ice spike - 64.59

Комментарий от jeam

just take the quest log description extremely literally, somewhat.

if you face the exact same direction as Njormeld, you'll see a small stalagmite, and a larger one behind it that has a chain encircling it about the height of the foreground spike. this is by the flightmaster.

look slightly to the right, if you're facing say 12 o clock, you want to be about 1-2 o clock. you should see another large+chain stag with a smaller one in front of it. just stare at it for a few moments and if you see the blinking, that's your target.

here's a better picture using the npc as vantage.


Комментарий от wtbblue

Here's a video for this VERY confusing quest - the sad part is it only takes about 10 seconds to complete if you know where to place it.

Video of this quest

Комментарий от Ouhz

You do not dismount when using the tablets. That's what I suspected first and it's also why I tried to land on top of the spike (as of build 9155, the spike's top gleams like a big fat piece of loot), which is ... well, difficult, and if you fail, it's deadly. Just fly next to the spike and use the tablets, et voila.

Комментарий от animagi

druids cannot complete this quest in flight form, so make sure you have an actual flying mount on you unlike me...

edit: shift out, insta-click, shift back. works.

Комментарий от Greggy40

Location = 64.23 / 59.15 It's a small green spike in the ground. There are two of them. You place the helm on the LEFT spike.

Комментарий от Phyllaina

One thing to note: the ice spike you need has sparklies on it.

Комментарий от aeonabyss

Definitely a bad quest description...If you are standing next to the east side of Fjorn's anvil in Dun Niffelem and face north, fly up to the top of the ice column directly in front of the one with the chains wrapped around it and click the tablet.It's basically the only non-pointy ice spike.

Комментарий от wowheadmember

For druids that only have flight form.

1. Fly to about 10 meters above the location described in prior posts.2. Shift to caster form.3. Use the quest item as you fall past the tip of the spike.4. Cast flight form again to avoid dying, or alternatively use Snowfall Lager from the dwarves at Frosthold (94,55). Snowfall Lager grants a feather fall effect and is purchased using two Relics of Ulduar.

Комментарий от wingedfoot00

THANK YOU! This helped a ton!

Комментарий от NuSkooler

I did this as a NE without dismounting -- In other words, no one should have to dismount for this.

Комментарий от xymera

Fly to the top of the crystal to the left of Lorekeeper Randvir. You use item, it wont dismount you. Then the head will appear.

Комментарий от baldeagle

Okay, Druids do not need a regular flying mount, nor do you need to free fall. While it is difficult to get positioned in just the right spot, it IS possible to land on the very top sharp edge of the crystal. You will think you are not landed, but if you press and hold your "x" key to go down, you will see you are stationary on the crystal. If you find you ARE going down, then just slightly adjust your postition. Once you have found the sweet spot, go ahead and shift out of flight form, and you are now standing on top of the crystal. Use the tablet, compete, shift into flight form, and go turn it in.

Комментарий от Krypter

The crystal that you need to go to is sparkling as of 3.0.3 — you don't need to dismount to use the quest item.

Комментарий от deboette

My turn to make a graphic since nothing has helped.


Комментарий от fakeh

Mine didn't.

Комментарий от Timarack

Comfirming That you can land on the tip of the ice spike

-timmy Kelthuz-

Комментарий от tinytotz

Well, the coords are 64.2 59.1 If you do not have coords, stand were the king is, and go to the right, around the curve and it's the second spike on the left, near the end. And I was mounted when I did it.

Комментарий от omgitskarly

Awesome, thank you

Комментарий от NorfolkDumpling

Tip -

The spike you need glimmers and sparkles.

No need to land on the spike, using the item whilst flying near the spike will work.

Комментарий от norcallopez

U relly need to keep up yhe good work on the viedos ty

Комментарий от Carolnapride

just get on top of the spike and use it

That's what she said.A tribute to Michael.

Комментарий от Kahlner

Ditto, no sparkles.

Комментарий от SpeedAtNight

For druids: If you land on the space shown in the picture below you won't slide off or fall.http://i38.tinypic.com/34t25id.jpg

Комментарий от Plake

As a druid, you will not be able to click the tablet in flight form. But, what you can do is shift out of flight form, read the tablet, and then shift back to flight form before landing. I just did that, works great.

Комментарий от Wedmark

I used the tab while on my flying mount. Didn't get dismounted.

Комментарий от feljdllb

the spike tip is the sparkly one north of the anvil. you do not need to dismount.

Комментарий от pepperspray1991

When you complete this quest Njormeld will say

"That will do <race>That will do"

Which is a reference to the movie Babe

Комментарий от Exodist

I flew up next to the top of the spike. It wasnt where I thought it was, but it had "quest sparkles" comming from it. Like I side I just flew up next to it on my mount and used the tablet, it didnt dismount me or anything.

Комментарий от reiahart

At the crystals with sparklies on it =D 64, 59

If you are still having trouble when at this location just fly from the bottom of the crystal to the top spamming the item. You'll get it.

Комментарий от malfy

ugh... actually druids CAN use this item in flightform (it will change them out of flightform on use) simply shift back into flightform as you're falling.

If you're a druid and you think its not working for you.Press 'esc' > 'Interface' > 'Controls' > and put a check mark next to 'Auto Dismount in Flight.'

Anyone playing with this unchecked (especially a druid) is a horrible player and should be labled as such.

Комментарий от mynameismygame

The spike you are supposed to read the tablets on also has a sparkle on the tip to help you see it, and for me was below and to the left of the large spike that looks like the one you were supposed to use, if you were facing it.

Комментарий от BitHawk

I love the Babe reference when you complete it

Комментарий от quetzalin

All your tips were confusing me a lot, looking at your screenshots (and even youtube video) there is a head and i was looking for it all the time ... and well if you didn't notice it won't show before you complete the quest so you only have to look for an sparkling ice spike.

Комментарий от Dahliane

Ok.. If your standing in front of King Jokkum the spike your looking for is the short one that stops at about the same height as where the barb wire(or chain) is...

For me there were no sparkles and you will not see the helm on the spike until after the quest.

Комментарий от Baconwrangler

The really confusing part about this quest: How do we manage to get that head up there in the first place? Oo

Комментарий от camtarn

The ice spike is neither particularly small (it's only small in comparison with the massive spikes surrounding you!) nor is it right in front of him - it's actually right across the camp, so far away that it's invisible if you have view distance turned way down. On my computer, the sparklies only appeared after I'd been sitting at the spike for about ten seconds, as well.

Комментарий от Shylight

you dont have to land on the spike to use the itemhover above it and click it..easy

Комментарий от klajn

This quest leads to one of the daily quests for Sons of Hodirhttp://www.wowhead.com/?quest=13006

Комментарий от vikichan

Tricky quest, at least for me, I made a pretty much "explainable" screen shot, I hope it will help

Комментарий от TweFoju

its easy, idk why so many ppl thought its tricky

i just use my Mount and fly near the top of the spike and click on the quest item and done =)

Комментарий от Zendorion

Don't know what's so difficult about it, I just flew to it and used the item while on my flying mount, worked well.

Комментарий от paublina

I mostly just stayed really close to it and clicked the tablets, the helm appeared on the spike and I got quest completion. Not that I was still mounted when I did so.

Комментарий от azshandra

This is suuuuper helpful. Don't bother trying to land on it...

Комментарий от kamyonet87

i just did this quest as druid in my flying form and where the quest can be triggered my form has fade away but i did my quest and i also got my http://www.wowhead.com/?achievement=964 :p

Комментарий от mailman234

It is the only huge spike around the room with HUGE SPARKLES coming from its tip. Fly to the sparkles and use the Tablets of Pronouncement... done and done

Комментарий от flymolo21

You don't have to land on it. Just fly close to it and it works...I died 2 times trying to land on it.

Комментарий от Almight

as soon as the helm showed up i didnt complete the quest,you need to mount it but how?

Комментарий от Cantras

Another way of locating it: It is straight back from the horn, and the quartermaster is sortof looking at it (which is easier to see from the air.) Good luck. :)

Комментарий от botticelliangel6

OK I had a really hard time finding this using these directions. It isn't one of the big ones up at the top, like I thought. It is one of the ones down in the town with you. Stand between the king's legs, facing the same way he is facing, and it is about a 45 degree angle to your right. It's just a small one. It "sparkles" a little, but not like regular quest items do. Good luck.

Комментарий от eousas

nope u dont need to go out of flight form (Druid) just go up to the top of the spike and use item

Комментарий от ishine

u dont have to dismount or anything...just fly to the sparkling peak and click the tablet.

Комментарий от lostiljon

btw.....after the new patch now i think it has been changed.... cause i could use the item in fligt form.... so for all druids who have only flight form and havent done this q, this is for u....

Комментарий от Ritchus

look for a ball of light at 64.2, 59.3...looks like a nightelf wisp then click on item he gave you...done

Комментарий от bigmattyl

you can't place the mask if you are on a flying carpet.. you'll need to be on a regular flying mount..

Комментарий от lotuswall

Precisa voar até uma certa altura próximo de um dos picos da área e usar o item q recebe da quest. Ele colocará o hodir´s helm no pico.64,59

Após isso ele abre uma quest diária do local também. Polishing the helm.

Комментарий от gfdhdjgfjh

Since it's VERY DIFFICULT to find (took me quite a while in the beta) I made a video showing its exact location: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtXrTh9n9hk

(The video was made for my horde leveling guide which can be found at http://www.kopersguide.com/)

Комментарий от Deathjester222

Just make sure NOT to try to do this in flying form, and instead, use a mount, get in front, and click the tablet on an action bar (where it should have been placed).

Комментарий от Deewy

Tip: Look at the wolf denmother at the bottom of the "pit", the spike you need is the one almost immediately above her.

Комментарий от maddog6655

You do not have to dismount i was on my flyer and simply hit the tab and i completed the qeust do not bother trying to dismount on the top

Комментарий от Zazkia

The completion message - that will do little , that will do - is a reference to the movie Babe.

Комментарий от boriz

Dont know when they changed it. But druids CAN now do it while shapeshifted.

Комментарий от Llysara

Opens up the daily quest Polishing the Helm.

Комментарий от atheni

It's not that hard, gusy: the correct one has sparklies on the top, just like any other clickable object

Комментарий от Shubi

haha I like this quest - done it in 5 sec, and get 165 rep with Holdir + dinged 79 lvl :pTHX to narub for screens, otherwise I'd never look in air for it :p

Комментарий от LambiPambi

That will do, little .

That will do....

A cute reference to the ending of Babe(film), that little pig with big dreams of becoming a sheep dog.

Комментарий от Eveena

The crystal you want is very close by the king. If you get behind him facing the way he is facing, it is directly NW of him and a little higher. It sparkles. When you click on the scroll, the crystal turns dark and two horns will appear on the new helmet.

Комментарий от Jerico

shame on blizz doing quests like this one

Комментарий от Mosk

You don't have to dismount in order to do it.

Комментарий от Elbrecht

Ive got a problem, i didnt know that you can use the q item on mount:(

So ive dismounted and near the sparks i had use the table and got the quest complete message but there is no helm:(

Is this because i died after the q complete message?

the funny thing is before i died, i saw the Helm

Комментарий от Elbrecht

I don’t know what it was, but I came online and the Helm was there.

So if someone should have the same problem, then try it again later maybe the Helm is then there:)

Комментарий от personwithaname

O.o? i just did it in flight form. I used the tablet after i found where i was suppose to put it, slid down the spike but didnt need to shift in or out of flight form..

Комментарий от AZShizzle

You get to give head.. To a pole.. Hmmm...fun!

Комментарий от Kaleesh

I can't even tell you how lackluster it was that the helm was simply a copy/paste of the DK greathelm...

Комментарий от Regigo

Druids can use the item in flight form. Not sure when it got patched that way, but I just used it myself.

Комментарий от flatulantjoe

quest leads you to believe that you must land on the spike. it's the small spike in front of the very largest spike with chains around it. fly to the tip and right click the quest item while mounted and ta da!

no need to dismount

Комментарий от Grizela

Well, In July 2009, you can have your flying mount (or yourself if you are a Druid in flying form) hover near the tip. Just click on the tablets, and the quest is done.

No need for aerial acrobatics and near-death experiences here. Its rather mundane.


Комментарий от Mike250

Drop the quest and start it again to force the correct spike to "sparkle" again.

Комментарий от dragunknight92

The spot you are looking for is directly north-west of the king when facing the same direction as him, OR directly opposite Njordeld, across the room. The iclce WITHOUT the chains attatched. The tip sparcles every few seconds like a gathering node.

Комментарий от Fondell

For people who use Carbonite Addon: The spot where the spike is located is shown as a blue dot on top of the big spike. The spike you acctually need is the smaller spike located BELOW the big spike. It shows the correct position but it can be confusing as you can not actually see the spike you need to use on the map since the map is 2D.

Комментарий от sykopat

Why does the Great Helm of Hodir look like the standard Death Knight helm?

Комментарий от FenixAiur

"Sons of Hodir, I humbly present you Hodir's helm."

Or something like that.. I'm paraphrasing.

How can anyone "humbly" present a helm that is bigger than the drake he rides? I'd feel like a champ in front of all those giants.

Комментарий от Gladesira

I don't know if my quest was glitched or not, but I couldn't see this thing /anywhere/. I even aligned myself with the screenshots posted, and didn't find it. Eventually I got sick of flying around so I just started flying in a few yard increments and using the item and eventually I got credit for the quest, though I still didn't actually see it anywhere....

So if you are having trouble finding the item as well, try just flying in the area it's supposed to be and use the item :P As posted above you just have to be near it..

Комментарий от wolvesrme

You guys know you don't have to land to put the Helm on the spike? All I did was go near the spike and use the quest item and it went on there and I wasn't dismounted. ;)

Комментарий от Lucipuss

Save yourself a lot of trouble and check out the screenshots, I did and could have saved some serious time had I looked at them before. I submitted one myself as well.

Комментарий от manfacks

I would have never found it without those screenshots!

Комментарий от Vengeancex

Shrek says something similar in one of the movies"That'll do donkey, that'll do"

Комментарий от Corehoundhunter

How did we fit the helm in a backpack?

Комментарий от lightmuse

Good Pics. The only thing I would add is that the spikes wont have the Helm that you see until you use the proclamation.

Комментарий от Rhyna

When I turned in the quest i snagged 195 rep for the Sons btw @a lvl 80


Комментарий от teniossa

muito fácil vá até a coordenada 64,60 (voando) e clique no item que você recebeu quando pegou a quest

very easy to go to the coordinates 64.60 (flying) and click the item that you received when you got the quest

Комментарий от shakirara

The Northern Ice Spike is the short one on Lorekeeper Randvir's right-hand side.

Комментарий от Cigg

I agree with other people that this quest was pretty hard to figure out what you should do to complete it.

Simple just fly to the ice spike that glitters and use the Tablets while you are mounted. --> DONE!

Комментарий от maroci

Whoever wrote this quest is a &*!@ing imbecile.

Комментарий от Gingerheart74

I don't quite see how everyone is having such a problem with this quest. It seemed very easy to me. Just turn away from Njormeld and the spike you want is right in front of you, with a nice big sparkle on it to let you know that it's the one you need. Seems to be more of a problem with the player than the game.

Комментарий от grimlee

http://tinypic.com/m/f4iw74/4 Here is the information you need, this was pretty bad and NOT obvious at all, I can see most just abandoning this quest or looking to youtube for the answer like I did.

Комментарий от LADYEAGLE00

by far the most ridiculous quest info given, THANKS TO THE SCREENSHOTS,,,I DIDNT DUMP THE QUEST~ I flew around entire spot looking for a sparkle of some sort...after getting a headache decided to come on here and get some help! THANK YOU!

Комментарий от 4545

whow do i mount hodir's helm

Комментарий от joresnik

I had trouble completing this quest - the pillar wasn't sparkling. I had to abandon the quest and re-log it, then it was sparkling

Комментарий от gort615

coordinates 64.16 by 58.95 that help any? fly up near the top of the spike.

then go to 63.26 by 63.15 and speak to Njormeld standing next to the anvil.

Комментарий от MsPhelix

To recap:The spike is just ahead of Njormeld - the direction he is facing - a spike to the North of him NOT the Northern Spike as the brief description at the top of the quest page says. Look for the sparkles - they are not constant and are more like a lighthouse beam swing around into your vision than the normal sparkles that mark a quest object.You do not land on the spike - just float there and read the proclamation.I agree this is not much of a quest.

Комментарий от ratxue

I failed to find the sparkly spike for ages, its the wording as much as anything else:The Northern ice spike - it isn't, there are plenty more northern.The Small ice spike - it isn't, there are plenty smaller.In Front of me - it isn't particularly, there are others more directly in front.

With camera zoomed in, stand behind Njormeld about as far as he is tall with the screen centered on the small of his back & look to his right about the level of his forearm.Wait a couple of seconds because the sparkles are like on loot but not continuous.

Комментарий от torquezzz

Fly to the top of the spike at 64.2,59.2 and use the quest item.

Комментарий от IrishSteel31

its under the large ice spice that is chained to the canyon wallsits a smaller ice spike beneith the large chained one

Комментарий от Alexandrias

I have an older computer - no sparkles for me. Had I gone through ALL the photo links in this thread, I would have found it sooner; as it was I spent a lot of time trying to match up the bones and chains from the Wowhead picture of it. If you're coming in through the valley towards the front entrance, the spike you want is located before you get to the the King on the left-hand side. If you can see the spear, it's to the left of that. I didn't land on the tip, because at that point I couldn't isolate it. When I finally saw everything match up to the picture all that was left to do was moving incrementally until the game would let me read the tablet.

Комментарий от fday

My spire didn't sparkle like described. It's the one right in front of the huge northern one with chains around it. Coordinates are 64.18 59.24.

Комментарий от Hairband

Nothing helpful in all these posts.

Look at my picture. You do not have to get off your mount, as you can see, I'm hovering over the spike which is in front of the largest CHAINED spike (several wraps, others are chained too but not wrapped 2-3 times).

Click tablet. Get prizes. :)

Комментарий от Kevinem

stand on spike ( with or without your mount ) at 64.2 - 59.2 and use the item .and it is done

Комментарий от bobsort

I couldn't see the sparkle as explained in other posts either. Dropping and taking quest again made it visible again.

You need to fly on top of spike and use tablet from your inventory. No dismount is required. being on near top edge is required, It will complain otherwise.(look at screenshot, It is marked with red arrow)

Комментарий от GitGudGuides

Mounting Hodir's Helm http://youtu.be/kOQMmA7_HG4

Комментарий от allOf

Mounting Hodir's Helm https://youtu.be/TVmD1XmLxcw

Комментарий от WoWGnGP

i made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex93bFZEVd0&feature=youtu.be

Комментарий от BaronErnstSCA

The spike you're looking for is much lower than the others and is located at 64.18, 59.27. Don't dismount just click and it'll automatically place the helm on it and then you can turn in the quest. I spent waaay too much time at the top of the tallest spire (directly above the correct one) trhing to place the helm there.


Полировка шлема - Задание - World of Warcraft

Краткая информация


Комментарий от baconn

Anyone want to polish my helm?

Комментарий от distomos

Located at 55.59, 62.94 -- directly west of Dun Niffelem. Kill the neutral slimes for the oil.

Appears to be a 100% drop rate.

Комментарий от Ingalill

Not even close to 100%... killed 11 got 1!

Комментарий от hidd

100% drop rate confirmed.

Комментарий от geordiesi

And I thought the big bone worm was funny now we got polishing the helm daily

Комментарий от K0n1jn

also: do NOT turn in the quest while on your flying mount.

I did, and it dismounted me to which I fell to my death...

Комментарий от Luxnoctis

You have to do "Forging a Head" first:http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=12985

Комментарий от ExEvolution

You can polish my helm any time baby

Комментарий от Hypotenuse

100% drop rate, preety good respawn rate (btw you might have to kill some worms that exist there)

Комментарий от Cityhunter0505

The Sons of Hodir daily quests:


Contains all daily quests from friendly to exalted and the repeatable quests. =)

Комментарий от Cyra

After about 30 kills I was wondering why these were not dropping. Ensure that your not in a Raid Group =p

Комментарий от Loady

A really fast and safe way to do this quest is, enter the cave and turn left. You will enter a rather big room, with a ledge on the right side. Go up that ledge and wait for the oozes to spawn and range pull them. They generally spawn in those little craters. This is really the best way to do it, because you hardly have to to worry about the aggresive adds. The respawn rate seems to depend on how many oozes in total are inside the cave. A few times, I had another one spawn as soon as I killed the previous one, meaning I did it as fast as Hitler conquered Poland.

Комментарий от trogodor

(Insert sex pun here)

Комментарий от jwilds73

The quest names are just hilarious. This gives me a great idea for a farming quest "Picks up, Hoes Down". You'ld have to clear a field of encrouching competition with your pick and then use your Hoe's to plant the field and profit. Should be from a goblin decked out in a pimp hat and clothing surrounded by women of all in game races.

Комментарий от theelementgod

Im not sure if this is the only one that does it but that oil in the far most left side of the cave respawns every 15 secs.

Upon attempting it the next day, the oil did not spawn that fast... glitch maybe?

Комментарий от Truelove

Did the quest on patch 3.1 and no oil dropped?Did they nerf the droprate?

Комментарий от bottlecap32

with the time it takes me to do this quest that helm would probably hae been broken by now :)

Комментарий от Elfmaid

Just a note for those who are unlocking this for the first time: If you are on the quest to kill the Jormutter (jormungar mother-critter) http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=13011, you get instanced so that you can't see the viscous oils.

Don't panic, just finish that quest and turn it in. The oils will appear the next time you go into the cave.

I flew around and slaughtered who knows how many of the worms before I figured it out. LOL. Hope this helps!

Комментарий от indifromspace

I created a map for a quick visual guide for the three dailies (Blowing Hodir's Horn, Polishing the Helm and Hot and Cold). The quest locations are marked along with the waypoint coordinates. A short quest description is included.

Комментарий от mstieler

Finally! A creature whose body is made up 100% of the item you're trying to get, and it's got a 100% drop rate.

Комментарий от Roxxy

A Youtube video of the quest

Комментарий от mg785

This quest awards 455 Reputation with the Sons of Hodir as of Patch 3.3.

Source: Sons of Hodir Dailies

Комментарий от Hapseleg

This quest now rewards 455 rep with the sons of hodir insted of 250

Комментарий от Berka

The cave entrance location is 55, 64. It will be on your right if you are headin SW from the quest giver.

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

Polishing the Helm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZAtoFsYp0Q Идите в пещеру зимней спячки, что к западу от Дун Ниффелема, и соберите 5 сгустков вязкого масла злобных масленышей. Потом возвращайтесь в Дун Ниффелем и натрите маслом шлем Ходира.


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Вы покрываете шлем тонким слоем масла, иней сразу же отпадает, и шлем начинает сверкать.


Вы получите: 7 40


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Wowhead Client (клиент Wowhead) — небольшое приложение, с помощью которого вы можете обновить данные на сайте, а так же воспользоваться дополнительными возможностями!  

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  1. Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter, который собирает данные, пока вы играете!  

  2. Он загружает собранные данные на Wowhead, обновляя базу данных!  

Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! 

Чего же вы ждете? Скачайте клиент Wowhead. 


Ковка шлема - Задание - World of Warcraft

Краткая информация


Комментарий от zephiK

The Frostfield Lake is located directly east of Duf Niffelem (69,58 are coordinates). Be prepared to fight 3 dwarfs that might spawn upon doing this quest, the dwarfs also drop the Stormforged Eyes.

Комментарий от fr0d0b0ls0n

As a feral is easy. Just use the pick while in flying form and go up when dwarfs spawn.

Комментарий от Oberscht

This is the first quest in the game with (something like) questmobs dropping 2 (!) eyes at the same time.

Комментарий от Oberscht

This is the first quest in the game with (something like) questmobs dropping 2 (!) eyes at the same time.

Комментарий от brister

These giants are unique to the World of Warcraft universe in that each one possess a full set of TWO eyes that you can scavenge.

Комментарий от Icemagic

you will need friendly rep to get this quest, for you backtrackers.

Комментарий от Creatine85

Dead Irons in the field use pick.

Комментарий от Foraker93

As of Sunday, December 14th. The quest is bugged. While using the quest item I accidently hit my keyboard and cancelled the cast of the mining pick at 0.1 second. I didn't have any ambushers pop up, and I gained 2 (normally just 1 eye when you fight the mobs) eyes instantly. Easy way to fight nothing and get your quest done in 4 giants.

Комментарий от Deasha

In order to complete this quest you need to do the following:

1. Find an Dead Iron Giant wich are around the lake 70,602. Use your Diamond Tipped Pick on them


Three Stormforged Ambusher will apear, one of them will drop a Stormforged EyeorYou mine one or more Stormforged Eye's

Комментарий от wolfmusic

A word to hunters: don't bother feign death-ing to avoid the mobs that spawn because it doesn't work on them.

Комментарий от colk

BTW this is a phased quest so you wont be able to see the quest mobs if your not on the quest

Комментарий от Ultimaz

Do i have to do anything special to unlock this quest? Like complete a quest in the long chain? I can't seem to find this quest anywhere.

Комментарий от Terpentin

Just a small tip: If you havent done this quest yet and your reputation with Sons of Hodir isn't exalted you better dont finish it. Since the area is good for farming relics anyway you can speed it up alot by picking the Elites to get 3 iron dwarfs and get 1 or 2 more of each pack. And they are @#$% easy to kill tbh. Got 127 when i was there nearly alone and farming then plus the brittle revenants and 97 with 2 other warriors in competition.

Комментарий от BlueRequiem

I have developed plans for another artifact, one that will grant Hodir's blessing of protection to our stronghold.

So Hodir was a paladin!

Комментарий от whitetailz

The king would only give me this quest once I became Friendly with The Sons of Hodir

Комментарий от amnesiac

Go to 71.62 and get target "Dead Iron Giant" s and use provided item on it.3 dwarfs wll be spawn .Kill them and loot quest items from them.

Комментарий от stephaniezara

If you step back just as the pick action completes, no mobs show up and you are credited for two eyes.

Комментарий от GitGudGuides

Forging a Head http://youtu.be/Pq34pSIgIV8

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

Forging a Head http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EqsCKzum7c

Комментарий от allOf

Forging a Head https://youtu.be/CjmLOe75JSM

Комментарий от WoWGnGP

i made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1HYDRLDnVU&feature=youtu.be По заданию Ньормельда в Дун Ниффелеме возьмите кирку с алмазным наконечником, вырвите с ее помощью глаза у мертвых железных великанов у Промерзшего озера и принесите ему 8 глаз Закаленных Бурей. Прилагается предмет:


Здравствуй, |3-6().

У меня есть работа, и король Йоккум считает, что ты вполне можешь с ней справиться – если, конечно, тебе все еще хочется заслужить уважение моего народа.

Я придумал, как можно воссоздать еще один артефакт, который принесет нашей крепости благословение и покровительство Ходира. У меня есть почти все, чтобы приступить к восстановлению. Осталось только добыть глаза наших павших врагов

Возьми кирку и принеси мне глаза мертвых железных великанов, которые остались на поле боя.

Ты принес то, о чем я тебя просил, |3-6(Дворф)?

Вот, почти все готово.

Когда шлем будет водружен на место, обитатели Дун Ниффелема будут заранее знать о грядущих опасностях.


Вы получите: 7 40


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  • Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Это же относится и к скриншотам, полученным с помощью Просмотрщика моделей или окна выбора персонажа.

  • Чем выше качество, тем лучше!

Просто введите ссылку на видео, в форму, расположенную ниже.

Wowhead Client (клиент Wowhead) — небольшое приложение, с помощью которого вы можете обновить данные на сайте, а так же воспользоваться дополнительными возможностями!  

Клиент Wowhead делает две вещи:  

  1. Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter, который собирает данные, пока вы играете!  

  2. Он загружает собранные данные на Wowhead, обновляя базу данных!  

Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! 

Чего же вы ждете? Скачайте клиент Wowhead. 


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